47 LCD-00100 to LCD-00219
- LCD-00100: internal error, argument [number]
Cause: An internal error has occurred
- LCD-00111: value not in legal range [string]
Cause: The value of the parameter is outside bounds
- LCD-00112: illegal integer radix specification [string]
Cause: Self Explanatory
- LCD-00113: integer conversion error or negative integer [string]
Cause: A bad or negative integer was assigned to an integer parameter
- LCD-00114: illegal boolean response [string]
Cause: You a value than TRUE or FALSE to a boolean parameter
- LCD-00122: unrecognized keyword [string]
Cause: You have misspelled the parameter name
- LCD-00128: invalid positional parameter value [string]
Cause: An invalid positional parameter value has been entered
- LCD-00161: ORACLE error (possible syntax error) parameter [string]
Cause: Possible syntax error. Additional messages follow.
- LCD-00201: could not open specified filename [string]
Cause: The file specified does not exist
- LCD-00203: missing keyword [string]
Cause: A keyword is expected but none was found
- LCD-00204: left parenth and no parameter specified [string]
Cause: A parameter list was started but no parameter was specified
- LCD-00205: unbalanced parentheses [string]
Cause: Self explanatory
- LCD-00206: positional parameter entered after keyword [string]
Cause: An '=' sign is missing
- LCD-00207: nested parentheses encountered [string]
Cause: Only one set of parentheses is permitted
- LCD-00208: unexpected keyword in value list [string]
Cause: A keyword was found instead of a value
- LCD-00209: missing value for keyword at end of string [string]
Cause: A keyword is specified with no value
- LCD-00210: illegal assignment operator [string]
Cause: You used a sign other than '=' to assign a keyword a value
- LCD-00211: unexpected delimiter [string]
Cause: An invalid delimiter was found between values
- LCD-00212: runaway quoted string [string]
Cause: The parameter value was quoted on the left side but not on the right
- LCD-00215: parameter files nested too deep [string]
Cause: Too many levels of indirection of file parameters. Maximum is 3.
- LCD-00217: failure while processing file parameter [string]
Cause: An error occurred while processing the specified file parameter
- LCD-00218: error in file [string]
Cause: An error occurred in the particular file.
- LCD-00219: nested include file [string] is too large
Cause: There is a limit on the size of a parameter file, and it was exceeded. This limit is now 8192 bytes.