Oracle® Objects for OLE Developer's Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2) for Microsoft Windows Part Number E17727-03 |
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The OraCollection
interface represents Oracle collection types, such as variable-length arrays (VARRAY
s) and nested tables.
A collection is an ordered group of elements, all of the same type. For example, the students in a class or the grades for each student in a class. Each element has a unique subscript, called an index, that determines its position in the collection.
The collection type nested table is viewed as a table stored in the column of database tables. When retrieved, rows of a nested table are given consecutive subscripts that start at 1
. Individual rows are accessed using an array-like access.
The collection type VARRAY
is viewed as an array stored in the column of database tables. To reference an element in a VARRAY
data type, standard subscripting syntax can be used. For example, Grade(3)
references the third element in the VARRAY
data type named Grades
The OraCollection
provides methods for accessing and manipulating an Oracle collection. Implicitly an OraCollection
object contains an OLE Automation collection interface for accessing and manipulating (updating and inserting) individual elements of an Oracle collection. Individual elements can be accessed by using a subscript. An OraCollection
element index starts at 1.
Element values are retrieved as Variant
types. The Variant
type of the element depends on the element type of the collection. Element values can be Null
and can be set to Null
. For elements of type objects and REF
s, element values are returned as corresponding OO4O objects for that type. VARRAY
s and nested tables do not support the elements of LOBs, VARRAY
s, and Nested tables.
Table 9-1 lists the element type and return value of the elements.
OOFOL371Table 9-1 Element Type and Return Value of Elements
Element Type | Element Value |
Element values are converted into a Variant
format using the SafeArray
property. Only elements of primitive types are supported. A Variant
index starts at 0
The CreateOraObject
method on the OraDatabase
object returns the OraCollection
object. The Oracle collection associated with this OraCollection
object is created in the client-side object cache.
For information about creating a dynaset from a collection, see to "Creating a Dynaset from an OraCollection Object".
Before running the sample code, make sure that you have the necessary data types and tables in the database. See "Schema Objects Used in OraCollection Examples" for schema objects that are used in the OraCollection
OOFOL372Example: Accessing Collection Elements
The following example illustrates how to access collection elements.
OraDynaset Example
Dim OraSession as OraSession Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase Dim OraDynaset as OraDynaset Dim EnameList as OraCollection 'create the OraSession Object. Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 'create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle. Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb","scott/tiger", 0&) 'create a dynaset object from department set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from department", 0&) 'retrieve a Enames column from Department. 'Here Value property of OraField object returns EnameList OraCollection set EnameList = OraDynaset.Fields("Enames").Value 'access the first element of EnameList msgbox EnameList(1) 'move to next to row OraDynaset.MoveNext 'access all the elements of EnameList for the second row For index = 1 To EnameList.Size msgbox EnameList(index) Next Index
OraParameter Example
Dim OraSession as OraSession Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase Dim EnameList as OraCollection 'Create the OraSession Object. Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle. Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&) 'create an OraParameter object representing EnameList collection bind Variable OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "ENAMES", Null, ORAPARM_OUTPUT, _ ORATYPE_VARRAY,"ENAMELIST" 'execute the sql statement which selects ENAMES VARRAY from the department table OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("BEGIN select enames into :ENAMES from department " & _ "where dept_id = 10; END;") 'get the EnameList collection from OraParameter set EnameList = OraDatabase.Parameters("ENAMES").Value 'access all the elements of EnameList For index = 1 To EnameList.Size msgbox EnameList(index) Next Index
OOFOL373Example: Modifying Collection Elements
The following example illustrates how to modify collection elements.
Dim OraSession as OraSession Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase Dim OraDynaset as OraDynaset Dim EnameList as OraCollection 'create the OraSession Object. Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 'create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle. Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&) 'create a dynaset object from department set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from department", 0&) 'retrieve a Enames column from Department. Here Value property of OraField object 'returns EnameList OraCollection set EnameList = OraDynaset.Fields("Enames").Value 'lock the row for editing and set the 2nd element of the EnameList to new value OraDynaset.Edit EnameList(2) = "Eric" OraDynaset.Update
OOFOL374Example: Inserting in a Collection
The following example illustrates how to insert elements into an Oracle collection.
OraDynaset Example
Dim OraSession as OraSession Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase Dim OraDynaset as OraDynaset Dim EnameListNew as OraCollection 'create the OraSession Object. Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 'create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle. Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&) 'create a new OraCollection object from the database set EnameListNew = OraDatabase.CreateOraObject("ENAMELIST") 'set EnameListNew's element values EnameListNew(1) = "Nasser" EnameListNew(2) = "Chris" EnameListNew(3) = "Gopal" 'create a dynaset object from department set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from department", 0&) 'start the AddNew operation and insert the EnameListNew collection OraDynaset.AddNew OraDynaset.Fields("dept_id") = 40 OraDynaset.Fields("name") = "DEVELOPMENT" 'set the EnameListNew to enames column OraDynaset.Fields("enames") = EnameListNew OraDynaset.Update
OraParameter Example
Dim OraSession as OraSession Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase Dim EnameListNew as OraCollection 'Create the OraSession Object. Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle. Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&) 'create a new OraCollection object from the database set EnameListNew = OraDatabase.CreateOraObject("ENAMELIST") 'set EnameListNew's element values EnameListNew(1) = "Nasser" EnameListNew(2) = "Chris" EnameListNew(3) = "Gopal" 'create an input OraParameter object representing EnameList collection bind 'Variable OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "ENAMES", Null, ORAPARM_INPUT, ORATYPE_VARRAY, _ "ENAMELIST" 'set the ENAMES parameter value to EnameListNew OraDatabase.Parameters("ENAMES").Value = EnameListNew 'execute the insert sql statement OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("insert into department values (40,'DEVELOPMENT', " & _ ":ENAMES)")
OOFOL375Example: Collection with Object Type Elements
The following example illustrates the use of an Oracle collection having elements of object type.
Dim OraSession as OraSession Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase Dim OraDynaset as OraDynaset Dim CourseList as OraCollection Dim Course as OraObject 'create the OraSession Object. Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 'create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle. Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&) 'create a dynaset object from division set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from division", 0&) 'retrieve a Courses column from Division. 'Here Value property of OraField object returns CourseList OraCollection set CourseList = OraDynaset.Fields("Courses").Value 'retrieve the element value of the CourseList at index 1. 'Here element value is returned as Course OraObject set Course = CourseList(1) 'retrieve course_no and title attribute of the Course msgbox Course.course_no msgbox Course.title 'move to next row OraDynaset.MoveNext 'now CourseList object represents collection value for the second row 'and course OraObject 'represents the element value at index 1. 'retrieve course_no and title attribute of the Course. msgbox Course.course_no msgbox Course.title
OOFOL376Example: Creating a SAFEARRAY Variant from a Collection
The following example illustrates how to get and set a SAFEARRAY Variant
with an Oracle collection.
Creating SAFEARRAY Variant from a Collection
Dim OraSession as OraSession Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase Dim OraDynaset as OraDynaset Dim EnameList as OraCollection Dim EnameArray as Variant 'create the OraSession Object. Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 'create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle. Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&) 'create a dynaset object from department set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from department", 0&) 'retrieve a Enames column from Department. 'Here Value property of OraField objectreturns EnameList OraCollection set EnameList = OraDynaset.Fields("Enames").Value 'get the Variant SAFEARRAY from the collection. EnameArray = EnameList.SafeArray 'display the individual elements of EnameArray msgbox EnameArray(0) msgbox EnameArray(1) msgbox EnameArray(2)
Setting SAFEARRAY Variant to the Collection
Dim OraSession as OraSession Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase Dim EnameList as OraCollection Dim EnameArray() As String ReDim EnameArray(3) 'Create the OraSession Object. Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle. Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&) 'create an Empty uninitialized input OraParameter object 'represent EnameList collection bind Variable OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "ENAMES", Empty, ORAPARM_INPUT, _ ORATYPE_VARRAY,"ENAMELIST" 'get the Empty uninitialized ENAMES parameter value set EnameList = OraDatabase.Parameters("ENAMES").Value 'initialize the EnameArray EnameArray(0) = "Nasser" EnameArray(1) = "Chris" EnameArray(2) = "Gopal" 'set the EnameArray to EnameList's SafeArray EnameList.SafeArray = EnameArray 'execute the insert sql statement OraDatabase.ExecuteSQL ("insert into department " & _ "values (40,'DEVELOPMENT', :ENAMES)")
OOFOL377Example: Creating a Dynaset from a Collection
The following example illustrates how to create a dynaset from an Oracle collection.
Dim OraSession as OraSession Dim OraDatabase as OraDatabase Dim OraDynaset as OraDynaset Dim CourseList as OraCollection Dim Course as OraObject Dim CourseListDyn as OraDynaset 'create the OraSession Object. Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") 'create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle. Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&) 'create a dynaset object from division set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from division", 0&) 'retrieve a Courses column from Division. Here Value 'property of OraField object returns CourseList OraCollection set CourseList = OraDynaset.Fields("Courses").Value 'create a input parameter for CourseList for nested table dynaset OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "COURSELIST", CourseList, ORAPARM_INPUT, _ ORATYPE_TABLE, "COURSELIST" 'create a read only dynaset based on the CourseList. Set CourseListDyn = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from THE" & _ "(select CAST(:COURSELIST AS COURSELIST) from dual)", ORADYN_READONLY) 'dynaset can also be created from Oracle8 collection 'using the following statement, which requires OO4O v8.1.x later Set CourseListDyn = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from " & _ "TABLE(CAST(:COURSELIST AS COURSELIST))", ORADYN_READONLY) 'get the field values of the collection dynaset msgbox CourseListDyn.Fields("title").Value msgbox CourseListDyn.Fields("course_no").Value 'move the original dynaset to second row Oradynaset.MoveNext 'set the new value of CourseList collection from the second row of main dynaset 'to the "COURSELIST" parameter OraDatabase.Parameters("COURSELIST").Value = CourseList 'refresh the collection dynaset. Now the collection dynaset values are refreshed ' with new collection value. CourseListDyn.Refresh 'get the field values of the collection dynaset msgbox CourseListDyn.Fields("title").Value msgbox CourseListDyn.Fields("course_no").Value
OOFOL378Example: Collection Iterator