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Oracle® TimesTen In-Memory Database Java Developer's Guide
Release 2 (11.2.2)
Part Number E21638-04
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What's New
New features in Release
Java Development Environment
Installing TimesTen and the JDK
Setting the environment for Java development
Compiling Java applications
About the TimesTen Java demos
Working with TimesTen Databases in JDBC
Key JDBC classes and interfaces
Package imports
Support for interfaces in the java.sql package
Support for classes in the java.sql package
Support for interfaces and classes in the javax.sql package
TimesTen JDBC extensions
Additional TimesTen classes and interfaces
Managing TimesTen database connections
Create a connection URL for the database and specify connection attributes
Connect to the database
Disconnect from the database
Open and close a direct connection
Access control for connections
Managing TimesTen data
Executing simple SQL statements
Working with TimesTen result sets: hints and restrictions
Fetching multiple rows of data
Binding parameters and executing statements
Preparing SQL statements and setting input parameters
Working with output and input/output parameters
Binding duplicate parameters in SQL statements
Binding duplicate parameters in PL/SQL
Binding associative arrays
Working with REF CURSORs
Working with DML returning (RETURNING INTO clause)
Working with rowids
Working with LOBs
About LOBs
LOB objects in JDBC
Differences between TimesTen LOBs and Oracle Database LOBs
LOB factory methods
LOB getter and setter methods
TimesTen LOB interface methods
LOB prefetching
Passthrough LOBs
Committing or rolling back changes to the database
Setting autocommit
Manually committing or rolling back changes
Using COMMIT and ROLLBACK SQL statements
Managing multiple threads
Java escape syntax and SQL functions
Using additional TimesTen data management features
Using CALL to execute procedures and functions
Setting a timeout or threshold for executing SQL statements
Setting a timeout duration for SQL statements
Setting a threshold duration for SQL statements
Features for use with IMDB Cache
Setting temporary passthrough level with the ttOptSetFlag built-in procedure
Managing cache groups
Features for use with replication
Considering TimesTen features for access control
Handling errors
About fatal errors, non-fatal errors, and warnings
Handling fatal errors
Handling non-fatal errors
About warnings
Abnormal termination
Reporting errors and warnings
Catching and responding to specific errors
Rolling back failed transactions
JDBC support for automatic client failover
Features and functionality of JDBC support for automatic client failover
General Client Failover Features
Client failover features for pooled connections
Configuration of automatic client failover
Synchronous detection of automatic client failover
Asynchronous detection of automatic client failover
Implement a client failover event listener
Register the client failover listener instance
Remove the client failover listener instance
Using JMS/XLA for Event Management
JMS/XLA concepts
How XLA reads records from the transaction log
XLA and materialized views
XLA bookmarks
How bookmarks work
Replicated bookmarks
XLA bookmarks and transaction log holds
JMS/XLA configuration file and topics
XLA updates
XLA acknowledgment modes
Prefetching updates
Acknowledging updates
Access control impact on XLA
XLA limitations
JMS/XLA and Oracle GDK dependency
Connecting to XLA
Monitoring tables for updates
Receiving and processing updates
Terminating a JMS/XLA application
Closing the connection
Deleting bookmarks
Unsubscribing from a table
Using JMS/XLA as a replication mechanism
Applying JMS/XLA messages to a target database
TargetDataStore error recovery
Distributed Transaction Processing: JTA
Overview of JTA
X/Open DTP model
Two-phase commit
Using JTA in TimesTen
TimesTen database requirements for XA
Global transaction recovery in TimesTen
XA error handling in TimesTen
Using the JTA API
Required packages
Creating a TimesTen XAConnection object
Creating XAResource and Connection objects
Java Application Tuning
Tuning JDBC applications
Use prepared statement pooling
Use arrays of parameters for batch execution
Bulk fetch rows of TimesTen data
Use the ResultSet method getString() sparingly
Avoid data type conversions
Close connections, statements, and result sets
Tuning JMS/XLA applications
Configure xlaPrefetch parameter
Reduce frequency of update acknowledgments
Handling high event rates
JMS/XLA Reference
JMS/XLA MapMessage contents
XLA update types
XLA flags
DML event data formats
Table data
Row data
Context information
DDL event data formats
Data type support
Data type mapping
Data types character set
JMS classes for event handling
JMS/XLA replication API
TargetDataStore interface
TargetDataStoreImpl class
JMS message header fields
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