Oracle® TimesTen In-Memory Database C Developer's Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2.2) Part Number E21637-04 |
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TimesTen and Oracle IMDB Cache support the Oracle Pro*C/C++ Precompiler for C and C++ applications. You can use the precompiler with embedded SQL and PL/SQL applications that access the TimesTen database.
This chapter provides an overview and TimesTen-specific information regarding Pro*C/C++, especially emphasizing differences between using Pro*C/C++ with TimesTen versus with Oracle Database. For complete information about Pro*C/C++, you can refer to Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide in the Oracle Database library.
Also note that Chapter 2, "Working with TimesTen Databases in ODBC", contains information that may be of general interest regarding TimesTen features.
This chapter includes the following topics:
The Oracle Pro*C/C++ Precompiler enables you to embed SQL statements or PL/SQL blocks directly into C or C++ code. Further, you can use your C or C++ program host variables in your embedded SQL or PL/SQL.
You use a precompilation step to convert the Pro*C/C++ source file into a C or C++ source file. The precompiler accepts the Pro*C/C++ file as input, translates embedded SQL statements into standard Oracle Database runtime library calls, and generates a modified source code file that you can then compile and link. Pro*C/C++ code is linked against the Oracle precompiler SQLLIB
library, which is shipped with TimesTen as part of the Oracle Instant Client.
TimesTen support for the Oracle Pro*C/C++ Precompiler depends on TimesTen OCI. TimesTen OCI depends on the Oracle client library and the TimesTen ODBC libraries. See Figure 3-1 to see where OCI and Pro*C/C++ fit in the TimesTen architecture.
This chapter contains information specific to using the Oracle Pro*C/C++ Precompiler with TimesTen. The syntax and usage of the Oracle Pro*C/C++ Precompiler with TimesTen is essentially the same as with Oracle Database.
The rest of this section includes the following topics.
TTCDV225Because TimesTen support of the Oracle Pro*C/C++ Precompiler depends on TimesTen OCI support, restrictions for TimesTen OCI apply to Pro*C/C++ applications.
In addition, TimesTen does not support OCI calls that are related to functionality that does not exist in TimesTen.
For more information about TimesTen OCI support, see Chapter 3, "TimesTen Support for OCI." Much of the information there may apply to Pro*C/C++ applications as well.
The TimesTen Pro*C/C++ Precompiler does not support embedded SQL for functionality that TimesTen and IMDB Cache do not support. See "TimesTen restrictions and differences".
TimesTen provides the following support for SQLLIB
) is supported.
is supported following only SELECT FOR UPDATE
In addition, TimesTen support for the Oracle Pro*C/C++ Precompiler has the following restrictions:
is not supported.
Stored Java subprograms are not supported.
TimesTen support for the Oracle Pro*C/C++ Precompiler does not provide semantic checking during precompilation. A SQLCHECK
precompiler option setting that specifies semantic checking is permissible but has no effect.
It is important to be aware, however, that a setting of SEMANTICS
results in a database connection even though precompilation semantic checking is not performed. Therefore, a setting of SEMANTICS
requires the following during precompilation:
The database must be running.
precompiler option must be set, either on the command line or in the pcscfg.cfg
configuration file. You must provide the user name and password for an existing TimesTen user, and a TNS name that points to the database. In the following example, you will be prompted for the password:
Alternatively, you can enter USERID=user1/mypassword@my_tnsname
, but for security reasons it is not advisable to specify a password on a command line or in a configuration file.
See "Connecting to a TimesTen database from Pro*C/C++" for information about usage and syntax for TNS names.
See the next section, "Embedded PL/SQL restrictions", for related information about Pro*C/C++ programs that use PL/SQL.
In TimesTen, if a Pro*C/C++ application contains PL/SQL blocks, then Pro*C/C++ acts as though the SQLCHECK
setting is SEMANTICS
. It is important to be aware that this results in a database connection even though precompilation semantic checking is not performed. Therefore, using PL/SQL in a Pro*C/C++ application requires the following during precompilation:
The database must be running.
precompiler option must be set, specifying an existing TimesTen user. See the preceding section, "Semantic checking restrictions", for details about setting this option.
Regarding transactions, TimesTen support for the Oracle Pro*C/C++ Precompiler does not provide the following:
SQL statement
SQL statement
You can still have transactions with commit and rollback, just not the SET TRANSACTION
SQL statement.
Fetch across commits
Distributed transactions
Regarding connections, TimesTen support for the Oracle Pro*C/C++ Precompiler does not provide the following:
Automatic connections to the database
Making connections to the database with SYSDBA
privilege, given that these privileges do not exist in TimesTen
Implicit connections (dblinks) to a TimesTen or Oracle Database
For information about supported connection syntax, see "Connecting to a TimesTen database from Pro*C/C++".
Given restrictions including those noted in the preceding sections, this section summarizes the Pro*C/C++ EXEC
SQL executable commands, categories of commands, and command clauses that TimesTen does not support or supports only partially:
This is supported only for calling PL/SQL. To call TimesTen built-in procedures, use dynamic SQL statements.
" command
'some text'
'some text' RELEASE
clause is not supported.
clause is not supported.
Only Oracle Database data types are supported.
Any "OBJECT...
" command
If you have an existing Pro*C/C++ program and want to see whether it uses Pro*C/C++ features that TimesTen does not support, you can use the ttSrcScan
command line utility to scan your program for unsupported embedded SQL functions and types. This is a standalone utility that can be run without TimesTen or Oracle Database being installed and runs on any platform supported by TimesTen. It reads source code files as input and creates HTML and text files as output. If the utility finds unsupported items, they are logged and alternatives are suggested. You can find the ttSrcScan
executable in the quickstart/sample_util
directory in your TimesTen installation.
Specify an input file or directory for the program to be scanned and an output directory for the ttSrcScan
reports. Other options are available as well. See the README file in the sample_util
directory for information.
This section covers the following topics for getting started with a Pro*C/C++ application for TimesTen:
The Pro*C/C++ system configuration file pcscfg.cfg
contains the precompiler options for precompilation of your Pro*C/C++ source code. In TimesTen, you must use the version of this file that TimesTen provides. This will typically happen automatically if you ensure appropriate configuration for TimesTen by executing the TimesTen ttenv
script. Also see "Environment variables for TimesTen OCI" and "Setting the environment for development".
To ensure proper generation of OCI and Pro*C/C++ programs to be run on TimesTen, do not setORACLE_HOME
(or unset it if it was set previously) for OCI and Pro*C/C++ compilations.Before building a Pro*C/C++ application, you must set up your environment:
You can use the TimesTen OCI and Pro*C/C++ Makefiles provided with the Quick Start demos to implement appropriate environment settings. These are in the following locations (assuming the standard Quick Start location):
install_dir/quickstart/sample_code/oci/ install_dir/quickstart/sample_code/proc/
is set so that the Oracle Instant Client directory precedes the Oracle Database libraries in the path. The path will be set properly if you use the install_dir
script or quickstart/ttquickstartenv
script. See "Environment variables" in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Installation Guide for information about environment variables and ttenv
Then use steps such as the following to build a Pro*C/C++ application. The steps shown here present a basic example for a UNIX system and assume the program has no other includes (#include
) or links to other libraries. The designation instant_client
represents the directory where Oracle Instant Client is installed.
See the Quick Start Pro*C/C++ Makefile in the quickstart/sample_code/proc
directory for complete, platform-specific examples.
Precompile the Pro*C/C++ source file by using the proc
command from your system prompt. For example:
% proc iname=sample.pc
The proc
utility takes a .pc
source file as input and produces a .c
Compile the resulting C code file. On Linux platforms, enter a command similar to the following:
% gcc -c sample.c -I(instant_client)/sdk/
Link the resulting object modules with modules in SQLLIB
. For example:
% gcc -o sample sample.o -L(instant_client)/lib -lclntsh
This section provides information on connecting to TimesTen from a Pro*C/C++ application. Also see "Connecting to a TimesTen database from OCI" for information about using the tnsnames
naming method or easy connect naming method to connect to the database.
The following topics are covered here:
A TimesTen connection cannot be inherited from a parent process. If a process opens a database connection before creating (forking) a child process, the child must not use the connection. In Pro*C/C++, to avoid having a child process inadvertently inherit a connection from its parent, useEXEC SQL COMMIT RELEASE
in the parent before creating the child.TimesTen supports the following connection syntax:
EXEC SQL CONNECT{:user IDENTIFIED BY :pwd | :user_string} [[AT{dbname |:host_variable}]USING :connect_string];
The parameters are described in Table 4-1.
TTCDV237Table 4-1 Connection parameters
Parameter | Description |
User name |
Password |
Alternative to separate This is a user name and password separated by a slash, such as |
Database identifier declared in a previous |
Variable whose value is a database identifier |
Valid TNS name or easy connect string for a TimesTen database |
syntax can be simplified if you use the Oracle tnsnames
or easy connect method.
From Pro*C/C++, you can use a host variable to specify the user name, password, and a TNS name. For example:
Where dbstring
is set to "user1/pwd1@my_tnsname
Alternatively, the host variable could specify the user name, password, and an easy connect string. For example, dbstring
could be set to "user1/pwd1@localhost/ttclient:timesten_client
Or, if the TWO_TASK
environment variable, as applicable for your operating system, is set to "my_tnsname
" or "localhost/ttclient:timesten_client
", you could connect as in the following example:
To use IMDB Cache, there must be a cache user in the TimesTen database with the same name as an Oracle Database user who can select from and update the cached Oracle Database tables. This Oracle Database user, for example, can be the cache administration user or a schema user. The password of the TimesTen cache user can be different from the password of the Oracle Database user with the same name. See "Setting Up a Caching Infrastructure" in Oracle In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide for details.
For use of Pro*C/C++ with IMDB Cache, TimesTen allows you to pass the Oracle Database user's password through Pro*C/C++ by appending it to the password field in an EXEC SQL CONNECT
call when you log in to TimesTen. Use the attribute OraclePWD
in the connect string, such as in the following example:
text *cacheuser = (text *)"cacheuser1"; text *cachepwds = (text *)"ttpwd;OraclePWD=orclpwd"; text *dbname = (text *)"tt_tnsname"; .... EXEC SQL CONNECT :cacheuser IDENTIFIED BY :cachepwds AT :dbname
You must always specify OraclePWD
, even if the Oracle Database user's password is the same as the TimesTen user's password. Furthermore, in the circumstance of specifying an Oracle Database password for IMDB Cache, you must use a form of EXEC SQL CONNECT
that specifies the password as a separate host variable. In this example, cacheuser1
is the name of the TimesTen cache user as well as the name of the Oracle Database user who can access the cached Oracle Database tables, ttpwd
is the password of the TimesTen cache user, orclpwd
is the password of the Oracle Database user, and tt_tnsname
is the TNS name of the TimesTen database being connected to. The Oracle database is specified through the TimesTen OracleNetServiceName
general connection attribute in the sys.odbc.ini
or user odbc.ini
Alternatively, instead of using the AT
clause with a TNS name, you could use the TWO_TASK
environment variable, as discussed in "Connecting to a TimesTen database from OCI".
You can connect through Pro*C/C++ as an externally identified user (external user) by specifying the user name in brackets, such as "[myadmin]
", and the password as an empty string, "".
In particular, this is useful in connecting as the instance administrator, which in TimesTen is always an external user.
Consider the following example.
text *instanceadmin = (text *)"[myadmin]"; text *instanceadminpwd = (text *)""; text *dbname = (text *)"tt_tnsname"; .... EXEC SQL CONNECT :instanceadmin IDENTIFIED BY :instanceadminpwd AT :dbname
This functionality uses OCI proxy syntax. You can refer to the discussion of client access through a proxy in Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide.
Be aware of the following regarding error conditions and error reporting:
Errors under TimesTen Pro*C/C++ applications return Oracle Database error codes. TimesTen attempts to report the same error code as Oracle Database would under similar conditions. The error messages may come from either the TimesTen catalog or the Oracle Database catalog. Some error messages may indicate the accompanying TimesTen error code if appropriate. Pro*C/C++ applications that rely on parsing error codes should be checked.
TimesTen supports the WHENEVER SQLERROR
directive, to go to an error handler if an error occurs, and the WHENEVER NOT FOUND
directive, to go to a handling section if a "no data found" condition occurs. TimesTen does not support the WHENEVER SQLWARNING
This section covers additional features you can use with Pro*C/C++ in TimesTen:
TTCDV538As discussed in "Associative array bindings in TimesTen OCI", associative arrays, formerly known as index-by tables or PL/SQL tables, are supported as IN
, or IN OUT
bind parameters in TimesTen PL/SQL. See that section for additional information and limitations.
You can pass associative arrays between PL/SQL blocks and Pro*C/C++ applications as well as OCI applications. They can be indexed by a PL/SQL variable of type BINARY_INTEGER
Normally, the entire host array is passed to PL/SQL, but you can use the Pro*C/C++ ARRAYLEN
statement to specify a smaller array dimension.
For more information, refer to "PL/SQL Tables", "Host Arrays", and "ARRAYLEN Statement" under "Embedded PL/SQL" in Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide.
TTCDV539Example 4-1 Binding to an associative array from Pro*C/C++
This code excerpt shows the array salary[]
being bound from Pro*C/C++ into the associative array num_tab
in PL/SQL.
... float salary[100]; /* populate the host array */ EXEC SQL EXECUTE DECLARE TYPE NumTabTyp IS TABLE OF REAL INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; median_salary REAL; n BINARY_INTEGER; ... FUNCTION median (num_tab NumTabTyp, n INTEGER) RETURN REAL IS BEGIN -- compute median END; BEGIN n := 100; median_salary := median(:salary, n); ... END; END-EXEC; ...
TimesTen supports LOBs (large objects). This includes CLOBs (character LOBs), NCLOBs (national character LOBs), and BLOBs (binary LOBs).
See "Working with LOBs". That section is ODBC-oriented but also provides a general overview of LOBs, differences between TimesTen and Oracle Database LOBs, and LOB programming interfaces. Also see "LOBs in TimesTen OCI" for information about LOB locators, temporary LOBs, using the simple data interface or LOB locator interface in OCI, and additional OCI LOB features.
This section focuses on key Pro*C/C++ LOB features and TimesTen-specific support and restrictions.
See "LOB data types" in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference for additional information about LOBs in TimesTen.
For complete information about LOBs and how to use them in Pro*C/C++, refer to "LOBs" in Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide, keeping in mind that TimesTen does not support BFILEs, SecureFiles, array reads and writes for LOBs, or callback functions for LOBs. In particular, see "How to Use LOBs in Your Program" within that chapter.
The following topics are covered for Pro*C/C++:
As indicated in the OCI chapter, in TimesTen a LOB used in an application does not remain valid past the end of the transaction.Note:
The LOB piecewise data interface is not applicable to OCI or Pro*C/C++ applications in TimesTen. (You can, however, manipulate LOB data in pieces through features of the LOB locator interface.)The simple data interface enables applications to manipulate LOB data similarly to how they would manipulate other types of scalar data, such as by using EXEC SQL INSERT
. The application can use a LOB type that is compatible with the corresponding variable type.
An application can use the EMPTY_BLOB()
function, as appropriate, to initialize a persistent LOB. This is similar to using ALLOCATE
in the LOB locator interface, discussed next. Consider the following tables:
EXEC SQL CREATE TABLE lob_table ( a_blob BLOB, a_clob CLOB ); ... EXEC SQL INSERT INTO lob_table (a_blob, a_clob) VALUES (EMPTY_BLOB(), EMPTY_CLOB()); ... EXEC SQL CREATE TABLE data_table ( name VARCHAR2(30), length NUMBER(10), bincol BLOB, charcol CLOB );
The following selects LOB data from data_table
into myblob
and myclob
, then inserts the LOB data into lob_table
... OCIBlobLocator *myblob; OCIClobLocator *myclob; ... EXEC SQL SELECT bincol, charcol INTO :myblob, :myclob FROM data_table WHERE name = :key; ... // Put data into lob_table. ... EXEC SQL INSERT INTO lob_table (a_blob, a_clob) VALUES (:myblob, :myclob);
To use an NCLOB, declare the variable as follows:
The simple data interface, through OCI or Pro*C/C++, limits bind sizes to 64 KB.You can use the Pro*C/C++ LOB locator interface to work with either LOBs from the database or temporary LOBs, either piece-by-piece or in whole chunks.
Refer to "LOB Statements" in Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide for detailed information about Pro*C/C++ statements for LOBs, noting that TimesTen does not support features specifically intended for BFILEs, SecureFiles, array reads and writes for LOBs, or callback functions for LOBs.
Refer to the lobdemo1.pc
example in "LOBs" in Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide for an end-to-end example.
Also see "Using the LOB locator interface in OCI" for related information and usage notes.
If Pro*C/C++ syntax does not provide enough functionality to fully specify what you want to accomplish for any operation, you can use the corresponding OCI function as an alternative.A Pro*C/C++ application can create a temporary LOB by using the CREATE TEMPORARY
embedded SQL feature, after first using the ALLOCATE
feature to allocate the locator. Use FREE
to free the allocation for the locator and FREE TEMPORARY
to free the temporary LOB itself. This is shown below.
Also see "Create a temporary LOB in OCI".
In TimesTen, creation of a temporary LOB will result in creation of a database transaction if one is not already in progress. To avoid error conditions, you must execute a commit or rollback to close the transaction.OCIClobLocator *tempclob; EXEC SQL ALLOCATE :tempclob; EXEC SQL LOB CREATE TEMPORARY :tempclob; ... // (Manipulate LOB as desired.) ... EXEC SQL FREE TEMPORARY :tempclob; EXEC SQL FREE :tempclob;
Alternatively, if you want to specify the LOB character set (here NCHAR
), you can use the corresponding OCI function:
An application typically accesses a LOB from the database by using a SQL statement to obtain a LOB locator, then passing the locator to an appropriate API function.
Also see "Access the locator of a persistent LOB in OCI".
The following excerpts are from the previously mentioned lobdemo1.pc
example in Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide. The example uses a CLOB license_txt
and table license_table
whose columns are social security number, name, and text summarizing driving offenses (a CLOB
OCIClobLocator *license_txt; ... EXEC SQL ALLOCATE :license_txt; ... EXEC SQL SELECT name, txt_summary INTO :name, :license_txt FROM license_table WHERE sss = :sss;
A Pro*C/C++ application can use LOB OPEN
to open and close a LOB, LOB READ
to read LOB data, LOB WRITE
to write or append LOB data, LOB DESCRIBE
to obtain information about a LOB, and various other Pro*C/C++ features to perform a variety of other actions. All the Pro*C/C++ LOB locator interface features are covered in detail in "LOBs" in Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide.
To write data, use LOB WRITE ONE
to write the data in a single chunk. TimesTen does not support LOB WRITE FIRST
(features of the piecewise data interface).
Also see "Read and write LOB data using the OCI LOB locator interface".
Here is an example of an EXEC SQL LOB READ
EXEC SQL LOB READ :amt FROM :blob INTO :buffer;
Refer to "Read a File, WRITE a BLOB Example" in "LOBs" in Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide for additional information.
Here is an example of an EXEC SQL LOB WRITE
statement (writing the LOB data in one chunk):
EXEC SQL LOB WRITE ONE :amt FROM :buffer INTO :blob;
Refer to "READ a BLOB, Write a File Example" in "LOBs" in Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide for additional information.
Here is an example of an EXEC SQL LOB WRITE APPEND
Opening a LOB is similar conceptually, but not technically, to opening a file. Opening a LOB is more like a hint regarding resources to be required.Be aware that a LOB being accessed by OCILobRead()
, OCILobWrite()
, or equivalent functionality is opened automatically as necessary.
TTCDV546Example 4-2 Write a LOB using Pro*C/C++ LOB locator interface
The following excerpt is from the previously mentioned lobdemo1.pc
example in Pro*C/C++ Programmer's Guide.
... OCIClobLocator *a_clob; char *charbuf; ub4 ClobLen, WriteAmt; int CharLen = strlen(charbuf); int NewCharbufLen = CharLen + DATELENGTH + 4; varchar *NewCharbuf; NewCharbuf = (varchar *)malloc(2 + NewCharbufLen); NewCharbuf->arr[0] = '\n'; NewCharbuf->arr[1] = '\0'; strcat((char *)NewCharbuf->arr, charbuf); NewCharbuf->arr[CharLen + 1] = '\0'; strcat((char *)NewCharbuf->arr, curdate); NewCharbuf->len = NewCharbufLen; EXEC SQL LOB DESCRIBE :a_clob GET LENGTH INTO :ClobLen; WriteAmt = NewCharbufLen; EXEC SQL LOB WRITE ONE :WriteAmt FROM :NewCharbuf WITH LENGTH :NewCharbufLen INTO :a_clob; ...
TTCDV559Example 4-3 Write and append to a LOB using Pro*C/C++ LOB locator interface
This example, like the preceding one, uses LOB WRITE ONE
. Then it also uses LOB WRITE APPEND
to append additional data. It writes or appends to the BLOB in 1 K chunks up to MAX_CHUNKS
... EXEC SQL select b into :blob from t where pk = 1 for update; EXEC SQL LOB OPEN :blob READ WRITE; // Write/append to the BLOB for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHUNKS; i++) { if (i==0) { // FIRST CHUNK /* Write the first piece */ EXEC SQL LOB WRITE ONE :amt FROM :writebuf INTO :blob; } else { // All Other Chunks /* At this point, APPEND all the next pieces */ EXEC SQL LOB WRITE APPEND :amt FROM :writebuf INTO :blob ; } ... } ...
This section discusses Pro*C/C++ Precompiler option support by TimesTen.
TTCDV243Table 4-2 describes TimesTen Pro*C/C++ Precompiler option support.
TTCDV244Table 4-2 TimesTen Pro*C/C++ Precompiler option support
Option | Notes |
Supported value: |
Supported |
Not applicable Setting has no effect because TimesTen supports only |
Supported value: The Oracle Database default value of |
Not applicable Setting has no effect because TimesTen supports only |
Not applicable Setting has no effect because TimesTen supports only |
Not applicable Setting has no effect because TimesTen supports only |
Supported |
Supported |
Supported |
Supported value: |
Supported |
Not applicable Setting has no effect because TimesTen supports only |
Supported |
Supported value: |
Supported |
Supported |
Not applicable Setting has no effect because TimesTen does not support objects. |
Supported |
Supported |
Not supported |
Not applicable Both values allowed, but TimesTen OCI does not support Advanced Queuing. |
Supported |
Supported |
Supported |
Supported value: |
Supported |
Supported |
Supported |
Supported |
Supported |
Supported |
Supported |
Supported |
Supported |
Supported |
Supported |
Supported |
Supported value: |
Not applicable Setting has no effect because TimesTen does not support objects. |
Supported |
Supported |
Not applicable All values are allowed, but TimesTen does not support Oracle Database optimization. |
Not applicable Both values are allowed, but TimesTen does not support Oracle Database optimization. |
Supported |
Supported |
Supported |
Supported |
Not applicable Both values ( |
Supported |
Not applicable Any of the Whenever a Pro*C/C++ application uses PL/SQL, Pro*C/C++ acts as though the Important: A setting of |
Supported |
Supported |
Supported |
Supported |
Supported |
Supported |
Supported value: |
Supported |
Not applicable Setting has no effect because TimesTen does not support objects. |
TimesTen does not support the default value forCLOSE_ON_COMMIT
. TimesTen supports only CLOSE_ON_COMMIT=YES
.You can set precompiler options in the following ways.
At compile time, either in the configuration file pcscfg.cfg
or on the Pro*C/C++ command line
A setting on the command line takes precedence over a setting in the configuration file.
At runtime through the EXEC ORACLE OPTION
A runtime setting takes precedence over a compile-time setting.
For example, the following shows portions of the configuration file that ships with TimesTen.
ltype=short parse=full close_on_commit=yes ...
The following command line would override the ltype=short
setting from the configuration file:
% proc ltype=long ... iname=sample.pc
The following runtime command would override the ltype=long
setting from the command line: