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11g Release 2 (11.2)

Part Number E25513-03
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V$SQLAREA displays statistics on shared SQL areas and contains one row per SQL string. It provides statistics on SQL statements that are in memory, parsed, and ready for execution.

Column Datatype Description
SQL_TEXT VARCHAR2(1000) First thousand characters of the SQL text for the current cursor
SQL_FULLTEXT CLOB All characters of the SQL text for the current cursor
SQL_ID VARCHAR2(13) SQL identifier of the parent cursor in the library cache
SHARABLE_MEM NUMBER Amount of shared memory used by a cursor. If multiple child cursors exist, then the sum of all shared memory used by all child cursors.
PERSISTENT_MEM NUMBER Fixed amount of memory used for the lifetime of an open cursor. If multiple child cursors exist, then the fixed sum of memory used for the lifetime of all the child cursors.
RUNTIME_MEM NUMBER Fixed amount of memory required during execution of a cursor. If multiple child cursors exist, then the fixed sum of all memory required during execution of all the child cursors.
SORTS NUMBER Sum of the number of sorts that were done for all the child cursors
VERSION_COUNT NUMBER Number of child cursors that are present in the cache under this parent
LOADED_VERSIONS NUMBER Number of child cursors that are present in the cache and have their context heap loaded
OPEN_VERSIONS NUMBER Number of child cursors that are currently open under this current parent
USERS_OPENING NUMBER Number of users that have any of the child cursors open
FETCHES NUMBER Number of fetches associated with the SQL statement
EXECUTIONS NUMBER Total number of executions, totalled over all the child cursors
PX_SERVERS_EXECUTIONS NUMBER Total number of executions performed by parallel execution servers (0 when the statement has never been executed in parallel)
END_OF_FETCH_COUNT NUMBER Number of times this cursor was fully executed since the cursor was brought into the library cache. The value of this statistic is not incremented when the cursor is partially executed, either because it failed during the execution or because only the first few rows produced by this cursor are fetched before the cursor is closed or re-executed. By definition, the value of the END_OF_FETCH_COUNT column should be less or equal to the value of the EXECUTIONS column.
USERS_EXECUTING NUMBER Total number of users executing the statement over all child cursors
LOADS NUMBER Number of times the object was loaded or reloaded
FIRST_LOAD_TIME VARCHAR2(19) Timestamp of the parent creation time
INVALIDATIONS NUMBER Total number of invalidations over all the child cursors
PARSE_CALLS NUMBER Sum of all parse calls to all the child cursors under this parent
DISK_READS NUMBER Sum of the number of disk reads over all child cursors
DIRECT_WRITES NUMBER Sum of the number of direct writes over all child cursors
BUFFER_GETS NUMBER Sum of buffer gets over all child cursors
APPLICATION_WAIT_TIME NUMBER Application wait time (in microseconds)
CONCURRENCY_WAIT_TIME NUMBER Concurrency wait time (in microseconds)
CLUSTER_WAIT_TIME NUMBER Cluster wait time (in microseconds)
USER_IO_WAIT_TIME NUMBER User I/O Wait Time (in microseconds)
PLSQL_EXEC_TIME NUMBER PL/SQL execution time (in microseconds)
JAVA_EXEC_TIME NUMBER Java execution time (in microseconds)
ROWS_PROCESSED NUMBER Total number of rows processed on behalf of this SQL statement
COMMAND_TYPE NUMBER Oracle command type definition
OPTIMIZER_MODE VARCHAR2(10) Mode under which the SQL statement was executed
OPTIMIZER_COST NUMBER Cost of this query given by the optimizer
OPTIMIZER_ENV RAW(2000) Optimizer environment
OPTIMIZER_ENV_HASH_VALUE NUMBER Hash value for the optimizer environment
PARSING_USER_ID NUMBER User ID of the user that has parsed the very first cursor under this parent
PARSING_SCHEMA_ID NUMBER Schema ID that was used to parse this child cursor
PARSING_SCHEMA_NAME VARCHAR2(30) Schema name that was used to parse this child cursor
KEPT_VERSIONS NUMBER Number of child cursors that have been marked to be kept using the DBMS_SHARED_POOL package
ADDRESS RAW(4 | 8) Address of the handle to the parent for this cursor
HASH_VALUE NUMBER Hash value of the parent statement in the library cache
PLAN_HASH_VALUE NUMBER Numeric representation of the SQL plan for this cursor. Comparing one PLAN_HASH_VALUE to another easily identifies whether or not two plans are the same (rather than comparing the two plans line by line).
MODULE VARCHAR2(64) Contains the name of the module that was executing at the time that the SQL statement was first parsed as set by calling DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_MODULE
MODULE_HASH NUMBER Hash value of the module that is named in the MODULE column
ACTION VARCHAR2(64) Contains the name of the action that was executing at the time that the SQL statement was first parsed as set by calling DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_ACTION
ACTION_HASH NUMBER Hash value of the action that is named in the ACTION column
SERIALIZABLE_ABORTS NUMBER Number of times the transaction failed to serialize, producing ORA-08177 errors, totalled over all the child cursors
OUTLINE_CATEGORY VARCHAR2(64) If an outline was applied during construction of the cursor, then this column displays the category of that outline. Otherwise the column is left blank.
CPU_TIME NUMBER CPU time (in microseconds) used by this cursor for parsing, executing, and fetching
ELAPSED_TIME NUMBER Elapsed time (in microseconds) used by this cursor for parsing, executing, and fetching
OUTLINE_SID VARCHAR2(40) Outline session identifier
LAST_ACTIVE_CHILD_ADDRESS RAW(4 | 8) Address (identifier) of the child cursor that was the last to be active in the group (that is, the child cursor on behalf of which statistics in V$SQL were updated)
REMOTE VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether the cursor is remote mapped (Y) or not (N)
OBJECT_STATUS VARCHAR2(19) Status of the cursor:
  • VALID - Valid, authorized without errors

  • VALID_AUTH_ERROR - Valid, authorized with authorization errors

  • VALID_COMPILE_ERROR - Valid, authorized with compilation errors

  • VALID_UNAUTH - Valid, unauthorized

  • INVALID_UNAUTH - Invalid, unauthorized

  • INVALID - Invalid, unauthorized but keep the timestamp

LITERAL_HASH_VALUE NUMBER Hash value of the literals which are replaced with system-generated bind variables and are to be matched, when CURSOR_SHARING is used. This is not the hash value for the SQL statement. If CURSOR_SHARING is not used, then the value is 0.
LAST_LOAD_TIME DATE Time at which the query plan was loaded into the library cache
IS_OBSOLETE VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether the cursor has become obsolete (Y) or not (N). This can happen if the number of child cursors is too large.
IS_BIND_SENSITIVE VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether the cursor is bind sensitive (Y) or not (N). A query is considered bind-sensitive if the optimizer peeked at one of its bind variable values when computing predicate selectivities and where a change in a bind variable value may cause the optimizer to generate a different plan.
IS_BIND_AWARE VARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether the cursor is bind aware (Y) or not (N). A query is considered bind-aware if it has been marked to use extended cursor sharing. The query would already have been marked as bind-sensitive.
CHILD_LATCH NUMBER Child latch number that is protecting the cursor. This column is obsolete and maintained for backward compatibility.
SQL_PROFILE VARCHAR2(64) SQL profile used for this statement, if any
SQL_PATCH VARCHAR2(30) SQL patch used for this statement, if any
SQL_PLAN_BASELINE VARCHAR2(30) SQL plan baseline used for this statement, if any
PROGRAM_ID NUMBER Program identifier
PROGRAM_LINE# NUMBER Program line number
EXACT_MATCHING_SIGNATURE NUMBER Signature used when the CURSOR_SHARING parameter is set to EXACT
FORCE_MATCHING_SIGNATURE NUMBER Signature used when the CURSOR_SHARING parameter is set to FORCE
LAST_ACTIVE_TIME DATE Time at which the query plan was last active
BIND_DATA RAW(2000) Bind data
IO_CELL_OFFLOAD_ELIGIBLE_BYTES NUMBER Number of I/O bytes which can be filtered by the Exadata storage system

See Also: Oracle Exadata Storage Server Software documentation for more information

IO_INTERCONNECT_BYTES NUMBER Number of I/O bytes exchanged between Oracle Database and the storage system
PHYSICAL_READ_REQUESTS NUMBER Number of physical read I/O requests issued by the monitored SQL
PHYSICAL_READ_BYTES NUMBER Number of bytes read from disks by the monitored SQL
PHYSICAL_WRITE_REQUESTS NUMBER Number of physical write I/O requests issued by the monitored SQL
PHYSICAL_WRITE_BYTES NUMBER Number of bytes written to disks by the monitored SQL
OPTIMIZED_PHY_READ_REQUESTS NUMBER Number of physical read I/O requests from Database Smart Flash Cache issued by the monitored SQL
LOCKED_TOTAL NUMBER Total number of times the child cursor has been locked
PINNED_TOTAL NUMBER Total number of times the child cursor has been pinned
IO_CELL_UNCOMPRESSED_BYTES NUMBER Number of uncompressed bytes (that is, size after decompression) that are offloaded to the Exadata cells

See Also: Oracle Exadata Storage Server Software documentation for more information

IO_CELL_OFFLOAD_RETURNED_BYTES NUMBER Number of bytes that are returned by Exadata cell through the regular I/O path

See Also: Oracle Exadata Storage Server Software documentation for more information

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