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11g Release 2 (11.2)

Part Number E25513-03
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V$BACKUP_SET displays information about backup sets from the control file. A backup set record is inserted after the backup set is successfully completed.

Column Datatype Description
RECID NUMBER Backup set record ID
STAMP NUMBER Backup set record stamp
SET_STAMP NUMBER Backup set stamp. The backup set stamp and count uniquely identify the backup set.

Primary key for the V$BACKUP_SET table, and the foreign key for the following tables: V$BACKUP_PIECE, V$BACKUP_DATAFILE, V$BACKUP_REDOLOG, V$BACKUP_CORRUPTION.

SET_COUNT NUMBER Backup set count. The backup set count is incremented by one every time a new backup set is started (if the backup set is never completed the number is "lost"). If the control file is re-created then the count is reset to 1. Therefore the count must be used with the stamp to uniquely identify a backup set.

Primary key for the V$BACKUP_SET table, and the foreign key for the following tables: V$BACKUP_PIECE, V$BACKUP_DATAFILE, V$BACKUP_REDOLOG, V$BACKUP_CORRUPTION

BACKUP_TYPE VARCHAR2(1) Type of files that are in this backup. If the backup contains archived redo logs, the value is L. If this is a datafile full backup, the value is D. If this is an incremental backup, the value is I.
CONTROLFILE_INCLUDED VARCHAR2(3) Set to YES if there is a control file included in this backup set, otherwise set to NO
INCREMENTAL_LEVEL NUMBER Location where this backup set fits into the database's backup strategy. Set to zero for full datafile backups, nonzero for incremental datafile backups, and NULL for archivelog backups.
PIECES NUMBER Number of distinct backup pieces in the backup set
START_TIME DATE Starting time
COMPLETION_TIME DATE Time that this backup set completed
ELAPSED_SECONDS NUMBER The number of elapsed seconds
BLOCK_SIZE NUMBER Block size of the backup set
INPUT_FILE_SCAN_ONLY VARCHAR2(3) YES indicates no actual backup is performed, but the datafiles are read. NO indicates a normal backup is performed.
KEEP VARCHAR2(3) (YES/NO) Indicates whether or not this backup set has a retention policy that is different than the value for the configure retention policy
KEEP_UNTIL DATE If KEEP_UNTIL_TIME is specified, this is the date after which the backup becomes obsolete. If this column is null, then the backup never expires.
KEEP_OPTIONS VARCHAR2(10) Lists additional retention options for this backup set. Possible values are:

LOGS - The logs need to recover this backup are kept

NOLOGS - The logs needed to recover this backup will not be kept

BACKUP_LOGS - An archive log backup exists to support this backup set

MULTI_SECTION VARCHAR2(3) Indicates whether or not this backup set is a multi-section backup. Valid values are YES and NO. A multi-section backup is a backup in which multiple backup pieces are produced independently in parallel by multiple channels.

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