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Oracle® Clusterware Administration and Deployment Guide
11g Release 2 (11.2)

Part Number E16794-17
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G Oracle Cluster Registry Utility Reference

This appendix describes the syntax of the Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) configuration utility, OCRCONFIG, and troubleshooting OCR, which includes descriptions and usage information for OCRCHECK and OCRDUMP.

This appendix contains the following topics:



This section contains topics which relate to using the OCRCONFIG utility.


Use the ocrconfig command to manage OCR. Using this utility you can import, export, add, delete, restore, overwrite, backup, repair, replace, move, upgrade, or downgrade OCR.

Operational Notes

CWADD92024Usage Information

CWADD92025Using Utility Help

To display the help output for the OCRCONFIG utility:

ocrconfig -help

CWADD92026Privileges and Security

To use the OCRCONFIG utility you must be logged into the operating system as a user with administrative privileges.

CWADD92027Log Files

The OCRCONFIG utility creates a log file in Grid_home/log/host_name/client.

To change the amount of logging, edit the path in the Grid_home/srvm/admin/ocrlog.ini file.


OCRCONFIG Command Reference

This section lists the following OCRCONFIG commands:

ocrconfig -add

Use the ocrconfig -add command to add an OCR location to a storage device or Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) disk group. OCR locations that you add must exist, have sufficient permissions, and, in the case of Oracle ASM disk groups, must be mounted before you can add them.


ocrconfig -add location_name

CWADD92030Usage Notes


To add an OCR location to the default location in Oracle ASM, data:

# ocrconfig -add +data

ocrconfig -backuploc

Use the ocrconfig -backuploc command to specify an OCR backup directory location.


ocrconfig [-local] -backuploc file_name

CWADD92033Usage Notes


To specify an OCR backup location in a directory:

# ocrconfig -backuploc $Grid_home/cdata/cluster3

ocrconfig -delete

Use the ocrconfig -delete command to remove an OCR device or file.


ocrconfig -delete file_name

CWADD92036Usage Notes


To remove an OCR location:

# ocrconfig -delete +olddg

ocrconfig -downgrade

Use the ocrconfig -downgrade command to downgrade OCR to an earlier specified version.


ocrconfig -downgrade [-version version_string]

CWADD92039Usage Notes


To downgrade OCR to an earlier version:

# ocrconfig -downgrade -version

ocrconfig -export

Use the ocrconfig -export command to export the contents of OCR to a target file.


ocrconfig [-local] -export file_name

CWADD92042Usage Notes


To export the contents of OCR to a file:

# ocrconfig -export d:\tmp\a

ocrconfig -import

Use the ocrconfig -import command to import the contents of a target file into which you exported the contents of OCR back into OCR.


ocrconfig [-local] -import file_name

CWADD92045Usage Notes


To import the contents a file back into OCR:

# ocrconfig -import d:\tmp\a

ocrconfig -manualbackup

Use the ocrconfig -manualbackup command to back up OCR on demand in the location you specify with the -backuploc option.


ocrconfig [-local] -manualbackup

CWADD92048Usage Notes


To back up OCR:

# ocrconfig -manualbackup

ocrconfig -overwrite

Use the ocrconfig -overwrite command to overwrite an OCR configuration in the OCR metadata with the current OCR configuration information that is found on the node from which you run this command.


ocrconfig -overwrite

CWADD92051Usage Notes


To overwrite an OCR configuration:

# ocrconfig -overwrite

ocrconfig -repair

Use the ocrconfig -repair command to repair an OCR configuration on the node from which you run this command. Use this command to add, delete, or replace an OCR location on a node that may have been stopped while you made changes to the OCR configuration in the cluster. OCR locations that you add must exist, have sufficient permissions, and, in the case of Oracle ASM disk groups, must be mounted before you can add them.


ocrconfig -repair -add file_name | -delete file_name | -replace 
current_file_name -replacement new_file_name

CWADD92054Usage Notes


To repair an OCR configuration:

# ocrconfig -repair -delete +olddg

ocrconfig -replace

Use the ocrconfig -replace command to replace an OCR device or file on the node from which you run this command. OCR locations that you add must exist, have sufficient permissions, and, in the case of Oracle ASM disk groups, must be mounted before you can add them.


ocrconfig -replace current_location_name -replacement new_location_name

CWADD92057Usage Notes


To replace an OCR device or file:

# ocrconfig -replace /dev/raw/raw1 -replacement +newdg

ocrconfig -restore

Use the ocrconfig -restore command to restore OCR from an automatically created OCR backup file.


ocrconfig [-local] -restore file_name

CWADD92060Usage Notes


To restore OCR from a file:

# ocrconfig -restore /oradbocfs/crs/BACKUP00.ocr

ocrconfig -showbackup

Use the ocrconfig -showbackup command to display the backup location, timestamp, and the originating node name of the backup files. By default, this command displays information for both automatic and manual backups unless you specify auto or manual.


ocrconfig [-local] -showbackup [auto | manual]

CWADD92063Usage Notes


To display manual backup information for OLR:

$ ocrconfig -local -showbackup manual

ocrconfig -upgrade

Only root scripts use the ocrconfig -upgrade command to upgrade OCR from a previous version.


Troubleshooting Oracle Cluster Registry and Diagnostic Output

This section describes various methods for troubleshooting problems with OCR, and obtaining diagnostic information from the utilities used to manage OCR. You can use these utilities to troubleshoot OLR.

This section contains the following topics:


Troubleshooting Oracle Cluster Registry

Table G-1 describes common OCR problems with corresponding resolution suggestions.

CWADD92070Table G-1 Common Oracle Cluster Registry Problems and Solutions

Problem Solution

Not currently using OCR mirroring and would like to enable it.

Run the ocrconfig command with the -replace option.

OCR failed and you must replace it. Error messages in Oracle Enterprise Manager or OCR log file.

Run the ocrconfig command with the -replace option.

OCR has a misconfiguration.

Run the ocrconfig command with the -repair option as described.

You are experiencing a severe performance effect from OCR processing or you want to remove OCR for other reasons.

Run the ocrconfig command with the -replace option as described.

OCR has failed and before you can fix it, the node must be rebooted with only one OCR.

Run the ocrconfig with the -repair option to remove the bad OCR location. Oracle Clusterware cannot start if it cannot find all OCRs defined.


Using the OCRCHECK Utility

The OCRCHECK utility displays the version of the OCR's block format, total space available and used space, OCRID, and the OCR locations that you have configured. OCRCHECK performs a block-by-block checksum operation for all of the blocks in all of the OCRs that you have configured. It also returns an individual status for each file and a result for the overall OCR integrity check.


You can only use OCRCHECK when the Oracle Cluster Ready Services stack is OFFLINE on all nodes in the cluster.

See Also:

"The Oracle Clusterware Stack" for more information about the Oracle Cluster Ready Services stack

You can run the ocrcheck -help command to display usage information about this utility.

The following example shows a sample of the OCRCHECK utility output:

# ocrcheck

Status of Oracle Cluster Registry is as follows :
        Version                  :          3
        Total space (kbytes)     :     262120
        Used space (kbytes)      :        752
        Available space (kbytes) :     261368
        ID                       : 2098980155
        Device/File Name         : +ocrdg1
                                   Device/File integrity check succeeded
        Device/File Name         : +ocrdg2
                                   Device/File integrity check succeeded
                                   Device/File not configured
                                   Device/File not configured
                                   Device/File not configured
        Cluster registry integrity check succeeded 
        Logical corruption check succeeded


The logical corruption check is only performed if you run the ocrcheck command as root.

The following two examples show samples of the OCRCHECK utility output. Each example shows only configured OCRs located on an Oracle ASM disk group and on a raw device.

CWADD92363Example G-1 OCR Located on an Oracle ASM Disk Group

$ ocrcheck -config

Oracle Cluster Registry configuration is :
        Device/File Name         : +ocrvd11
        Device/File Name         :  +ocrvd2
Status of Oracle Cluster Registry is as follows :
        Version                  :          3
        Total space (kbytes)     :     262120
        Used space (kbytes)      :       2384
        Available space (kbytes) :     259736
        ID                       : 1517109829
        Device/File Name         : +ocrvd11
                                   Device/File integrity check succeeded
        Device/File Name         : +ocrvd2
                                   Device/File integrity check succeeded
                                   Device/File not configured
                                   Device/File not configured
                                   Device/File not configured
        Cluster registry integrity check succeeded 
        Logical corruption check succeeded

CWADD92364Example G-2 OCR Located on a Raw Device

$ ocrcheck -config

Oracle Cluster Registry configuration is :
        Device/File Name         : /dev/raw/raw15
        Device/File Name         : /dev/raw/raw17
        Device/File Name         : /dev/raw/raw16
Status of Oracle Cluster Registry is as follows :
        Version                  :          3
        Total space (kbytes)     :     262120
        Used space (kbytes)      :       2884
        Available space (kbytes) :     259236
        ID                       :  157485888
        Device/File Name         : /dev/raw/raw15
                                   Device/File integrity check succeeded
        Device/File Name         : /dev/raw/raw17
                                   Device/File integrity check succeeded
        Device/File Name         : /dev/raw/raw16
                                   Device/File integrity check succeeded
                                   Device/File not configured
                                   Device/File not configured
        Cluster registry integrity check succeeded 
        Logical corruption check succeeded

Run the ocrcheck -local -config command to obtain OLR information.


You can use the ocrcheck -local command only when the Oracle Cluster Ready Services stack and Oracle High Availability Services stack are OFFLINE on the local node.

See Also:

"The Oracle Clusterware Stack" for more information about the Oracle Cluster Ready Services and the Oracle High Availability Services stacks
$ ocrcheck -local -config

Oracle Local Registry configuration is :
        Device/File Name         : Grid_home/oracle/has_work/data.olr.stact23

OCRCHECK creates a log file in the Grid_home/log/host_name/client directory. To change the log level, edit the Grid_home/srvm/admin/ocrlog.ini file.


Using the OCRDUMP Utility to View Oracle Cluster Registry Content

This section explains how to use the OCRDUMP utility to view OCR and Oracle Local Registry (OLR) content for troubleshooting. The OCRDUMP utility enables you to view OCR and OLR contents by writing the content to a file or stdout in a readable format.

You can use several options for OCRDUMP. For example, you can limit the output to a key and its descendents. You can also write the contents to an XML file that you can view using a browser. OCRDUMP writes the OCR keys as ASCII strings and values in a data type format. OCRDUMP retrieves header information based on a best effort basis.

OCRDUMP also creates a log file in Grid_home/log/host_name/client. To change the log level, edit the Grid_home/srvm/admin/ocrlog.ini file.

To change the logging component, edit the entry containing the comploglvl= entry. For example, to change the log level of the OCRAPI component to 3 and to change the log level of the OCRRAW component to 5, make the following entry in the ocrlog.ini file:



Make sure that you have file creation privileges in the Grid_home directory before using the OCRDUMP utility.

This section includes the following topics:


OCRDUMP Utility Syntax and Options

This section describes the OCRDUMP utility command syntax and usage. Run the ocrdump command with the following syntax where file_name is the name of a target file to which you want Oracle Database to write the Oracle Cluster Registry output and where key_name is the name of a key from which you want Oracle Database to write Oracle Cluster Registry subtree content:

$ ocrdump [file_name | -stdout] [-local] [-backupfile backup_file_name
[-keyname key_name] [-xml] [-noheader]

Table G-2 describes the OCRDUMP utility options and option descriptions.

CWADD92074Table G-2 OCRDUMP Options and Option Descriptions

Options Description


The name of a file to which you want OCRDUMP to write output.

By default, OCRDUMP writes output to a predefined output file named OCRDUMPFILE. The file_name option redirects OCRDUMP output to a file that you specify.


Use this option to redirect the OCRDUMP output to the text terminal that initiated the program.

If you do not redirect the output, OCRDUMP writes output to a predefined output file named OCRDUMPFILE.


Use this option to dump the contents of OLR.


Use this option to view the contents of an OCR backup file. Use the -local option with this option to view the contents of an OLR backup file.


The name of the backup file with the content you want to view. You can query the backups using the ocrconfig -showbackup command.

-keyname key_name

The name of an Oracle Cluster Registry key whose subtree is to be dumped.


Use this option to write the output in XML format.


Does not print the time at which you ran the command and when the Oracle Cluster Registry configuration occurred.


OCRDUMP Utility Examples

The following ocrdump utility examples extract various types of OCR information and write it to various targets:


Writes OCR content to a file called OCRDUMPFILE in the current directory.

ocrdump MYFILE

Writes OCR content to a file called MYFILE in the current directory.

ocrdump -stdout -keyname SYSTEM

Displays OCR content from the subtree of the key SYSTEM in the terminal window.

ocrdump -stdout -xml

Displays OCR content in the terminal window in XML format.

ocrdump -stdout -backupfile Grid_home/cdata/cluster_name/file_name

Displays the content of the in the Grid_home/cdata/cluster_name/file_name directory. You must run this command as root to be able to view all of the keys. Be sure to name the file appropriately so that it can be recognized by anyone as an OCR backup file, such as BACKUPOO.ocr.


Sample OCRDUMP Utility Output

The following OCRDUMP examples show the KEYNAME, VALUE TYPE, VALUE, permission set (user, group, world) and access rights for two sample runs of the ocrdump command. The following shows the output for the SYSTEM.language key that has a text value of AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ASCII37.


The following shows the output for the SYSTEM.version key that has integer value of 3:

UB4 (10) : 3
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