Oracle® OLAP DML Reference 11g Release 2 (11.2) Part Number E17122-07 |
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The PUSHLEVEL command marks the start of a series of PUSH commands. You can then use a corresponding POPLEVEL statement to restore all the values saved by PUSH commands that are executed after PUSHLEVEL. POPLEVEL must specify the same marker as the PUSHLEVEL statement that starts the series. You can use PUSHLEVEL only within programs.
See also:
"Considerations When Designing PUSHLEVEL and POPLEVEL Statements", POP, PUSH, POPLEVEL, and CONTEXT commands.PUSHLEVEL marker-expression
A text value to mark the start of a series of PUSH commands all of whose saved values are to be popped at once. A POPLEVEL statement that specifies the exact same marker-expression restores the whole series of saved values.
OLADM2659Considerations When Designing PUSHLEVEL and POPLEVEL Statements
Keep the following points in mind when coding pushlevel statements:
You can nest PUSHLEVEL/POPLEVEL pairs, if you specify a different marker for each pair, as illustrated in the following code.
PUSHLEVEL 'firstlevel' PUSH PAGESIZE DECIMALS < saves values in FIRSTLEVEL ... PUSHLEVEL 'secondlevel' PUSH month product < Saves values in SECONDLEVEL ... POPLEVEL 'secondlevel' < Restores values in SECONDLEVEL ... POPLEVEL 'firstlevel' < Restores values in FIRSTLEVEL
You do not normally need multiple levels in a single program. However, Oracle OLAP automatically creates nested levels when one program calls another program and each program contains a set of PUSHLEVEL and POPLEVEL commands.
When you specify the same marker for two or more PUSHLEVEL commands, a POPLEVEL statement specifying that same marker restores values that were saved only since the most recent PUSHLEVEL statement.
When you specify a different marker for two or more PUSHLEVEL commands, a POPLEVEL statement that specifies the marker of any PUSHLEVEL statement restores all the values that were saved since that statement, including values that were saved after later PUSHLEVEL commands.
OLADM2660Example 10-85 Creating Level Markers
You can use a PUSHLEVEL statement to establish a level marker called firstlevel
, and then use PUSH to save the current values.
The level marker can be any text that is enclosed in single quotation marks. It can also be the name of a single-cell ID
variable, whose value becomes the name of the level marker. In the exit sections of the program, you can then use a POPLEVEL statement to restore all the values you saved since establishing the firstlevel
POPLEVEL 'firstlevel'
OLADM2661Example 10-86 Nesting PUSHLEVEL and POPLEVEL Commands
You can nest PUSHLEVEL and POP LEVEL commands to save certain groups of values in one place in a program and other groups of values in another place in a program. The next example shows two sets of nested PUSHLEVEL and POPLEVEL commands.
PUSHLEVEL 'firstlevel' PUSH PAGESIZE DECIMALS "Saves values in FIRSTLEVEL ... PUSHLEVEL 'secondlevel' PUSH month product "Saves values in SECONDLEVEL ... POPLEVEL 'secondlevel' "Restores values in SECONDLEVEL ... POPLEVEL 'firstlevel' "Restores values in FIRSTLEVEL
Normally, you do not use multiple sets of PUSHLEVEL and POPLEVEL commands in a single program. However, the nesting feature comes into play automatically when one program calls another program, and each program contains a set of PUSHLEVEL and POPLEVEL commands.
OLADM2662Example 10-87 One-Step Restoration and Nested Levels
The following program uses PUSHLEVEL
to mark for one-step restoration the original value of DECIMALS and the original status of month
, product
, and district
, even though these are pushed separately in the program.
To demonstrate nesting, the program includes a nested PUSHLEVEL-POPLEVEL pair with 'rpt2'
as its marker and some STATUS commands at various points. You can compare the program's output with the program to see how the status is affected.
DEFINE sales.RPT PROGRAM PROGRAM STATUS month product district PUSHLEVEL 'rpt1' PUSH DECIMALS month DECIMALS = 0 LIMIT month TO 'Jan96' REPORT WIDTH 8 DOWN district WIDTH 9 ACROSS product: expense PUSH product LIMIT product TO 'Racquets' 'Sportswear' REPORT DOWN district ACROSS product: advertising PUSHLEVEL 'rpt2' PUSH district LIMIT district TO 'Atlanta' 'Dallas' 'Chicago' REPORT DOWN district ACROSS product: sales BLANK STATUS month product district BLANK POPLEVEL 'rpt2' STATUS month product district BLANK POPLEVEL 'rpt1' STATUS month product district END
The sales.rpt
program produces the following output.
The current status of MONTH is: ALL The current status of PRODUCT is: ALL The current status of DISTRICT is: ALL MONTH: JAN96 ---------------------EXPENSE--------------------- ---------------------PRODUCT--------------------- DISTRICT Tents Canoes Racquets Sportswear Footwear -------- --------- --------- --------- ---------- ---------- Boston 31,299 67,527 52,942 49,668 80,565 Atlanta 41,139 53,186 57,159 108,047 99,758 Chicago 27,768 45,621 53,756 65,055 81,639 Dallas 47,063 34,072 118,807 113,629 19,785 Denver 33,177 42,975 89,144 63,380 36,960 Seattle 41,043 64,009 26,719 38,970 46,900 Month: JAN96 -----ADVERTISING----- -------PRODUCT------- DISTRICT RAcquets Sportswear -------------- ---------- ---------- Boston 3,784 3,352 Atlanta 4,384 9,509 Chicago 3,351 5,283 Dallas 8,700 8,340 Denver 6,215 4,654 Seattle 2,344 3,726 MONTH: Jan96 --------SALES-------- -------PRODUCT------- DISTRICT Racquets Sportswear -------------- ---------- ---------- Atlanta 61,895 129,616 Dallas 125,880 128,115 Chicago 58,649 77,490 The current status of MONTH is: JAN96 The current status of PRODUCT is: RACQUETS, SPORTSWEAR The current status of DISTRICT is: ATLANTA, DALLAS, CHICAGO The current status of MONTH is: JAN96 The current status of PRODUCT is: RACQUETS, SPORTSWEAR The current status of DISTRICT is: ALL The current status of MONTH is: ALL The current status of PRODUCT is: ALL The current status of DISTRICT is: ALL