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11g Release 2 (11.2)

Part Number E10795-06
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5 Understanding Source Objects

This chapter describes Source objects, which you use to specify a query. With a Source, you specify the data that you want to retrieve from the data store and the analytical or other operations that you want to perform on the data. Chapter 6, "Making Queries Using Source Methods", provides examples of using Source objects. Chapter 10, "Creating Dynamic Queries", describes using Template objects to make modifiable queries.

This chapter includes the following topics:

Overview of Source Objects

You use Source objects to create a query that specifies the data that you want to retrieve from the database. As a query, a Source is similar to a SQL SELECT statement.

To create a query, you typically use the classes in the oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm package to get MdmSource objects that represent OLAP metadata objects. From an MdmSource object, you can get a Source object. You can also create other kinds of Source objects with methods of a DataProvider. You can then use these Source objects to create a query. To retrieve the data specified by the query, you create a Cursor for the Source.

With the methods of a Source, you can specify selections of dimension members, attribute values, or measure values. You can also specify operations on the elements of the Source, such as mathematical calculations, comparisons, and ordering, adding, or removing elements of a query.

The Source class has a few basic methods and many shortcut methods that use one or more of the basic methods. The most complex basic methods are the join(Source joined, Source comparison, int comparisonRule, boolean visible) method and the recursiveJoin(Source joined, Source compariso4n, Source parent, int comparisonRule, boolean parentsFirst, boolean parentsRestrictedToBase, int maxIterations, boolean visible) method. The many other signatures of the join and recursiveJoin methods are shortcuts for certain operations of the basic methods.

In this chapter, the information about the join method applies equally to the recursiveJoin method, except where otherwise noted. With the join method you can relate the elements of one Source to those of another Source by joining a Source with an input to a Source that matches with that input. For example, to specify the dimension members that are required to retrieve the data of a measure that has the dimension as an input, you use a join method to relate the dimension members to the measure. The join method and the inputs of a Source are described in "Inputs and Outputs of a Source".

A Source has certain characteristics, such as a type and a data type, and it can have one or more inputs or outputs. This chapter describes these concepts. It also describes the different kinds of Source objects and how you get them, and the join method and other Source methods and how you use those methods to specify a query.

Kinds of Source Objects

The kinds of Source objects that you use to specify data and to perform analysis, and the ways that you get them, are the following:

The Source class has the following subclasses:

These subclasses have different data types and implement Source methods that require those data types. Each subclass also implements methods unique to it, such as the implies method of a BooleanSource or the indexOf method of a StringSource.

Characteristics of Source Objects

A Source has a data type, a type, and an identifier (ID), and all Source objects except the empty Source have one or more elements. This topic describes these concepts. Some Source objects have one or more inputs or outputs. Those complex concepts are discussed in "Inputs and Outputs of a Source".

Elements and Values of a Source

All Source objects, except the empty Source, have one or more elements. An element of a Source has a value, which can be null. For example, the Source for the MdmPrimaryDimension object for the CHANNEL_AWJ dimension has four elements. The values of those elements are the unique values of the members of the dimension, which are the following.


Data Type of a Source

The FundamentalMetadataObject class represents the data type of the values of the elements of an MdmSource. The data type of a Source is represented by a fundamental Source. For example, a BooleanSource has elements that have Java boolean values. The data type of a BooleanSource is the fundamental Source that represents OLAP Java API Boolean values.

To get the fundamental Source that represents the data type of a Source, call the getDataType method of the Source. You can also get a fundamental Source by calling the getSource method of a FundamentalMetadataObject.

The data type for a primary Source is related to the SQL data type of the associated metadata object. For example, an MdmBaseAttribute that has a SQL data type of VARCHAR2(30) would produce a Source whose data type is the fundamental Source that represents OLAP Java API String values. The following code gets that fundamental Source.

fmp.getStringDataType().getSource(); // fmp is the FundamentalMetadataProvider.

A typical use of a Source for a data type is as the comparison Source for a join or a recursive join operation. As such it represents the set of all values of that data type. For examples of the use of the getDataType method, see Example 6-3, Example 6-5, and Example 6-11.

Type of a Source

Along with a data type, a Source has a type, which is the Source from which the elements of the Source are drawn. The type of a Source determines whether the join method can match the Source with the input of another Source. The only Source that does not have a type is the fundamental Source for the OLAP Java API Value data type, which represents the set of all values, and from which all other Source objects ultimately descend. You can find the type by calling the getType method of a Source.

The type of a fundamental Source is the data type of the Source. The type of a list or range Source is the data type of the values of the elements of the list or range Source.

The type of a primary Source is one of the following:

  • The fundamental Source that represents the data type of the values of the elements of the primary Source. For example, the type of the Source returned by the getSource method of a typical numeric MdmMeasure is the fundamental Source that represents the set of all OLAP Java API number values.

  • The Source for the object that contains the primary Source. For example, the type of the Source returned by the getSource method of an MdmLevelHierarchy is the Source for the MdmPrimaryDimension that contains the hierarchy.

The type of a derived Source is one of the following:

  • The base Source, which is the Source whose method returned the derived Source. A Source returned by the alias, distinct, extract, join, recursiveJoin, or value methods, or one of their shortcuts, has the base Source as the type.

  • A fundamental Source. The type of the Source returned by methods such as position and count is the fundamental Source for the OLAP Java API Integer data type. The type of the Source returned by methods that make comparisons, such as eq, le, and so on, is the fundamental Source for the Boolean data type. The type of the Source returned by methods that perform aggregate functions, such as the NumberSource methods total and average, is a fundamental Source that represents the function.

A derived Source that has the base Source as the type is a subtype of the Source from which it is derived. A derived Source that has a fundamental Source as the type is a subtype of the fundamental Source. You can use the isSubtypeOf method to determine if a Source is a subtype of another Source.

For example, in Example 5-1 the myList object is a list Source. The example uses myList to select values from prodHier, a Source for an MdmLevelHierarchy of the MdmPrimaryDimension for the PRODUCT_AWJ dimension. In the example, dp is the DataProvider.

Example 5-1 Using the isSubtypeOf Method

Source myList = dp.createListSource(new String[] {
Source prodSel = prodHier.selectValues(myList);
if (prodSel.isSubtypeOf(prodHier))
  println("prodSel is a subtype of prodHier.");
  println("prodSel is not a subtype of prodHier.");

Because prodSel is a subtype of prodHier, the condition in the if statement is true and the example displays the following:

prodSel is a subtype of prodHier.

The type of myList is the fundamental String Source. The type of prodHier is the Source for the PRODUCT_AWJ dimension. The type of prodSel is prodHier because the elements of prodSel are derived from the elements of prodHier.

The supertype of a Source is the type of the type of a Source, and so on, up through the types to the Source for the fundamental Value data type. For example, the fundamental Value Source is the type of the fundamental String Source, which is the type of prodHier, which is the type of prodSel. The fundamental Value Source and the fundamental String Source are both supertypes of prodSel. The prodSel Source is a subtype of prodHier, and of the fundamental String Source, and of the fundamental Value Source.

Source Identification and SourceDefinition of a Source

A Source has an identification, an ID, which is a String that uniquely identifies it during the current connection to the database. You can get the identification by calling the getID method of a Source. For example, the following code gets the identification of the Source for the MdmPrimaryDimension for the PRODUCT_AWJ dimension and displays the value.

println("The Source ID of prodDim is " + prodDim.getID());

The preceding code displays the following:

The Source ID of prodDim is Hidden..GLOBAL.PRODUCT_AWJ

Each Source also has a SourceDefinition object, which records information about the Source. Oracle OLAP uses this information internally. For example, the SourceDefinition of a derived Source records the parameters of the join operation that produced the Source, such as the base Source, the joined Source, the comparison Source, the comparison rule, and the value of the visible parameter.

The DynamicDefinition class is a subclass of SourceDefinition. An OLAP Java API client application uses the DynamicDefinition of a Template to get the dynamic Source of the Template.

Inputs and Outputs of a Source

An input of a Source indicates that the elements of the Source have a relation to those of another Source. An output of a Source contains elements from which values of the Source with the output are derived. A Source with one or more outputs is somewhat like an array of arrays.

A Source can have inputs and it can have outputs. The inputs and the outputs of a Source are other Source objects.

The inputs and outputs of a base Source influence the elements of a Source that you derive from that base Source. To derive a Source, you use methods of the base Source. The derived Source can have outputs or inputs or both or neither, depending on the method and the parameters of the method.

Some Source methods, such as the value and position methods, return a Source that has an input. The join and recursiveJoin methods can return a Source that has an output. If the join operation involves a Source with an input and a Source that matches with that input, then the input acts as a filter in producing the elements of the derived Source.

This topic describes the join method, the concepts of outputs and inputs, and the matching of inputs. It provides examples of producing Source objects that have outputs, Source objects that have inputs, and join operations that match an input with a Source.

Describing the join Method

With the join method, you join the elements of one Source with those of another Source to produce a derived Source. The derived Source could have inputs or outputs. The elements of the derived Source, and whether it has any inputs or outputs, depend on the values of the parameters that you pass to the join method.

The full signature of the join method is the following.

Source join(Source joined,
            Source comparison,
            int comparisonRule,
            boolean visible)

The Source on which you call the join method is the base of the join operation. The parameters of the method are the following.

Describing the joined Parameter

The joined parameter is a Source object. The join method joins the elements of the base Source and the elements of the joined Source, with results that are determined by the values of the other join parameters. If the values of the joined Source are not related to the values of the base Source, that is, if neither the joined Source nor the base Source matches with an input of the other, then the join produces a Cartesian product of the elements of the base and the joined Source objects. The examples in the "Outputs of a Source" topic demonstrate this kind of join operation.

If the values of the joined Source are related to the values of the base Source, that is, if either the joined Source or the base Source is an input of the other, then the elements of the derived Source are the result of the matching of the input. The examples in "Matching a Source with an Input" demonstrate this kind of join operation.

Describing the comparison Parameter

The comparison parameter is another Source object. The join operation compares the values of the elements of the comparison Source to the values of the joined Source. The values that are the same in the joined and comparison objects participate in the join operation or are removed from participation, depending on the value of the comparisonRule parameter.

Describing the comparisonRule Parameter

The value of the comparisonRule parameter specifies which values of the joined Source participate in the join operation. The comparisonRule value also determines the sort order of the participating values. The comparison rule is one of the static constant fields of the Source class. The basic comparison rules are the following.

  • COMPARISON_RULE_SELECT, which specifies that only the elements of the joined Source that are also in the comparison Source participate in the join operation.

  • COMPARISON_RULE_REMOVE, which specifies that only the elements of the joined Source that are not in the comparison Source participate in the join operation.

The other comparison rules are all select operations that sort the resulting values in various ways. Those rules are the following.







Describing the visible Parameter

The visible parameter is a boolean value that specifies whether the joined Source appears as an output of the Source that is derived by the join operation. If the value of the visible parameter is true, then the derived Source has an output that contains the elements drawn from the joined Source. If the value is false, then the derived Source does not have an output for the joined Source.

Outputs of a Source

The join method returns a derived Source that has the values of the elements of the base Source that are specified by the parameters of the method. Those values are the base values of the derived Source.

If the value of the visible parameter of the join method is true, then the joined Source becomes an output of the derived Source. The elements of the derived Source then have the values of the output and the base values, as specified by the other parameters of the join operation.

A derived Source can have from zero to many outputs. A Source that is an output can itself have outputs. You can get the outputs of a Source by calling the getOutputs method, which returns a List of Source objects.

The examples in this "Outputs of a Source" topic all have simple join operations that produce Source objects that have one or more outputs. Because none of the Source objects in the join operations have inputs, the values of the derived Source objects produced by the join operations are the Cartesian products of the base and the joined Source objects.

Very different results occur from a join operation that involves a Source that has an input and a Source that matches with that input. For examples of Source objects with inputs and the matching of inputs, see "Inputs of a Source" and "Matching a Source with an Input".

Producing a Source with an Output

Example 5-2 uses the simplest signature of the join method to produce a Source that has one output. The example creates a list Source, letters, that has three elements, the values of which are A, B, and C. It also creates a list Source, names, that has three elements, the values of which are Stephen, Leo, and Molly.

Example 5-2 A Simple Join That Produces a Source with an Output

Source letters = dp.createListSource(new String[] {"A", "B", "C"});
Source names = dp.createListSource(new String[] {"Stephen", "Leo", "Molly"});
Source lettersWithNames = letters.join(names);

// Oracle OLAP translates this shortcut signature of the join method into the
// following full signature, where dp is the DataProvider for the session.
// Source letters.join(names,
//                     dp.getEmptySource(),
//                     Source.COMPARISON_RULE_REMOVE,
//                     true);

The letters.join(names) operation joins the elements of the base Source, letters, and the joined Source, names. Because the comparison Source has no elements, the join operation does not remove any of the elements that are in the joined Source in producing the derived Source. (The comparison Source is the empty Source that is returned by the dp.getEmptySource() parameter of the full join signature shown in the example.) The resulting derived Source, lettersWithNames, is the Cartesian product of the elements of the base letters and the joined names. Because both letters and names have three elements, the number of elements in lettersWithNames is nine.

Because the visible parameter of letters.join(names) is true, the derived Source has an output. Because no elements were removed from the joined Source, the derived Source has the values of all of the elements of the joined Source.

A Cursor for a Source has the same structure as the Source. A Cursor for the lettersWithNames Source has a ValueCursor for the base values of the derived Source and a ValueCursor for the output values. The following table presents the values of the ValueCursor objects. The table includes headings that are not in the ValueCursor objects.

Output Values     Base Values
   Stephen             A
   Stephen             B
   Stephen             C
   Leo                 A
   Leo                 B
   Leo                 C
   Molly               A
   Molly               B
   Molly               C


Example 5-3 demonstrates using a comparison Source that has values and the comparison rule COMPARISON_RULE_SELECT. The example uses the letter and names Source objects from Example 5-2 and adds the someNames Source. It uses someNames as the comparison Source. The output of the Source derived from the join operation has only the names that are in both the joined Source and the comparison Source.

Example 5-3 A Simple Join That Selects Elements of the Joined Source

Source someNames = dp.createListSource(new String[] {"Stephen", "Molly"});
Source lettersAndSelectedNames = 
  letters.join(names, someNames, Source.COMPARISON_RULE_SELECT, true);

A Cursor for the lettersAndSelectedNames Source has the values specified by the Source. The following table presents the Cursor values and has headings added.

Output Values     Base Values
   Stephen             A
   Stephen             B
   Stephen             C
   Molly               A
   Molly               B
   Molly               C


Example 5-4 demonstrates using a comparison Source that has values and the comparison rule COMPARISON_RULE_REMOVE. That comparison rule removes from participation in the join operation those values that are the same in the joined and in the comparison Source objects. The output of the derived Source therefore has only the name from the joined Source that is not in the comparison Source.

The example has the same base, joined, and comparison Source objects as Example 5-3.

Example 5-4 A Simple Join That Removes Elements of the Joined Source

Source lettersAndNamesWithoutRemovedNames =

A Cursor for the lettersAndNamesWithoutRemovedNames Source has the values specified by the Source. The following table presents the values and has headings added.

Output Values     Base Values
   Leo                 A
   Leo                 B
   Leo                 C

Producing a Source with Two Outputs

If you join a Source to a Source that has an output, and if the visible parameter is true, then the join operation produces a Source that has the joined Source as an additional output. The additional output becomes the first output, as shown in Example 5-5.

Example 5-5 uses the Source objects from Example 5-3 and creates another list Source, colors, that contains the names of two colors. The example joins the colors Source to the lettersWithSelectedNames Source to produce the lettersWithSelectedNamesAndColors Source.

The lettersWithSelectedNames Source has names as an output. The lettersWithSelectedNamesAndColors Source has both colors and names as outputs. The first output is colors and the second output is names.

Example 5-5 A Simple Join That Produces a Source with Two Outputs

Source colors = dp.createListSource(new String[] {"Green", "Maroon"});

Source lettersWithSelectedNames = 
Source lettersWithSelectedNamesAndColors =

A Cursor for the lettersWithSelectedNamesAndColors Source has the values shown in the following table. The table has headings added.

Output 1 Values     Output 2 Values     Base Values
      Green            Stephen               A
      Green            Stephen               B
      Green            Stephen               C
      Green            Molly                 A
      Green            Molly                 B
      Green            Molly                 C
      Maroon           Stephen               A
      Maroon           Stephen               B
      Maroon           Stephen               C
      Maroon           Molly                 A
      Maroon           Molly                 B
      Maroon           Molly                 C

Hiding an Output

If the visible parameter of a join method is false, then the joined Source participates in the join operation but does not appear as an output of the Source derived by the join. Example 5-6 uses the joinHidden shortcut method to join the lettersWithSelectedNames and the colors Source objects from Example 5-5. The example includes in a comment the full join signature for the joinHidden shortcut.

Example 5-6 A Simple Join That Hides An Output

Source lettersWithSelectedNamesAndHiddenColors =

// The full signature of the joinHidden shortcut method is
// Source result = base.join(joined,
//                           dp.getEmptySource(),
//                           Source.COMPARISON_RULE_REMOVE,
//                           false);
// So if Source base = lettersWithSelectedNames and
// Source joined = colors, then the result Source is the same as the 
// lettersWithSelectedNamesAndHiddenColors Source.

A Cursor for the lettersWithSelectedNamesAndHiddenColors Source has the values shown in the following table. The table has headings added.

Note that the derived lettersWithSelectedNamesAndHiddenColors Source still has twelve elements, even though the values for the colors Source do not appear as output values. The derived Source has one set of the six values of the lettersWithSelectedNames Source for each value of the hidden colors Source.

Example 5-5 displays the following output.

Output Values     Base Values
   Stephen             A
   Stephen             B
   Stephen             C
   Molly               A
   Molly               B
   Molly               C
   Stephen             A
   Stephen             B
   Stephen             C
   Molly               A
   Molly               B
   Molly               C

Inputs of a Source

The examples in the "Outputs of a Source" topic all produce derived Source objects that have elements that are the Cartesian product of the unrelated base and joined Source objects. While such an operation can be useful, a more powerful aspect of Source objects is the ability to relate the elements of one Source to another Source. When such a relationship exists, you can derive other Source objects that are the result of operations between the related elements. For example, you can derive a Source that contains only selected elements of another Source. This relationship between elements is represented by the input of a Source.

A Source with an input is an incomplete specification of data. The input represents the type of Source that can have the elements that a join operation requires to complete the data specification. Before you can retrieve the data with a Cursor, you must match the input with a Source that has the elements that complete the specification.

You match an input with a Source by using the join or recursiveJoin method. The match occurs between the base Source and the joined Source.

The matching of an input acts as a filter so that the Source derived by the join operation has only the elements of the base Source whose values are related to those of the elements of the joined Source. The rules related to matching a Source with an input are described in "Matching a Source with an Input". That topic has examples that produce derived Source objects that are the result of the matching of an input.

A Source can have from zero to many inputs. You can get all of the inputs of a Source by calling the getInputs method.

Some primary Source objects have inputs. You can derive a Source that has an input by using some methods of the Source class.

Primary Source Objects with Inputs

The primary Source objects for the MdmDimensionedObject subclasses MdmAttribute and MdmMeasure have inputs. The primary Source for an MdmAttribute has one input. The primary Source for an MdmMeasure has one or more inputs.

The inputs of an MdmAttribute or an MdmMeasure are the Source objects for the MdmPrimaryDimension objects that dimension the attribute or measure. To get the value of an attribute or a measure, you must join the attribute or measure with a Source that contains the related dimension members. The join operation matches the input of the attribute or measure with the Source that contains the dimension members. Example 5-7 matches the input of an attribute with the dimension of that attribute. Example 5-8 matches the inputs of a measure with the dimensions of that measure.

Deriving a Source with an Input

Some Source methods always return a Source that has an input. The Source returned by the extract, position, or value method has the base Source as an input. You can use these methods to produce a Source whose elements are derived, or filtered, from the elements of another Source.

The value method returns a Source that has the elements of the base Source and has the base Source as an input. You typically use the Source returned by the value method as the base or joined Source of a join method, or sometimes as the comparison Source. Several examples in this chapter and in Chapter 6 use the value method.

The position method returns a Source that has the position of each element of the base Source and that has the base Source as an input. For an example of using the position method, see Example 6-4.

You use the extract method when elements of the Source objects that you want to join have Source objects as values. For examples of using the extract method, see Example 5-12, Example 6-8, Example 6-13, and Example 6-14.

Type of Inputs

The input of a Source derived by the position or value method, and an input intrinsic to an MdmDimensionedObject, are regular inputs. A regular input relates the elements of the Source with the input to the elements of the Source that matches with the input. You can get the regular inputs by calling the getRegularInputs method.

The input of a Source returned by the extract method is an extraction input. You can get the extraction inputs by calling the getExtractionInputs method.

Matching a Source with an Input

In a join operation, the matching of a Source with an input occurs only between the base Source and the joined Source. A Source matches with an input if one of the following conditions is true.

  1. The Source is the same object as the input or it is a subtype of the input.

  2. The Source has an output that is the same object as the input or the output is a subtype of the input.

The join operation looks for the conditions in the order shown in the preceding list. It searches the list of outputs of the Source recursively, including any outputs of an output, looking for a match with the input. The search ends with the first matching Source. An input can match with only one Source.

When a Source with an input is joined to a Source that matches with the input, the derived Source returned by the join method has the elements of the base that are related to the elements specified by the parameters of the method. The derived Source does not have the input.

Matching a Source with an input does not affect the outputs of the base Source or the joined Source. If a base Source has an output that matches with the input of the joined Source, then the resulting Source does not have the input but it does have the output. If the base Source or the joined Source in a join operation has an input that is not matched in the operation, then the unmatched input is an input of the resulting Source.

The comparison Source of a join method does not participate in the input matching. If the comparison Source has an input, then that input is not matched and the Source returned by the join method has that same input.

Matching the Input of the Source for an MdmAttribute

Example 5-7 demonstrates the joining of the Source for an MdmBaseAttribute to the Source for an MdmPrimaryDimension. The example gets the local value attribute from the MdmPrimaryDimension for the CHANNEL_AWJ dimension. The Source for the attribute, locValAttr, has the Source for the MdmPrimaryDimension as an input.

In the example, locValAttr is the base Source of the join operation and chanDim is the joined Source. Because chanDim is an instance of the Source for the MdmPrimaryDimension for the CHANNEL_AWJ dimension, chanDim matches with the input of locValAttr. The result of the join is dimMembersWithLocalValue, which has chanDim as an output and does not have any inputs.

The locValAttr Source has four elements because each of the four members of the CHANNEL_AWJ dimension has a different local value. The Source derived by the join operation, dimMembersWithLocalValue, has four elements. The value of each element is the dimension member and the related attribute value. The dimension member is a value from the output and the attribute value is from the base.

Example 5-7 demonstrates matching the input of a base Source with the joined Source. In the example, mdmDBSchema is the MdmDatabaseSchema for the GLOBAL schema.

Example 5-7 Getting an Attribute for a Dimension Member

MdmStandardDimension mdmChanDim =
Source chanDim = mdmChanDim.getSource();
Source locValAttr = mdmChanDim.getLocalValueAttribute().getSource();
Source dimMembersWithLocalValue = locValAttr.join(chanDim);

A Cursor for the dimMembersWithLocalValue Source has the values shown in the following table. The output values are the unique dimension member values derived from the joined Source, chanDim. The base values are derived from the base Source, locValAttr. The table has headings added.

Output Values                 Base Values

Matching the Inputs of a Measure

Example 5-8 demonstrates getting values from a measure. The example gets the MdmCube that contains the UNIT_PRICE measure and gets the MdmBaseMeasure for the measure from that cube. The cube, and the measures of the cube, are dimensioned by the PRODUCT_AWJ and TIME_AWJ dimensions. The example gets the MdmPrimaryDimension objects for those dimensions and gets the Source objects for those metadata objects.

The Source for the measure, unitPrice, has the Source objects for the two MdmPrimaryDimension objects as inputs. The example joins the Source for the measure with the Source objects for the dimensions. The join operations match the inputs of the measure with the Source objects for the dimensions.

The example first joins the Source for the PRODUCT_AWJ dimension to the Source for the measure. That unitPrice.join(prodDim) operation derives a Source that has base values from unitPrice and has prodDim as an output. It also has the Source for the TIME_AWJ dimension as an input. The next join operation joins the Source derived by unitPrice.join(prodDim) with timeDim, the Source for the TIME_AWJ dimension. That join operation matches the input of the Source derived by unitPrice.join(prodDim) with timeDim.

The Source derived by the second join operation is pricesByProductAndTime. That Source has no inputs and has the Source objects for the PRODUCT_AWJ and TIME_AWJ dimensions as outputs. A Cursor for pricesByProductAndTime contains the price of each product value for every time value.

The example finally calls the count method of pricesByProductAndTime. That method returns the NumberSource numPricesByProductAndTime, which contains the number of elements of the pricesByProductAndTime Source. A Cursor for the numPricesByProductAndTime Source contains the value 4998, which is the number of measure values for the product and time tuples.

Example 5-8 demonstrates matching the inputs of the base Source with the joined Source. In the example, mdmDBSchema is the MdmDatabaseSchema for the GLOBAL schema.

Example 5-8 Getting Measure Values

MdmCube mdmPriceCube =
MdmBaseMeasure mdmUnitPrice =
MdmStandardDimension mdmProdDim =
MdmTimeDimension mdmTimeDim =

Source prodDim = mdmProdDim.getSource();
Source timeDim = mdmTimeDim.getSource();
Source unitPrice = mdmUnitPrice.getSource();

Source pricesByProductAndTime = unitPrice.join(prodDim).join(timeDim);
NumberSource numPricesByProductAndTime = pricesByProductAndTime.count();

To produce a Source that contains only the measure values for certain products and times, you need to join the Source for the measure with Source objects that specify the dimension values that you want. You can produce such a selection by using methods of the primary Source for the dimension. One means of producing a Source that represents a selection of values of a Source is to use the value method.

Using the value Method to Derive a Source with an Input

In Example 5-9, the lettersValue Source is returned by the letters.value() method. The lettersValue Source has letters as an input. The input represents a relation between the values of the Source with the input and the values of the Source that matches with the input.

In the example, the join operation has letters as the base Source and lettersValue as the joined Source. The base Source, letters, matches with the input of lettersValue, which is also letters, because they are the same. The Source produced by the join operation, lettersByLettersValue has lettersValue as an output. It does not have an input. Each element of lettersByLettersValue has a base value from letters and the related value from lettersValue.

Example 5-9 Using the value Method to Relate a Source to Itself

Source letters = dp.createListSource(new String[] {"A", "B", "C"});
Source lettersValue = letters.value();
Source lettersByLettersValue = letters.join(lettersValue); 

A Cursor for the lettersByLettersValue Source has the values shown in the following table. The table has headings added.

Output Values     Base Values
       A               A
       B               B
       C               C

Because lettersByLettersValue contains only those values of the base and joined Source objects that are related, the base values of the Cursor for lettersByLettersValue Source are the same as the output values. If the base and joined Source objects had been unrelated, as in letters.join(letters), then the Source produced by the join operation would contain the Cartesian product of the base and joined Source objects.

Using the value Method to Select Values of a Source

By using the value method, you can derive a Source that is a selection of the elements of another Source. Example 5-10 selects two elements from the Source for the PRODUCT_AWJ dimension from Example 5-7. The example demonstrates a base Source matching with the input of the joined Source.

Example 5-10 Using the value Method to Select Elements of a Source

Source productsToSelect = dp.createListSource(new String[]
                                  {"PRODUCT_PRIMARY::ITEM::ENVY EXE",
                                   "PRODUCT_PRIMARY::ITEM::ENVY STD"});
Source selectedProducts = prodDim.join(prodDim.value(),
                                       false);  // Hide the output.

A Cursor for the productsToSelect Source has the following values.


A Cursor for the selectedProducts Source has the following values.


The two Source objects contain the same values. However, the types of the objects are different. The type of the productsToSelect Source is the Source for the FundamentalMetadataObject for the String data type. The type of the selectedProducts Source is prodDim because selectedProducts is derived from prodDim. Therefore, selectedProducts is a subtype of prodDim and as such it can match with a Source that has the Source for the PRODUCT_AWJ dimension as an input, as shown in Example 5-11.

Example 5-11 selects elements from the Source objects for two dimensions and then gets the measure values for the selected dimension members. Example 5-11 uses the same dimensions and measure as in Example 5-8. In Example 5-11, however, the Source objects that match with the inputs of the Source for the measure are not the Source objects for the dimensions. Instead they are subtypes of the Source objects for the dimensions. The subtypes specify selected members of the dimensions. The Source that is derived by joining the measure with the dimensions, pricesForSelectedProductsAndTimes, has six elements, which specify only the measure values for the two products for the three time values, instead of the 4998 elements of the pricesByProductAndTime Source in Example 5-8. In Example 5-11, mdmDBSchema is the MdmDatabaseSchema for the GLOBAL schema.

Example 5-11 Using Derived Source Objects to Select Measure Values

// Create lists of product and time dimension members.
Source productsToSelect = dp.createListSource(new String[]
                                           {"PRODUCT_PRIMARY::ITEM::ENVY EXE",
                                            "PRODUCT_PRIMARY::ITEM::ENVY STD"});
Source timesToSelect = dp.createListSource(new String[]
// Get the PRICE_CUBE_AWJ cube.
MdmCube mdmPriceCube = mdmDBSchema.findOrCreateCube("PRICE_CUBE_AWJ");
// Get the UNIT_PRICE measure from the cube.
MdmBaseMeasure mdmUnitPrice = 
// Get the PRODUCT_AWJ and TIME_AWJ dimensions.
MdmStandardDimension mdmProdDim =
MdmTimeDimension mdmTimeDim =
// Get the Source objects for the dimensions and the measure.
Source prodDim = mdmProdDim.getSource();
Source timeDim = mdmTimeDim.getSource();
Source unitPrice = mdmUnitPrice.getSource();
// Using the value method, derive Source objects that specify the selected 
// dimension members.
Source selectedProducts = prodDim.join(prodDim.value(),
Source selectedTimes = timeDim.join(timeDim.value(),
// Derive a Source that specifies the unitPrice values for the selected products
// and times.
Source pricesForSelectedProductsAndTimes = unitPrice.join(selectedProducts)

A Cursor for the pricesForSelectedProductsAndTimes Source has the values shown in the following table. The table has headings added.

Month                         Product                Price
-----------------------------  -------------------------------  -------

Using the extract Method to Combine Elements of Source Objects

The extract method derives a Source that has the base Source as an input. You use the extract method when the values of the elements of a Source are Source objects themselves.

Example 5-12 uses the selectValues method to derive two selections of elements from a StringSource for the PRODUCT_AWJ dimension. The selectValues method is a shortcut for the full join signature of the methods in Example 5-10 and Example 5-11 that produce the selectedProducts and selectedTimes Source objects.

Example 5-12 creates a list Source, sourcesToCombine, that has the two derived Source objects as element values. The sourcesToCombine.extract() method produces sourcesToCombineWithAnInput, which is a Source that has sourcesToCombine as an input. The join operation sourcesToCombineWithAnInput.joinHidden(sourcesToCombine) matches the input of sourcesToCombineWithAnInput with the joined sourcesToCombine and produces combinedSources, which has no inputs or outputs. A shortcut for this combining of Source elements is the appendValues method.

Example 5-12 Extracting Elements of a Source

MdmStandardDimension mdmProdDim =
StringSource prodDim = (StringSource) mdmProdDim.getSource();
Source productsToSelect = prodDim.selectValues(new String[]
                                           {"PRODUCT_PRIMARY::ITEM::ENVY ABM",
                                            "PRODUCT_PRIMARY::ITEM::ENVY EXE",
                                            "PRODUCT_PRIMARY::ITEM::ENVY STD"});
Source moreProductsToSelect = prodDim.selectValues(new String[]
                                           {"PRODUCT_PRIMARY::ITEM::SENT FIN",
                                            "PRODUCT_PRIMARY::ITEM::SENT MM",
                                            "PRODUCT_PRIMARY::ITEM::SENT STD"});
Source sourcesToCombine = 
  dp.createListSource(new Source[] {productsToSelect, moreProductsToSelect});
Source sourcesToCombineWithAnInput = sourcesToCombine.extract();
Source combinedProducts = 

A Cursor for the combinedProducts Source has the following values.


Describing Parameterized Source Objects

Parameterized Source objects provide a way of specifying a query and retrieving different result sets for the query by changing the set of elements specified by the parameterized Source. You create a parameterized Source with a createSource method of the Parameter. The Parameter supplies the value that the parameterized Source specifies.

Example 5-13 in this topic is a very simple demonstration of using a Parameter object. A typical use of a Parameter is to specify the page edges of a cube, as shown in Example 6-9. Another use of a Parameter is to fetch from the server only the set of elements that you currently need. Example 6-15 demonstrates using Parameter objects to fetch different sets of elements.

When you create a Parameter object, you supply an initial value for the Parameter. You then create the parameterized Source using the Parameter. You include the parameterized Source in specifying a query. You create a Cursor for the query. You can change the value of the Parameter with the setValue method, which changes the set of elements that the query specifies. Using the same Cursor, you can then retrieve the new set of values.

Example 5-13 demonstrates the use of a Parameter and a parameterized Source to specify a member in a dimension. The example gets the MdmStandardDimension for the PRODUCT_AWJ dimension and gets the Source for the MdmStandardDimension cast as a StringSource.

The example creates a StringParameter object that has a dimension member as the initial value. It then creates a parameterized Source, paramProdSel, by using the createSource method of the StringParameter. Next it uses paramProdSel as the comparison Source in a join operation that selects the dimension member.

The example gets the Source for the local value attribute of the dimension. It joins that Source, locValAttr, with paramProdSel. That join operation produces the dimMemberWithLocalValue Source.

The example creates a Cursor for dimMemberWithLocalValue and displays the value of the Cursor. After resetting the Cursor position and changing the value of the prodParam StringParameter, the example displays the value of the Cursor again.

The dp object is the DataProvider. The getContext method gets a Context11g object that has a method that commits the current Transaction and a method that displays the values of a Cursor.

Example 5-13 Using a Parameterized Source to Change a Dimension Selection

MdmStandardDimension mdmProdDim =
StringSource prodDim = (StringSource) mdmProdDim.getSource();

StringParameter prodParam =
  new StringParameter(dp, "PRODUCT_PRIMARY::FAMILY::LTPC");
Source prodParamSrc = prodParam.createSource();
Source paramProdSel = prodDim.join(prodDim.value(), prodParamSrc);

Source locValAttr = mdmProdDim.getLocalValueAttribute().getSource();
Source dimMemberWithLocalValue = locValAttr.join(paramProdSel);

// Commit the Transaction.

// Create a Cursor for the Source.
CursorManager  cursorMngr = dp.createCursorManager(dimMemberWithLocalValue);
Cursor cursor = cursorMngr.createCursor();

// Display the value of the Cursor.

// Change the product parameter value.

// Reset the Cursor position to 1

// Display the value of the Cursor again.

The Cursor for dimMemberWithLocalValue displays the following.


After changing the value of the StringParameter and resetting the position of the Cursor, the Cursor for dimMemberWithLocalValue displays the following.

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