Shows Customer Loyalty area with Airline Contribution Tab. Shows three graphs and a table.
Top area includes Year, Month, and Loyalty Level selection boxes.
Shows bar graph for Active Member Rate (this graph does not show the Y axis and only shows 4 months data).
Shows graph with title Passenger Count, Active members/Pax. Shows a Loyalty Level selection box. Includes Y axis Passenger Count and X axis year, month. Shows 12 months of data for 2010. Also includes a key, Passenger Count and Active members/Pax
Shows line graph for Flown Revenue. Shows a Loyalty Level selection box. Shows Flown Revenue on Y axis. Shows only 4 months of data.
Chart shows data values. The table includes sample data under columns: Year, Month, Loyalty Level, # Members, #Members LP, Member Growth Rate (%Change LP), Active Member Rate, Active Member Rate LP, Active Members/Pax, Active members/Pax LP, Flown Revenue(act, member)/Flight.