Shows Revenue Analysis area with Sales, Net Revenue Flown Channel Flop10 Tab. Shows two bar graphs, a line graph, and a table.
Top area includes Year, Month selection boxes.
Shows bar graph with Flown Revenue numbers. This includes a selection box to select the Month. The Y axis shows Rank and Channel Type and the X axis shows Total Numbers for Flown Revenue (from 0K to 16K).
Shows a bar graph with Flown Passenger Count numbers. This includes a selection box to select the Month. Rank and Channel Type on the Y axis and shows Flown Passenger Count on X axis (bars grow to the right on X axis from 0 to 14).
Shows line graph with Average Fare. Shows a selection box for Channel Type. Shows Average Fare on Y axis and year and month on X axis.
Chart shows data values. The table includes sample data under columns: Year, Month, Rank, Channel Type, Flown Revenue, Flown Revenue LP, Flown Revenue % Change LP, Flown Passenger Count, Flown Passenger Count LP, Flown Passenger Count % Change LP, and Average Fare.