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Oracle® Database Backup and Recovery Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)

Part Number E10643-06
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Use the VALIDATE command to check for corrupt blocks and missing files, or to determine whether a backup set can be restored.

If VALIDATE detects a problem during validation, then RMAN displays it and triggers execution of a failure assessment. If a failure is detected, then RMAN logs it into the Automated Diagnostic Repository. You can use LIST FAILURE to view the failures.


The target database must be mounted or open.

Usage Notes

The options in the VALIDATE command are semantically equivalent to options in the BACKUP VALIDATE command. Unlike BACKUP VALIDATE, however, VALIDATE can check individual backup sets and data blocks.

The VALIDATE command skips never-used blocks. RMAN also skips currently unused (as opposed to never used) blocks for locally managed tablespaces when the COMPATIBLE parameter is set to 10.2 or greater. If RMAN does not read a block because of unused block compression, and if the block is corrupt, then RMAN does not detect the corruption. A corrupt unused block is not harmful.

In a physical corruption, the database does not recognize the block at all. In a logical corruption, the contents of the block are logically inconsistent. By default, the VALIDATE command checks for physical corruption only. You can specify CHECK LOGICAL to check for logical corruption as well. RMAN populates the V$DATABASE_BLOCK_CORRUPTION view with its findings.

Block corruptions can be divided into interblock corruption and intrablock corruption. In intrablock corruption, the corruption occurs within the block itself and can be either physical or logical corruption. In interblock corruption, the corruption occurs between blocks and can only be logical corruption. The VALIDATE command checks for intrablock corruptions only.



Description of validate.gif follows
Description of the illustration validate.gif

(validateObject::=, validateOperand::=)


Description of validateobject.gif follows
Description of the illustration validateobject.gif

(archivelogRecordSpecifier::=, copyOfSpec::=, blockObject::=, datafileCopySpec::=, datafileSpec::=)


Description of copyofspec.gif follows
Description of the illustration copyofspec.gif



Description of blockobject.gif follows
Description of the illustration blockobject.gif



Description of validateoperand.gif follows
Description of the illustration validateoperand.gif

(deviceSpecifier::=, sizeSpec::=, skipSpec::=)


Description of skipspec.gif follows
Description of the illustration skipspec.gif


Description of sizespec.gif follows
Description of the illustration sizespec.gif



This subclause specifies backup sets for validation. Refer to validate::= for syntax.

Syntax Element Description
validateOperand Specifies options that control the validation.

See Also: validateOperand

validateObject Specifies the files to be validated.

See Also: validateObject

Creates a snapshot of the current control file and validates it.
   PLUS ARCHIVELOG Includes archived redo log files in the validation. Causes RMAN to perform the following steps:

  2. Run the VALIDATE ARCHIVELOG ALL command. If backup optimization is enabled, then RMAN only validates logs that have not yet been backed up.

  3. Validate the files specified in the VALIDATE command.


  5. Validate any remaining archived redo log files.


This subclause specifies database files for validation. Refer to validateObject::= for syntax.

Syntax Element Description
archivelogRecordSpecifier Validates a range of archived redo log files. VALIDATE ARCHIVELOG is equivalent to BACKUP VALIDATE ARCHIVELOG.
BACKUPSET primary_key Checks that the backup sets specified by primary_key exist and can be restored.

You can obtain the primary keys of backup sets by executing a LIST statement or, if you use a recovery catalog, by querying the RC_BACKUP_SET recovery catalog view.

The VALIDATE BACKUPSET command checks every block in the backup set to ensure that the backup is restorable. If RMAN finds block corruption, then it issues an error and terminates the validation. In contrast, the CROSSCHECK command examines the headers of the specified files if they are on disk or queries the media management catalog if they are on tape.

Use VALIDATE BACKUPSET when you suspect that one or more backup pieces in a backup set are missing or have been damaged. VALIDATE BACKUPSET selects which backups to test, whereas the VALIDATE option of the RESTORE command lets RMAN choose which backups to validate. For validating image copies, run RESTORE VALIDATE FROM DATAFILECOPY.

If you do not have automatic channels configured, then manually allocate at least one channel before executing VALIDATE BACKUPSET.

Note: If multiple copies of a backup set exist, then RMAN validates only the most recent copy. The VALIDATE command does not support an option to validate a specific copy. If one copy is on a different device from another copy, however, then you can use VALIDATE DEVICE TYPE to validate the copy on the specified device. If both copies exists on the same device, then you can use CHANGE to make one copy temporarily UNAVAILABLE and then reissue VALIDATE.

{'filename' | ALL |
LIKE 'string_pattern'}
Validates control file copies. You can specify a control file copy in one of the following ways:
  • 'filename' specifies a control file copy by file name

  • ALL specifies that all control file copies are backed up

  • LIKE 'pattern' specifies a file name pattern. The percent sign (%) as a wildcard meaning 0 or more characters; an underscore (_) is a wildcard meaning 1 character.

The control file copy can be created with the BACKUP AS COPY CURRENT CONTROLFILE command or the SQL statement ALTER DATABASE BACKUP CONTROLFILE TO '...'.

copyOfSpec Validates image copies of data files and control files.

See Also: copyOfSpec for details.

blockObject Validates individual data blocks.

See Also: blockObject

CURRENT CONTROLFILE Validates the current control file.
DATABASE Validates the database.

RMAN validates all data files and control files. If the database is currently using a server parameter file, then RMAN validates the server parameter file.

Note: The online redo log files and temp files are not validated.

datafileCopySpec Validates one or more data file image copies.

When validating data file copies, RMAN checks for block corruption but does not terminate the validation if corruption is discovered. Unlike VALIDATE BACKUPSET, RMAN proceeds and reports the number of blocks that are corrupted.

See Also: datafileCopySpec for details

DATAFILE datafileSpec Specifies a list of one or more data files that contain blocks requiring validation.

Note: You do not have to take a data file offline if you are validating it.

See Also: datafileSpec

RECOVERY AREA Validates recovery files created in the current and all previous fast recovery area destinations. Recovery files are full and incremental backup sets, control file autobackups, archived redo log files, and data file copies. Flashback logs, the current control file, and online redo logs are not validated.
DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST Semantically equivalent to RECOVERY AREA.
RECOVERY FILES Validates all recovery files on disk, whether they are stored in the fast recovery area or other locations on disk. Recovery files include full and incremental backup sets, control file autobackups, archived redo log files, and data file copies. Flashback logs are not validated.
SPFILE Validates the server parameter file currently used by the database. RMAN cannot validates other copies of the server parameter file, and cannot validate the server parameter file when the instance was started with an initialization parameter file.

Validates the specified tablespaces. RMAN translates tablespace names internally into a list of data files, then validates all data files that are currently part of the tablespaces. RMAN validates all data files that are currently members of the specified tablespaces.


This subclause specifies modifiers for the validation. Refer to validateOperand::= for syntax.

Syntax Element Description
CHECK LOGICAL Tests data and index blocks in the files that pass physical corruption checks for logical corruption, for example, corruption of a row piece or index entry. If RMAN finds logical corruption, then it logs the block in the alert log and server session trace file. The RMAN command completes and V$DATABASE_BLOCK_CORRUPTION is populated with corrupt block ranges.

Note: VALIDATE does not use MAXCORRUPT.

DEVICE TYPE deviceSpecifier Allocates automatic channels for the specified device type only. This option is valid only if you have configured automatic channels and have not manually allocated channels. For example, if you configure automatic disk and tape channels, and run VALIDATE ...DEVICE TYPE DISK, RMAN allocates only disk channels.

See Also: deviceSpecifier

NOEXCLUDE When specified on a VALIDATE DATABASE or VALIDATE COPY OF DATABASE command, RMAN validates all tablespaces, including any for which a CONFIGURE EXCLUDE command has been entered. This option does not override SKIP OFFLINE or SKIP READONLY.
SECTION SIZE sizeSpec Parallelizes the validation by dividing each file into the specified section size.

Only specify this parameter when multiple channels are configured or allocated and you want the channels to parallelize the validation, so that multiple channels can validate a single data file. This parameter applies only when validating data files.

If you specify a section size that is larger than the size of the file, then RMAN does not parallelize validation for the file. If you specify a small section size that would produce more than 256 sections, then RMAN increases the section size to a value that results in exactly 256 sections.

See Also: BACKUP SECTION SIZE to learn how to make multisection backups

skipSpec Excludes the specified files from the validation.


This subclauses specifies files to be excluded from the validation.

Syntax Element Description
SKIP Excludes data files or archived redo log files from the validation if they are inaccessible, offline, or read-only.
   INACCESSIBLE Specifies that data files and archived redo log files that cannot be read due to I/O errors are excluded from the validation.

A data file is only considered inaccessible if it cannot be read. Some offline data files can still be read because they still exist on disk. Others have been deleted or moved and so cannot be read, making them inaccessible.

   OFFLINE Specifies that offline data files are excluded from the validation.
   READONLY Specifies that read-only data files are excluded from the validation.

VALIDATE Command Output

RCMRF90404Table 3-11 List of Data Files

Column Indicates


Absolute number of the data file being validated.


OK if no corruption, or FAILED if block corruption is found.

Marked Corrupt

Number of blocks marked corrupt. These blocks were previously marked corrupt by the database. For example, the database may intentionally mark blocks corrupt during a recovery involving a NOLOGGING operation. Also, an RMAN backup may contain corrupt blocks permitted by the SET MAXCORRUPT command. When this backup is restored, the file contains blocks that are marked corrupt.

Empty Blocks

Number of blocks that either have never been used.

Blocks Examined

Total number of blocks in the file.

High SCN

The highest SCN recorded in the file.

File Name

The name of the file being validated.

Block Type

The type of block validated: Data, Index, or Other.

Blocks Failing

The number of blocks that fail the corruption check. These blocks are newly corrupt.

Blocks Processed

The number of blocks checked for corruption.

RCMRF90405Table 3-12 List of Control File and SPFILE

Column Indicates


Type of file: SPFILE or Control File.


OK if no corruption, or FAILED if block corruption is found.

Blocks Failing

The number of blocks that fail the corruption check. These blocks are newly corrupt.

Blocks Examined

Total number of blocks in the file.

RCMRF90406Table 3-13 List of Archived Logs

Column Indicates


The redo thread number.


The log sequence number.


OK if no corruption, or FAILED if block corruption is found.

Blocks Failing

The number of blocks that fail the corruption check. These blocks are newly corrupt.

Blocks Examined

Total number of blocks in the file.


The name of the archived redo log file.


RCMRF90407Example 3-65 Validating a Backup Set

This example lists all available backup sets and then validates them. As the sample output indicates, RMAN confirms that it is possible to restore the backups.

List of Backups
Key     TY LV S Device Type Completion Time #Pieces #Copies Compressed Tag
------- -- -- - ----------- --------------- ------- ------- ---------- ---
3871    B  F  A DISK        08-MAR-07       1       1       NO         TAG20070308T092426
3890    B  F  A DISK        08-MAR-07       1       1       NO         TAG20070308T092534


Starting validate at 08-MAR-07
using channel ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting validation of datafile backup set
channel ORA_DISK_1: reading from backup piece
 /disk2/PROD/backupset/2007_03_08/o1_mf_nnndf_TAG20070308T092 426_2z0kpc72_.bkp
channel ORA_DISK_1: piece
 handle=/disk2/PROD/backupset/2007_03_08/o1_mf_nnndf_TAG20070308T092426_2z0kpc72_.bkp ta
channel ORA_DISK_1: restored backup piece 1
channel ORA_DISK_1: validation complete, elapsed time: 00:00:18
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting validation of datafile backup set
channel ORA_DISK_1: reading from backup piece
channel ORA_DISK_1: piece
channel ORA_DISK_1: restored backup piece 1
channel ORA_DISK_1: validation complete, elapsed time: 00:00:00
Finished validate at 08-MAR-07

RCMRF90408Example 3-66 Validating the Database

This example validates the database and includes sample output. The validation finds one corrupt block in data file 1. The VALIDATE output indicates that more information about the corruption can be found in the specified trace file.


Starting validate at 26-FEB-07
using channel ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting validation of datafile
channel ORA_DISK_1: specifying datafile(s) for validation
input datafile file number=00001 name=/disk1/oradata/prod/system01.dbf
input datafile file number=00002 name=/disk1/oradata/prod/sysaux01.dbf
input datafile file number=00003 name=/disk1/oradata/prod/undotbs01.dbf
input datafile file number=00004 name=/disk1/oradata/prod/cwmlite01.dbf
input datafile file number=00005 name=/disk1/oradata/prod/drsys01.dbf
input datafile file number=00006 name=/disk1/oradata/prod/example01.dbf
input datafile file number=00007 name=/disk1/oradata/prod/indx01.dbf
input datafile file number=00008 name=/disk1/oradata/prod/tools01.dbf
input datafile file number=00009 name=/disk1/oradata/prod/users01.dbf
channel ORA_DISK_1: validation complete, elapsed time: 00:01:25
List of Datafiles
File Status Marked Corrupt Empty Blocks Blocks Examined High SCN
---- ------ -------------- ------------ --------------- ----------
1    FAILED 0              4140         57600           498288
  File Name: /disk1/oradata/prod/system01.dbf
  Block Type Blocks Failing Blocks Processed
  ---------- -------------- ----------------
  Data       1              41508
  Index      0              7653
  Other      0              4299
File Status Marked Corrupt Empty Blocks Blocks Examined High SCN
---- ------ -------------- ------------ --------------- ----------
2    OK     0              8918         20040           498237
  File Name: /disk1/oradata/prod/sysaux01.dbf
  Block Type Blocks Failing Blocks Processed
  ---------- -------------- ----------------
  Data       0              2473
  Index      0              2178
  Other      0              6471
File Status Marked Corrupt Empty Blocks Blocks Examined High SCN
---- ------ -------------- ------------ --------------- ----------
3    OK     0              36           2560            498293
  File Name: /disk1/oradata/prod/undotbs01.dbf
  Block Type Blocks Failing Blocks Processed
  ---------- -------------- ----------------
  Data       0              0
  Index      0              0
  Other      0              2524
File Status Marked Corrupt Empty Blocks Blocks Examined High SCN
---- ------ -------------- ------------ --------------- ----------
4    OK     0              1            1280            393585
  File Name: /disk1/oradata/prod/cwmlite01.dbf
  Block Type Blocks Failing Blocks Processed
  ---------- -------------- ----------------
  Data       0              0
  Index      0              0
  Other      0              1279
File Status Marked Corrupt Empty Blocks Blocks Examined High SCN
---- ------ -------------- ------------ --------------- ----------
5    OK     0              1            1280            393644
  File Name: /disk1/oradata/prod/drsys01.dbf
  Block Type Blocks Failing Blocks Processed
  ---------- -------------- ----------------
  Data       0              0
  Index      0              0
  Other      0              1279
File Status Marked Corrupt Empty Blocks Blocks Examined High SCN
---- ------ -------------- ------------ --------------- ----------
6    OK     0              1            1280            393690
  File Name: /disk1/oradata/prod/example01.dbf
  Block Type Blocks Failing Blocks Processed
  ---------- -------------- ----------------
  Data       0              0
  Index      0              0
  Other      0              1279
File Status Marked Corrupt Empty Blocks Blocks Examined High SCN
---- ------ -------------- ------------ --------------- ----------
7    OK     0              1            1280            393722
  File Name: /disk1/oradata/prod/indx01.dbf
  Block Type Blocks Failing Blocks Processed
  ---------- -------------- ----------------
  Data       0              0
  Index      0              0
  Other      0              1279
File Status Marked Corrupt Empty Blocks Blocks Examined High SCN
---- ------ -------------- ------------ --------------- ----------
8    OK     0              1            1280            393754
  File Name: /disk1/oradata/prod/tools01.dbf
  Block Type Blocks Failing Blocks Processed
  ---------- -------------- ----------------
  Data       0              0
  Index      0              0
  Other      0              1279
File Status Marked Corrupt Empty Blocks Blocks Examined High SCN
---- ------ -------------- ------------ --------------- ----------
9    OK     0              1272         1280            393785
  File Name: /disk1/oradata/prod/users01.dbf
  Block Type Blocks Failing Blocks Processed
  ---------- -------------- ----------------
  Data       0              0
  Index      0              0
  Other      0              8
validate found one or more corrupt blocks
See trace file /disk2/oracle/log/diag/rdbms/prod/prod/trace/prod_ora_10609.trc for details
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting validation of datafile
channel ORA_DISK_1: specifying datafile(s) for validation
including current control file for validation
including current SPFILE in backup set
channel ORA_DISK_1: validation complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01
List of Control File and SPFILE
File Type    Status Blocks Failing Blocks Examined
------------ ------ -------------- ---------------
SPFILE       OK     0              2
Control File OK     0              506
Finished validate at 26-FEB-07
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