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Oracle® Database PL/SQL Language Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)

Part Number E25519-05
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Explicit Cursor Declaration and Definition

An explicit cursor is a named pointer to a private SQL area that stores information for processing a specific query or DML statement—typically, one that returns or affects multiple rows. You can use an explicit cursor to retrieve the rows of a result set one at a time.

Before using an explicit cursor, you must declare and define it. You can either declare it first (with cursor_declaration) and then define it later in the same block, subprogram, or package (with cursor_definition) or declare and define it at the same time (with cursor_definition).

An explicit cursor declaration and definition are also called a cursor specification and cursor body, respectively.


An explicit cursor declared in a package specification is affected by the AUTHID clause of the package. For more information, see "CREATE PACKAGE Statement".



LNPLS1088cursor_declaration ::=

Description of cursor_declaration.gif follows
Description of the illustration cursor_declaration.gif

LNPLS1087cursor_definition ::=

Description of cursor_definition.gif follows
Description of the illustration cursor_definition.gif

LNPLS1090cursor_parameter_dec ::=

Description of cursor_parameter_dec.gif follows
Description of the illustration cursor_parameter_dec.gif

LNPLS1241rowtype ::=

Description of rowtype.gif follows
Description of the illustration rowtype.gif




Name of the explicit cursor that you are declaring now and will define later in the same block, subprogram, or package. cursor can be any identifier except the reserved word SQL. Oracle recommends against giving a cursor the same name as a database table.

Explicit cursor names follow the same scoping rules as variables (see "Scope and Visibility of Identifiers").


Either defines an explicit cursor that was declared earlier or both declares and defines an explicit cursor.


Either the name of the explicit cursor that you previously declared and are now defining or the name of the explicit cursor that you are both declaring and defining. cursor can be any identifier except the reserved word SQL. Oracle recommends against giving a cursor the same name as a database table.


A SQL SELECT statement (not a PL/SQL SELECT INTO statement). If the cursor has formal parameters, each parameter must appear in select_statement. The select_statement can also reference other PL/SQL variables in its scope.


Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for SELECT statement syntax



The name of the formal cursor parameter that you are declaring. This name can appear anywhere in select_statement that a constant can appear.


Whether or not you specify IN, a formal cursor parameter has the characteristics of an IN subprogram parameter, which are summarized in Table 8-1. When the cursor opens, the value of the formal parameter is that of either its actual parameter or default value.


The data type of the parameter.

LNPLS1262Restriction on datatype This datatype cannot have constraints (for example, NOT NULL, or precision and scale for a number, or length for a string).


Specifies the default value for the formal cursor parameter. The data types of expression and the formal cursor parameter must be compatible.

If an OPEN statement does not specify an actual parameter for the formal cursor parameter, then the statement evaluates expression and assigns its value to the formal cursor parameter.

If an OPEN statement does specify an actual parameter for the formal cursor parameter, then the statement assigns the value of the actual parameter to the formal cursor parameter and does not evaluate expression.


Data type of the row that the cursor returns. The columns of this row must match the columns of the row that select_statement returns.


Name of a database table or view, which must be accessible when the declaration is elaborated.


Name of a previously declared explicit cursor.


Name of a previously declared cursor variable.


Name of a previously declared record variable.


Name of a user-defined type that was defined with the data type specifier RECORD.


Related Topics

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LNPLS1281In other chapters:

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