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Oracle® Database Workspace Manager Developer's Guide
11g Release 2 (11.2)

Part Number E11826-04
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B Migrating to Another Workspace Manager Release

This appendix describes how to migrate version-enabled tables from one release of Workspace Manager to another release. You can either upgrade to the current release or downgrade to a previous major release (no earlier than release 9.0.1). For example:

For an upgrade or downgrade operation, the tables can remain version-enabled. You do not need to disable versioning before performing an upgrade or downgrade.


B.1 Upgrading Workspace Manager

To upgrade Workspace Manager from an earlier release to the highest current release number for a given major release, ensure that you have the appropriate patch set for the release to which you want to upgrade. You can find the latest patch set on My Oracle Support (formerly called MetaLink). To perform the upgrade, follow these steps.

  1. At a system prompt, change to the installation directory of the release to which you are upgrading. If you are upgrading to the Workspace Manager release that is included in the current Oracle Database 11g installation, change to $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin.

  2. Start SQL*Plus.

  3. Connect to the database instance as a user with SYSDBA privileges.

  4. Shut down the instance:

  5. Start the instance in RESTRICT mode:

  6. Determine the current release of the Workspace Manager software by finding the value of OWM_VERSION in the WM_INSTALLATION view:

    SQL> SELECT * FROM wm_installation;

    If the OWM_VERSION value is NOT_INSTALLED, Workspace Manager is not currently installed.

    If the OWM_VERSION value is BETA_RELEASE, the upgrade is not supported. Use DisableVersioning on all version-enabled tables, uninstall the old release of Workspace Manager using the old uninstall script, and install the new release of the Workspace Manager software.

    If the WM_INSTALLATION view does not exist, run the following script to create the view.

    SQL> @owmcmdv.plb
  7. Set the system to spool results to a log file for later verification of success. For example:

    SQL> SPOOL catoutowmu.log
  8. Run the owmupgrd.plb upgrade script:

    SQL> @owmupgrd.plb
  9. Verify whether or not the upgrade was successful:

    SELECT * FROM all_wm_vt_errors;

    This view should be empty. If it has any rows, the upgrade did not complete successfully. To recover one or more tables that were left in an inconsistent state because of the upgrade failure, use the RecoverAllMigratingTables or RecoverAllMigratingTables procedure, both of which are described in Chapter 4.

  10. Verify the current version of Workspace Manager:

    SELECT * FROM wm_installation;

    The value of OWM_VERSION is the new version of Workspace Manager.

  11. Turn off the spooling of script results to the log file:

  12. Disable the RESTRICTED SESSION feature for the instance:


B.2 Downgrading to a Previous Release

Downgrading is strongly discouraged, except for rare cases where it is necessary. If you downgrade to a previous release, you will not benefit from bug fixes and enhancements that have been made in intervening releases.

To downgrade from the current Workspace Manager release to a previous major release, ensure that you have the appropriate patch set for the release to which you want to downgrade. You can find Workspace Manager patch sets on My Oracle Support (formerly called MetaLink). The following downgrade options are supported:

To perform a Workspace Manager downgrade, follow these steps. (The main steps are running the appropriate .sql and .plb files.)

  1. Copy the appropriate .plb file from the patch set for the latest installed Workspace Manager release to the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory for the patch set of the Workspace Manager release to which you want to downgrade.

    This file has a name in the form owmdnnn.plb, where nnn reflects the number of the latest installed Workspace Manager release. For example, for downgrading from release, the name of the file is owmd920.plb.

  2. Note the location (under where you unzipped the patch set for the latest installed Workspace Manager release) of the appropriate owmennn.sql file, where nnn reflects the number of the latest installed Workspace Manager release. For example, for downgrading from release, the name of the file is owme920.sql.

  3. Start SQL*Plus, and connect as SYS AS SYSDBA. (You can connect as another user, but it must be AS SYSDBA.)

  4. Shut down the instance, and restart it in RESTRICT mode:

  5. Optionally, set the system to spool results to a log file for later verification of success. For example:

    SQL> SPOOL catoutowmd.log
  6. Run the .sql file that you noted in step 2. For example:

    SQL> @C:\my_patches\92051_OWM\owme920.sql
  7. Run the .plb file that you copied in step 1. For example:

    SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME\rdbms\admin\owmd920.plb
  8. Verify whether or not the downgrade was successful:

    SELECT * FROM wm_downgrade_tables;

    This table should not exist. If it exists and has any rows, the downgrade did not complete successfully; contact Oracle Support Services.

  9. Verify the current version of Workspace Manager:

    SELECT * FROM wm_installation;

    The value of OWM_VERSION is the new version of Workspace Manager.

  10. If you enabled spooling in step 5, turn off the spooling of script results to the log file:

  11. Disable the RESTRICTED SESSION feature for the instance:


B.3 History Management Changes Effective With Release 10.1

For Oracle Database release 10.1, Workspace Manager implemented history management changes that are especially of interest if you want to perform an upgrade or downgrade operation. Workspace Manager uses the TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE type with history data, whereas before release 10.1 it used the DATE type.

Using a timestamp with a time zone has several benefits:

The following considerations apply to the history management changes for release 10.1:

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