Oracle® Database Workspace Manager Developer's Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2) Part Number E11826-04 |
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Certain applications may be interested in knowing what Workspace Manager operations are being performed and may want to take some actions based on that. Several types of Workspace Manager operations can be captured as events. Workspace Manager provides a framework for communicating these events asynchronously to the interested applications. The applications can then take some actions based on the event. Some scenarios in which events can be used include the following:
An application wants to be notified whenever a workspace is merged to LIVE so that it can refresh its data.
Workspace data needs to be archived whenever a new savepoint is created.
The Workspace Manager event framework is built on the Oracle Advanced Queuing (AQ) capability. Messaging features provided by AQ, such as asynchronous notification, persistence, propagation, access control, history, and rule-based subscription, can be used for Workspace Manager events.
Workspace Manager creates a multiconsumer queue where events are enqueued. The relevant information about the event, such as the type of event, the user and workspace that triggered the event, and the name of the versioned table, is initialized in the event payload and enqueued. Applications can subscribe to these events, optionally specifying a rule for their subscriptions. Only the events that satisfy the rule will be applicable to the subscriber. Subscribers can get event notification in variety of ways, such as listening for the events in the queue, registering a callback for notification, or explicitly dequeuing events from the queue.
Because events are communicated asynchronously to the other applications, the performance of the workspace operation generating the event is not affected.
To use Workspace Manager events in an application, you must understand the relevant AQ concepts and techniques described in Oracle Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide.This chapter contains the following major sections:
Table 2-1 lists the Workspace Manager events and when each occurs.
ADWSM99182Table 2-1 Workspace Manager Events
Event | Occurs |
When MergeTable is invoked with |
When MergeTable is invoked with |
When RefreshTable is invoked. |
When RollbackTable is invoked. |
When CompressWorkspace or CompressWorkspaceTree is invoked. |
When CreateWorkspace is invoked. |
When MergeWorkspace is invoked with |
When MergeWorkspace is invoked with |
When RefreshWorkspace is invoked. |
When RemoveWorkspace or RemoveWorkspaceTree is invoked. |
When RollbackWorkspace is invoked. |
When a new version is created in the workspace as a result of the creation of an explicit or implicit savepoint. (Savepoints are described in Section 1.1.2.) |
When an event occurs, information is stored in parameters that are bundled into an object type called WMSYS.WM$EVENT_TYPE
and enqueued into the event queue. A subscriber can dequeue the event object on receiving notification. Table 2-2 describes the Workspace Manager event parameters.
ADWSM99184Table 2-2 Workspace Manager Event Parameters
Event Parameter | Data Type | Description |
event_name |
Name indicating the type of event. |
workspace_name |
Workspace that caused the event to occur. |
parent_workspace_name |
Parent workspace of the workspace that caused the event to occur. |
user_name |
User that caused the event to occur. |
table_name |
Version-enabled table on which the event occurred. If this parameter does not apply to an event, it is null. |
aux_params |
A nested table of (name,value) pairs that can contain additional information about the event. For For |
Before you can capture any Workspace Manager events, you must use the SetSystemParameter procedure to set the Workspace Manager system parameter ALLOW_CAPTURE_EVENTS
to the value ON
. This does not, however, cause any events to be captured; to capture events, you must use the SetCaptureEvent procedure.
You can later disallow the capture of Workspace Manager events by using the SetSystemParameter procedure to set ALLOW_CAPTURE_EVENTS
to the value OFF
, but you must first ensure that no events are currently being captured. Example 2-1 shows the sequence of procedure calls for enabling and disabling the capture of all events, and starting and stopping the capture all events.
ADWSM99186Example 2-1 Capturing Workspace Manager Events
-- Allow Workspace Manager events to be captured. (Required for SetCaptureEvent) EXECUTE DBMS_WM.SetSystemParameter ('ALLOW_CAPTURE_EVENTS', 'ON'); -- Start capturing all Workspace Manager events. EXECUTE DBMS_WM.SetCaptureEvent ('ALL_EVENTS','ON'); . . . -- Stop capturing all Workspace Manager events. EXECUTE DBMS_WM.SetCaptureEvent ('ALL_EVENTS','OFF'); -- Disallow capture of Workspace Manager events. EXECUTE DBMS_WM.SetSystemParameter ('ALLOW_CAPTURE_EVENTS', 'OFF');
This section describes Advanced Queuing objects and techniques relevant to developers of applications that work with captured Workspace Manager events.
ADWSM99188Workspace Manager creates a multiconsumer queue named WMSYS.WM$EVENT_QUEUE
based on a queue table named WMSYS.WM$EVENT_QUEUE_TABLE
. The queue payload type is WMSYS.WM$EVENT_TYPE
, which is an object type.
AQ creates some views for the queue that can be used for administrative purposes. Table 2-3 describes the views of interest to developers of Workspace Manager applications.
ADWSM99189Table 2-3 AQ Administrative Views for Workspace Manager
View Name | Description |
Describes the queue table in which events are stored. This view can be used for querying the events. The roles |
Displays all the subscribers for the event queue; also displays the transformation for the subscriber if it was created with one. The roles |
Displays only the rule-based subscribers for all queues in a given queue table, as well as the text of the rule defined by each subscriber. Also displays the transformation for the subscriber if one was specified. The roles |
The database administrator has several options for granting privileges and access to queues. Some possible scenarios include:
Grant the system privileges ENQUEUE ANY QUEUE
directly to a database user by using the DBMS_AQADM.GRANT_SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE
procedure, and optionally later revoke privileges by using the DBMS_AQADM.REVOKE_SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE
Grant the queue privileges ENQUEUE
to the event queue WMSYS.WM$EVENT_QUEUE
to a database user by using the DBMS_AQADM.GRANT_QUEUE_PRIVILEGE
procedure, and optionally later revoke privileges by using the DBMS_AQADM.REVOKE_QUEUE_PRIVILEGE
to a database user to give that user administrative privileges on any queue.
Example 2-2 shows privileges being granted for a user to subscribe to the event queue and dequeue events.
ADWSM99191Example 2-2 Granting Privileges for Queue Access
-- Do the following while connected as SYSDBA. -- These privileges are required for the user to execute AQ packages. grant execute on DBMS_AQ to SCOTT ; grant execute on DBMS_AQADM to SCOTT ; -- Grant privilege to SCOTT for subscribing to the event queue. exec DBMS_AQADM.GRANT_SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE('MANAGE_ANY','SCOTT') ; -- Grant privilege to SCOTT to dequeue events. (As an alternative, you could use -- DBMS_AQADM.GRANT_QUEUE_PRIVILEGE to grant the DEQUEUE privilege on -- WMSYS.WM$EVENT_QUEUE.) exec DBMS_AQADM.GRANT_SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE('DEQUEUE_ANY','SCOTT') ;
An event can be delivered to multiple recipients based on event parameters. You can define a rule-based subscription for the event queue as the mechanism for specifying interest in receiving events. Subscriber rules are then used to evaluate recipients for event delivery. A null rule indicates that the subscriber wishes to receive all events.
Example 2-3 creates a rule-based subscription for user SCOTT to deliver WORKSPACE_MERGE_WO_REMOVE events when the parent workspace is the LIVE
ADWSM99193Example 2-3 Rule-Based Subscription for Workspace Manager Events
rem ================================================= rem Create queue subscribers rem Register for MergeWorkspace event when rem a workspace is merged to LIVE rem ================================================= connect scott -- Enter password when prompted. DECLARE subscriber$_agent; BEGIN subscriber :=$_agent('MERGE_LISTENER', NULL, NULL); dbms_aqadm.add_subscriber( queue_name => 'WMSYS.WM$EVENT_QUEUE', subscriber => subscriber, rule => 'tab.user_data.event_name = ''WORKSPACE_MERGE_WO_REMOVE'' and tab.user_data.parent_workspace_name = ''LIVE'''); END; /
The listen call is a blocking call that can be used to wait for events on a queue or a list of subscriptions. If the listen returns successfully, a dequeue must be used to retrieve the event.
Example 2-4 listens for events on an event queue.
ADWSM99195Example 2-4 Listening for a Workspace Manager Event
rem ============================================================== rem The following example shows how an application can listen for rem an event. Explicit dequeue must be performed to get the actual rem event parameters. The user SCOTT must have sufficient privileges rem as described in the "Access Control" section. rem ============================================================== connect scott -- Enter password when prompted. set serveroutput on DECLARE qlist$_agent_list_t; agent_w_msg$_agent; listen_timeout exception; pragma exception_init(listen_timeout, -25254); BEGIN qlist(0) :=$_agent('MERGE_LISTENER', 'WMSYS.WM$EVENT_QUEUE', NULL); dbms_output.put_line ('Listening on event queue.'); BEGIN DBMS_AQ.LISTEN( agent_list => qlist, wait => 30, agent => agent_w_msg); dbms_output.put_line( ; /* The event can be dequeued here to get the event data */ EXCEPTION when listen_timeout THEN null; END; END; /
Asynchronous notification allows clients to receive notification of an event of interest. The client can use it to monitor multiple subscriptions. The client does not have to be connected to the database to receive notifications regarding its subscriptions.
If an application registers for asynchronous notification of Workspace Manager events using callbacks, the minimum values for the following init.ora
parameters should be:
= 1
= 2
Example 2-5 registers for a callback to receive asynchronous notification of events.
ADWSM99197Example 2-5 Receiving Asynchronous Notification of Events
rem ===================================================== rem Example of how to register for a callback to the event rem queue on behalf of a subscriber. Subscriber has already rem been defined in previous section. The callback is rem invoked by the AQ framework whenever an event satisfying the rem rule for the subscriber occurs. The minimum values for rem the following init.ora parameters should be set as follows. rem aq_tm_processes = 1 rem job_queue_processes = 2 rem The user SCOTT must have sufficient privileges. rem =========================================================== CONNECT scott -- Enter password when prompted. CREATE TABLE merge_log ( event_name varchar2(30), workspace_name varchar2(30), parent_workspace_name varchar2(30), user_name varchar2(30) ); CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE scott.event_callback( context RAW , reginfo$_reg_info, descr$_descriptor, payload VARCHAR2, payloadl NUMBER) AS deq_msgid RAW(16); dopt dbms_aq.dequeue_options_t; mprop dbms_aq.message_properties_t; event WMSYS.WM$EVENT_TYPE; no_messages exception; pragma exception_init(no_messages, -25228); BEGIN dopt.consumer_name := 'MERGE_LISTENER'; dopt.wait := 30; dopt.msgid := descr.msg_id; dbms_aq.dequeue( queue_name => 'WMSYS.WM$EVENT_QUEUE', dequeue_options => dopt, message_properties => mprop, payload => event, msgid => deq_msgid); INSERT INTO merge_log VALUES (event.event_name, event.workspace_name, event.parent_workspace_name, event.user_name); /* Note: If there are additional parameters stored in "aux_params" attribute, it can be accessed using event.aux_params(1).name, event.aux_params(1).value, event.aux_params(2).name … and so on. The number of parameters can be accessed using event.aux_params.count when aux_params is not null. */ END; / grant execute on scott.event_callback to public ; rem ================================================== rem Register a callback for the event rem Queue name and subscriber name have to be specified rem while registering for a callback rem ================================================== DECLARE reginfo1$_reg_info; reginfolist$_reg_info_list; BEGIN reginfo1 :=$_reg_info('WMSYS.WM$EVENT_QUEUE:MERGE_LISTENER',1,'plsql://scott.event_callback?PR=1',HEXTORAW('FF')); reginfolist :=$_reg_info_list(reginfo1); sys.dbms_aq.register(reginfolist, 1); COMMIT; END; /