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Oracle® Call Interface Programmer's Guide
11g Release 2 (11.2)

Part Number E10646-10
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OCI Get Object Status Functions

Table 18-7 describes the OCI get object status functions that are described in this section.

LNOCI17330Table 18-7 Get Object Status Functions

Function Purpose


Get the existent status of an instance


Get the status of a particular object property


Get the dirtied status of an instance


Get the locked status of an instance




Returns the existence meta-attribute of a standalone instance.


sword OCIObjectExists ( OCIEnv         *env,
                        OCIError       *err,
                        void           *ins,
                        boolean        *exist ); 


env (IN/OUT)

The OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. See the descriptions of OCIEnvCreate(), OCIEnvNlsCreate(), and OCIInitialize() (deprecated) for more information.

err (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err, and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().

ins (IN)

Pointer to an instance. If it is an object, it must be pinned.

exist (OUT)

Return value for the existence status.


This function returns the existence meta-attribute of an instance. If the instance is a value, this function always returns TRUE. The instance must be a standalone persistent or transient object.

Related Functions





Retrieves a given property of an object.


sword OCIObjectGetProperty ( OCIEnv              *envh, 
                             OCIError            *errh, 
                             const void          *obj, 
                             OCIObjectPropId     propertyId,
                             void                *property, 
                             ub4                 *size );


envh (IN/OUT)

The OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. See the descriptions of OCIEnvCreate(), OCIEnvNlsCreate(), and OCIInitialize() (deprecated) for more information.

errh (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err, and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().

obj (IN)

The object whose property is returned.

propertyId (IN)

The identifier that specifies the property.

property (OUT)

The buffer into which the specified property is copied.

size (IN/OUT)

On input, this parameter specifies the size of the property buffer passed by the caller.

On output, it contains the size in bytes of the property returned. This parameter is required for string-type properties only, such as OCI_OBJECTPROP_SCHEMA and OCI_OBJECTPROP_TABLE. For non-string properties this parameter is ignored because the size is fixed.


This function returns the specified property of the object. This property is identified by propertyId. The property value is copied into property and for string typed properties, the string size is returned by size.

Objects are classified as persistent, transient, and value depending upon the lifetime and referenceability of the object. Some of the properties are applicable only to persistent objects and some others apply only to persistent and transient objects. An error is returned if the user tries to get a property that is not applicable to the given object. To avoid such an error, first check whether the object is persistent or transient or value (OCI_OBJECTPROP_LIFETIME property) and then appropriately query for other properties.

The different property IDs and the corresponding type of property argument are given next.


This identifies whether the given object is a persistent object or a transient object or a value instance. The property argument must be a pointer to a variable of type OCIObjectLifetime. Possible values include:


This returns the schema name of the table in which the object exists. An error is returned if the given object points to a transient instance or a value. If the input buffer is not big enough to hold the schema name, an error is returned; the error message communicates the required size. Upon success, the size of the returned schema name in bytes is returned by size. The property argument must be an array of type text, and size should be set to size of array in bytes by the caller.


This returns the table name in which the object exists. An error is returned if the given object points to a transient instance or a value. If the input buffer is not big enough to hold the table name, an error is returned; the error message communicates the required size. Upon success, the size of the returned table name in bytes is returned by size. The property argument must be an array of type text, and size should be set to size of array in bytes by the caller.


This returns the pin duration of the object. An error is returned if the given object points to a value instance. The property argument must be a pointer to a variable of type OCIDuration. Valid values include:

For more information about durations, see "Object Duration".


This returns the allocation duration of the object. The property argument must be a pointer to a variable of type OCIDuration. Valid values include:

For more information about durations, see "Object Duration".


This returns the lock status of the object. The possible lock statuses are enumerated by OCILockOpt. An error is returned if the given object points to a transient or value instance. The property argument must be a pointer to a variable of type OCILockOpt. The lock status of an object can also be retrieved by calling OCIObjectIsLocked(). Valid values include:


This returns the dirty status and indicates whether the object is a new object, updated object, or deleted object. An error is returned if the given object points to a transient or value instance. The property argument must be of type OCIObjectMarkStatus. Valid values include:

The following macros are available to test the object mark status:


This identifies whether the specified object is a view object or not. If the property value returned is TRUE, the object is a view; otherwise, it is not. An error is returned if the given object points to a transient or value instance. The property argument must be of type boolean.

Related Functions

OCIObjectLock(), OCIObjectMarkDelete(), OCIObjectMarkUpdate(), OCIObjectPin(), OCIObjectPin()




Checks to see if an object is marked as dirty.


sword OCIObjectIsDirty ( OCIEnv       *env,
                         OCIError     *err, 
                         void         *ins,
                         boolean      *dirty );


env (IN/OUT)

The OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. See the descriptions of OCIEnvCreate(), OCIEnvNlsCreate(), and OCIInitialize() (deprecated) for more information.

err (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err, and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().

ins (IN)

Pointer to an instance.

dirty (OUT)

Return value for the dirty status.


The instance passed to this function must be standalone. If the instance is an object, the instance must be pinned.

This function returns the dirty status of an instance. If the instance is a value, this function always returns FALSE for the dirty status.

Related Functions

OCIObjectMarkUpdate(), OCIObjectGetProperty()




Gets lock status of an object.


sword OCIObjectIsLocked ( OCIEnv       *env, 
                          OCIError     *err, 
                          void         *ins,
                          boolean      *lock );


env (IN/OUT)

The OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. See the descriptions of OCIEnvCreate(), OCIEnvNlsCreate(), and OCIInitialize() (deprecated) for more information.

err (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err, and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().

ins (IN)

Pointer to an instance. The instance must be standalone, and if it is an object, it must be pinned.

lock (OUT)

Return value for the lock status.


This function returns the lock status of an instance. If the instance is a value, this function always returns FALSE.

Related Functions

OCIObjectLock(), OCIObjectGetProperty()

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