// Copyright (C) 2010 Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net) // License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license. #ifndef DLIB_ONE_VS_ALL_DECISION_FUnCTION_Hh_ #define DLIB_ONE_VS_ALL_DECISION_FUnCTION_Hh_ #include "one_vs_all_decision_function_abstract.h" #include "../serialize.h" #include "../type_safe_union.h" #include <sstream> #include <map> #include "../any.h" #include "null_df.h" namespace dlib { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename one_vs_all_trainer, typename DF1 = null_df, typename DF2 = null_df, typename DF3 = null_df, typename DF4 = null_df, typename DF5 = null_df, typename DF6 = null_df, typename DF7 = null_df, typename DF8 = null_df, typename DF9 = null_df, typename DF10 = null_df > class one_vs_all_decision_function { public: typedef typename one_vs_all_trainer::label_type result_type; typedef typename one_vs_all_trainer::sample_type sample_type; typedef typename one_vs_all_trainer::scalar_type scalar_type; typedef typename one_vs_all_trainer::mem_manager_type mem_manager_type; typedef std::map<result_type, any_decision_function<sample_type, scalar_type> > binary_function_table; one_vs_all_decision_function() :num_classes(0) {} explicit one_vs_all_decision_function( const binary_function_table& dfs_ ) : dfs(dfs_) { num_classes = dfs.size(); } const binary_function_table& get_binary_decision_functions ( ) const { return dfs; } const std::vector<result_type> get_labels ( ) const { std::vector<result_type> temp; temp.reserve(dfs.size()); for (typename binary_function_table::const_iterator i = dfs.begin(); i != dfs.end(); ++i) { temp.push_back(i->first); } return temp; } template < typename df1, typename df2, typename df3, typename df4, typename df5, typename df6, typename df7, typename df8, typename df9, typename df10 > one_vs_all_decision_function ( const one_vs_all_decision_function<one_vs_all_trainer, df1, df2, df3, df4, df5, df6, df7, df8, df9, df10>& item ) : dfs(item.get_binary_decision_functions()), num_classes(item.number_of_classes()) {} unsigned long number_of_classes ( ) const { return num_classes; } std::pair<result_type, scalar_type> predict ( const sample_type& sample ) const { DLIB_ASSERT(number_of_classes() != 0, "\t pair<result_type,scalar_type> one_vs_all_decision_function::predict()" << "\n\t You can't make predictions with an empty decision function." << "\n\t this: " << this ); result_type best_label = result_type(); scalar_type best_score = -std::numeric_limits<scalar_type>::infinity(); // run all the classifiers over the sample and find the best one for(typename binary_function_table::const_iterator i = dfs.begin(); i != dfs.end(); ++i) { const scalar_type score = i->second(sample); if (score > best_score) { best_score = score; best_label = i->first; } } return std::make_pair(best_label, best_score); } result_type operator() ( const sample_type& sample ) const { DLIB_ASSERT(number_of_classes() != 0, "\t result_type one_vs_all_decision_function::operator()" << "\n\t You can't make predictions with an empty decision function." << "\n\t this: " << this ); return predict(sample).first; } private: binary_function_table dfs; unsigned long num_classes; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename T, typename DF1, typename DF2, typename DF3, typename DF4, typename DF5, typename DF6, typename DF7, typename DF8, typename DF9, typename DF10 > void serialize( const one_vs_all_decision_function<T,DF1,DF2,DF3,DF4,DF5,DF6,DF7,DF8,DF9,DF10>& item, std::ostream& out ) { try { type_safe_union<DF1,DF2,DF3,DF4,DF5,DF6,DF7,DF8,DF9,DF10> temp; typedef typename T::label_type result_type; typedef typename T::sample_type sample_type; typedef typename T::scalar_type scalar_type; typedef std::map<result_type, any_decision_function<sample_type, scalar_type> > binary_function_table; const unsigned long version = 1; serialize(version, out); const unsigned long size = item.get_binary_decision_functions().size(); serialize(size, out); for(typename binary_function_table::const_iterator i = item.get_binary_decision_functions().begin(); i != item.get_binary_decision_functions().end(); ++i) { serialize(i->first, out); if (i->second.template contains<DF1>()) temp.template get<DF1>() = any_cast<DF1>(i->second); else if (i->second.template contains<DF2>()) temp.template get<DF2>() = any_cast<DF2>(i->second); else if (i->second.template contains<DF3>()) temp.template get<DF3>() = any_cast<DF3>(i->second); else if (i->second.template contains<DF4>()) temp.template get<DF4>() = any_cast<DF4>(i->second); else if (i->second.template contains<DF5>()) temp.template get<DF5>() = any_cast<DF5>(i->second); else if (i->second.template contains<DF6>()) temp.template get<DF6>() = any_cast<DF6>(i->second); else if (i->second.template contains<DF7>()) temp.template get<DF7>() = any_cast<DF7>(i->second); else if (i->second.template contains<DF8>()) temp.template get<DF8>() = any_cast<DF8>(i->second); else if (i->second.template contains<DF9>()) temp.template get<DF9>() = any_cast<DF9>(i->second); else if (i->second.template contains<DF10>()) temp.template get<DF10>() = any_cast<DF10>(i->second); else throw serialization_error("Can't serialize one_vs_all_decision_function. Not all decision functions defined."); serialize(temp,out); } } catch (serialization_error& e) { throw serialization_error(e.info + "\n while serializing an object of type one_vs_all_decision_function"); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace impl_ova { template <typename sample_type, typename scalar_type> struct copy_to_df_helper { copy_to_df_helper(any_decision_function<sample_type, scalar_type>& target_) : target(target_) {} any_decision_function<sample_type, scalar_type>& target; template <typename T> void operator() ( const T& item ) const { target = item; } }; } template < typename T, typename DF1, typename DF2, typename DF3, typename DF4, typename DF5, typename DF6, typename DF7, typename DF8, typename DF9, typename DF10 > void deserialize( one_vs_all_decision_function<T,DF1,DF2,DF3,DF4,DF5,DF6,DF7,DF8,DF9,DF10>& item, std::istream& in ) { try { type_safe_union<DF1,DF2,DF3,DF4,DF5,DF6,DF7,DF8,DF9,DF10> temp; typedef typename T::label_type result_type; typedef typename T::sample_type sample_type; typedef typename T::scalar_type scalar_type; typedef impl_ova::copy_to_df_helper<sample_type, scalar_type> copy_to; unsigned long version; deserialize(version, in); if (version != 1) throw serialization_error("Can't deserialize one_vs_all_decision_function. Wrong version."); unsigned long size; deserialize(size, in); typedef std::map<result_type, any_decision_function<sample_type, scalar_type> > binary_function_table; binary_function_table dfs; result_type l; for (unsigned long i = 0; i < size; ++i) { deserialize(l, in); deserialize(temp, in); if (temp.template contains<null_df>()) throw serialization_error("A sub decision function of unknown type was encountered."); temp.apply_to_contents(copy_to(dfs[l])); } item = one_vs_all_decision_function<T,DF1,DF2,DF3,DF4,DF5,DF6,DF7,DF8,DF9,DF10>(dfs); } catch (serialization_error& e) { throw serialization_error(e.info + "\n while deserializing an object of type one_vs_all_decision_function"); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } #endif // DLIB_ONE_VS_ALL_DECISION_FUnCTION_Hh_