// Copyright (C) 2006  Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net)
// License: Boost Software License   See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
#ifndef DLIB_MATRIx_MAT_Hh_
#define DLIB_MATRIx_MAT_Hh_

#include "matrix_mat_abstract.h"
#include "../stl_checked.h"
#include <vector>
#include "matrix_op.h"
#include "../array2d.h"
#include "../array.h"
#include "../image_processing/generic_image.h"

namespace dlib

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    template <
        typename EXP
    const matrix_exp<EXP>& mat (
        const matrix_exp<EXP>& m
        return m;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <typename image_type, typename pixel_type>
    struct op_image_to_mat : does_not_alias 
        op_image_to_mat( const image_type& img) : imgview(img){}

        const_image_view<image_type> imgview;

        const static long cost = 1;
        const static long NR = 0;
        const static long NC = 0;
        typedef pixel_type type;
        typedef const pixel_type& const_ret_type;
        typedef default_memory_manager mem_manager_type;
        typedef row_major_layout layout_type;

        const_ret_type apply (long r, long c ) const { return imgview[r][c]; }

        long nr () const { return imgview.nr(); }
        long nc () const { return imgview.nc(); }

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename image_type
        > // The reason we disable this if it is a matrix is because this matrix_op claims
          // to not alias any matrix.  But obviously that would be a problem if we let it
          // take a matrix.
    const typename disable_if<is_matrix<image_type>,matrix_op<op_image_to_mat<image_type, typename image_traits<image_type>::pixel_type> > >::type mat (
        const image_type& img 
        typedef op_image_to_mat<image_type, typename image_traits<image_type>::pixel_type> op;
        return matrix_op<op>(op(img));

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <typename image_type>
    struct op_image_view_to_mat : does_not_alias 
        op_image_view_to_mat( const image_view<image_type>& img) : imgview(img){}

        typedef typename image_traits<image_type>::pixel_type pixel_type;

        const image_view<image_type>& imgview;

        const static long cost = 1;
        const static long NR = 0;
        const static long NC = 0;
        typedef pixel_type type;
        typedef const pixel_type& const_ret_type;
        typedef default_memory_manager mem_manager_type;
        typedef row_major_layout layout_type;

        const_ret_type apply (long r, long c ) const { return imgview[r][c]; }

        long nr () const { return imgview.nr(); }
        long nc () const { return imgview.nc(); }

    template <
        typename image_type
    const matrix_op<op_image_view_to_mat<image_type> > mat (
        const image_view<image_type>& img 
        typedef op_image_view_to_mat<image_type> op;
        return matrix_op<op>(op(img));

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <typename image_type>
    struct op_const_image_view_to_mat : does_not_alias 
        op_const_image_view_to_mat( const const_image_view<image_type>& img) : imgview(img){}

        typedef typename image_traits<image_type>::pixel_type pixel_type;

        const const_image_view<image_type>& imgview;

        const static long cost = 1;
        const static long NR = 0;
        const static long NC = 0;
        typedef pixel_type type;
        typedef const pixel_type& const_ret_type;
        typedef default_memory_manager mem_manager_type;
        typedef row_major_layout layout_type;

        const_ret_type apply (long r, long c ) const { return imgview[r][c]; }

        long nr () const { return imgview.nr(); }
        long nc () const { return imgview.nc(); }

    template <
        typename image_type
    const matrix_op<op_const_image_view_to_mat<image_type> > mat (
        const const_image_view<image_type>& img 
        typedef op_const_image_view_to_mat<image_type> op;
        return matrix_op<op>(op(img));

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <typename T>
    struct op_array_to_mat : does_not_alias 
        op_array_to_mat( const T& vect_) : vect(vect_){}

        const T& vect;

        const static long cost = 1;
        const static long NR = 0;
        const static long NC = 1;
        typedef typename T::type type;
        typedef const typename T::type& const_ret_type;
        typedef typename T::mem_manager_type mem_manager_type;
        typedef row_major_layout layout_type;

        const_ret_type apply (long r, long  ) const { return vect[r]; }

        long nr () const { return vect.size(); }
        long nc () const { return 1; }

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename T,
        typename MM
    const matrix_op<op_array_to_mat<array<T,MM> > > mat (
        const array<T,MM>& m 
        typedef op_array_to_mat<array<T,MM> > op;
        return matrix_op<op>(op(m));

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    namespace impl
        template <typename U>
        struct not_bool { typedef U type; };
        template <>
        struct not_bool<const bool&> { typedef bool type; };

    template <typename T>
    struct op_std_vect_to_mat : does_not_alias 
        op_std_vect_to_mat( const T& vect_) : vect(vect_){}

        const T& vect;

        const static long cost = 1;
        const static long NR = 0;
        const static long NC = 1;
        typedef typename T::value_type type;
        // Since std::vector returns a proxy for bool types we need to make sure we don't
        // return an element by reference if it is a bool type.
        typedef typename impl::not_bool<const typename T::value_type&>::type const_ret_type;

        typedef default_memory_manager mem_manager_type;
        typedef row_major_layout layout_type;

        const_ret_type apply (long r, long ) const { return vect[r]; }

        long nr () const { return vect.size(); }
        long nc () const { return 1; }

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename value_type,
        typename alloc
    const matrix_op<op_std_vect_to_mat<std::vector<value_type,alloc> > > mat (
        const std::vector<value_type,alloc>& vector
        typedef op_std_vect_to_mat<std::vector<value_type,alloc> > op;
        return matrix_op<op>(op(vector));

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename value_type,
        typename alloc
    const matrix_op<op_std_vect_to_mat<std_vector_c<value_type,alloc> > > mat (
        const std_vector_c<value_type,alloc>& vector
        typedef op_std_vect_to_mat<std_vector_c<value_type,alloc> > op;
        return matrix_op<op>(op(vector));

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <typename T>
    struct op_pointer_to_mat;   

    template <typename T>
    struct op_pointer_to_col_vect   
            const T* ptr_,
            const long size_
        ) : ptr(ptr_), size(size_){}

        const T* ptr;
        const long size;

        const static long cost = 1;
        const static long NR = 0;
        const static long NC = 1;
        typedef T type;
        typedef const T& const_ret_type;
        typedef default_memory_manager mem_manager_type;
        typedef row_major_layout layout_type;

        const_ret_type apply (long r, long ) const { return ptr[r]; }

        long nr () const { return size; }
        long nc () const { return 1; }

        template <typename U> bool aliases               ( const matrix_exp<U>& ) const { return false; }
        template <typename U> bool destructively_aliases ( const matrix_exp<U>& ) const { return false; }

        template <long num_rows, long num_cols, typename mem_manager, typename layout>
        bool aliases (
            const matrix_exp<matrix<T,num_rows,num_cols, mem_manager,layout> >& item
        ) const 
            if (item.size() == 0)
                return false;
                return (ptr == &item(0,0)); 

        inline bool aliases (
            const matrix_exp<matrix_op<op_pointer_to_mat<T> > >& item
        ) const;

        bool aliases (
            const matrix_exp<matrix_op<op_pointer_to_col_vect<T> > >& item
        ) const
            return item.ref().op.ptr == ptr;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename T
    const matrix_op<op_pointer_to_col_vect<T> > mat (
        const T* ptr,
        long nr
        DLIB_ASSERT(nr >= 0 , 
                    "\tconst matrix_exp mat(ptr, nr)"
                    << "\n\t nr must be >= 0"
                    << "\n\t nr: " << nr
        typedef op_pointer_to_col_vect<T> op;
        return matrix_op<op>(op(ptr, nr));

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <typename T>
    struct op_pointer_to_mat  
            const T* ptr_,
            const long nr_,
            const long nc_ 
        ) : ptr(ptr_), rows(nr_), cols(nc_), stride(nc_){}

            const T* ptr_,
            const long nr_,
            const long nc_,
            const long stride_
        ) : ptr(ptr_), rows(nr_), cols(nc_), stride(stride_){}

        const T* ptr;
        const long rows;
        const long cols;
        const long stride;

        const static long cost = 1;
        const static long NR = 0;
        const static long NC = 0;
        typedef T type;
        typedef const T& const_ret_type;
        typedef default_memory_manager mem_manager_type;
        typedef row_major_layout layout_type;

        const_ret_type apply (long r, long c) const { return ptr[r*stride + c]; }

        long nr () const { return rows; }
        long nc () const { return cols; }

        template <typename U> bool aliases               ( const matrix_exp<U>& ) const { return false; }
        template <typename U> bool destructively_aliases ( const matrix_exp<U>& ) const { return false; }

        template <long num_rows, long num_cols, typename mem_manager, typename layout>
        bool aliases (
            const matrix_exp<matrix<T,num_rows,num_cols, mem_manager,layout> >& item
        ) const 
            if (item.size() == 0)
                return false;
                return (ptr == &item(0,0)); 

        bool aliases (
            const matrix_exp<matrix_op<op_pointer_to_mat<T> > >& item
        ) const
            return item.ref().op.ptr == ptr;

        bool aliases (
            const matrix_exp<matrix_op<op_pointer_to_col_vect<T> > >& item
        ) const
            return item.ref().op.ptr == ptr;

    template <typename T>
    bool op_pointer_to_col_vect<T>::
    aliases (
        const matrix_exp<matrix_op<op_pointer_to_mat<T> > >& item
    ) const
        return item.ref().op.ptr == ptr;

    template <typename T, long NR, long NC, typename MM, typename L>
    bool matrix<T,NR,NC,MM,L>::aliases (
        const matrix_exp<matrix_op<op_pointer_to_mat<T> > >& item
    ) const
        if (size() != 0)
            return item.ref().op.ptr == &data(0,0);
            return false;

    template <typename T, long NR, long NC, typename MM, typename L>
    bool matrix<T,NR,NC,MM,L>::aliases (
        const matrix_exp<matrix_op<op_pointer_to_col_vect<T> > >& item
    ) const
        if (size() != 0)
            return item.ref().op.ptr == &data(0,0);
            return false;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename T
    const matrix_op<op_pointer_to_mat<T> > mat (
        const T* ptr,
        long nr,
        long nc
        DLIB_ASSERT(nr >= 0 && nc >= 0 , 
                    "\tconst matrix_exp mat(ptr, nr, nc)"
                    << "\n\t nr and nc must be >= 0"
                    << "\n\t nr: " << nr
                    << "\n\t nc: " << nc
        typedef op_pointer_to_mat<T> op;
        return matrix_op<op>(op(ptr,nr,nc));

    template <
        typename T
    const matrix_op<op_pointer_to_mat<T> > mat (
        const T* ptr,
        long nr,
        long nc,
        long stride
        DLIB_ASSERT(nr >= 0 && nc >= 0 && stride > 0 , 
                    "\tconst matrix_exp mat(ptr, nr, nc, stride)"
                    << "\n\t nr and nc must be >= 0 while stride > 0"
                    << "\n\t nr: " << nr
                    << "\n\t nc: " << nc
                    << "\n\t stride: " << stride
        typedef op_pointer_to_mat<T> op;
        return matrix_op<op>(op(ptr,nr,nc,stride));

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


namespace arma
    template <typename T> class Mat;
namespace dlib
    template <typename T>
    struct op_arma_Mat_to_mat : does_not_alias 
        op_arma_Mat_to_mat( const T& array_) : array(array_){}

        const T& array;

        const static long cost = 1;
        const static long NR = 0;
        const static long NC = 0;
        typedef typename T::elem_type type;
        typedef typename T::elem_type const_ret_type;
        typedef default_memory_manager mem_manager_type;
        typedef row_major_layout layout_type;

        const_ret_type apply (long r, long c ) const { return array(r,c); }

        long nr () const { return array.n_rows; }
        long nc () const { return array.n_cols; }

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename T
    const matrix_op<op_arma_Mat_to_mat< ::arma::Mat<T> > > mat (
        const ::arma::Mat<T>& array
        typedef op_arma_Mat_to_mat< ::arma::Mat<T> > op;
        return matrix_op<op>(op(array));

namespace Eigen
    template<typename _Scalar, int _Rows, int _Cols, int _Options, int _MaxRows, int _MaxCols>
    class Matrix;

namespace dlib
    template <typename T, int _Rows, int _Cols>
    struct op_eigen_Matrix_to_mat : does_not_alias 
        op_eigen_Matrix_to_mat( const T& array_) : m(array_){}

        const T& m;

        const static long cost = 1;
        const static long NR = (_Rows > 0) ? _Rows : 0;
        const static long NC = (_Cols > 0) ? _Cols : 0;
        typedef typename T::Scalar type;
        typedef typename T::Scalar const_ret_type;
        typedef default_memory_manager mem_manager_type;
        typedef row_major_layout layout_type;

        const_ret_type apply (long r, long c ) const { return m(r,c); }

        long nr () const { return m.rows(); }
        long nc () const { return m.cols(); }

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename _Scalar, int _Rows, int _Cols, int _Options, int _MaxRows, int _MaxCols
    const matrix_op<op_eigen_Matrix_to_mat< ::Eigen::Matrix<_Scalar,_Rows,_Cols,_Options,_MaxRows,_MaxCols>,_Rows,_Cols > > mat (
        const ::Eigen::Matrix<_Scalar,_Rows,_Cols,_Options,_MaxRows,_MaxCols>& m
        typedef op_eigen_Matrix_to_mat< ::Eigen::Matrix<_Scalar,_Rows,_Cols,_Options,_MaxRows,_MaxCols>,_Rows,_Cols > op;
        return matrix_op<op>(op(m));

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//                                  DEPRECATED FUNCTIONS
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// vector_to_matrix(), array_to_matrix(), pointer_to_matrix(), and
// pointer_to_column_vector() have been deprecated in favor of the more uniform mat()
// function.  But they are here for backwards compatibility.

    template <
        typename vector_type
    const typename disable_if<is_matrix<vector_type>, matrix_op<op_array_to_mat<vector_type> > >::type 
    vector_to_matrix (
        const vector_type& vector
        typedef op_array_to_mat<vector_type> op;
        return matrix_op<op>(op(vector));

    template <
        typename vector_type
    const typename enable_if<is_matrix<vector_type>,vector_type>::type& vector_to_matrix (
        const vector_type& vector
        This overload catches the case where the argument to this function is
        already a matrix.
        return vector;

    template <
        typename value_type,
        typename alloc
    const matrix_op<op_std_vect_to_mat<std::vector<value_type,alloc> > > vector_to_matrix (
        const std::vector<value_type,alloc>& vector
        typedef op_std_vect_to_mat<std::vector<value_type,alloc> > op;
        return matrix_op<op>(op(vector));

    template <
        typename value_type,
        typename alloc
    const matrix_op<op_std_vect_to_mat<std_vector_c<value_type,alloc> > > vector_to_matrix (
        const std_vector_c<value_type,alloc>& vector
        typedef op_std_vect_to_mat<std_vector_c<value_type,alloc> > op;
        return matrix_op<op>(op(vector));

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename array_type
    const typename enable_if<is_matrix<array_type>,array_type>::type& 
    array_to_matrix (
        const array_type& array
        return array;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <typename T>
    struct op_array2d_to_mat : does_not_alias 
        op_array2d_to_mat( const T& array_) : array(array_){}

        const T& array;

        const static long cost = 1;
        const static long NR = 0;
        const static long NC = 0;
        typedef typename T::type type;
        typedef const typename T::type& const_ret_type;
        typedef typename T::mem_manager_type mem_manager_type;
        typedef row_major_layout layout_type;

        const_ret_type apply (long r, long c ) const { return array[r][c]; }

        long nr () const { return array.nr(); }
        long nc () const { return array.nc(); }

    // Note that we have this version of mat() because it's slightly faster executing
    // than the general one that handles any generic image.  This is because it avoids
    // calling image_data() which for array2d involves a single if statement but this
    // version here has no if statement in its construction.
    template < typename T, typename MM >
    const matrix_op<op_array2d_to_mat<array2d<T,MM> > > mat (
        const array2d<T,MM>& array
        typedef op_array2d_to_mat<array2d<T,MM> > op;
        return matrix_op<op>(op(array));

    template <
        typename array_type
    const typename disable_if<is_matrix<array_type>,matrix_op<op_array2d_to_mat<array_type> > >::type 
    array_to_matrix (
        const array_type& array
        typedef op_array2d_to_mat<array_type> op;
        return matrix_op<op>(op(array));

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename T
    const matrix_op<op_pointer_to_mat<T> > pointer_to_matrix (
        const T* ptr,
        long nr,
        long nc
        DLIB_ASSERT(nr > 0 && nc > 0 , 
                    "\tconst matrix_exp pointer_to_matrix(ptr, nr, nc)"
                    << "\n\t nr and nc must be bigger than 0"
                    << "\n\t nr: " << nr
                    << "\n\t nc: " << nc
        typedef op_pointer_to_mat<T> op;
        return matrix_op<op>(op(ptr,nr,nc));

    template <
        typename T
    const matrix_op<op_pointer_to_col_vect<T> > pointer_to_column_vector (
        const T* ptr,
        long nr
        DLIB_ASSERT(nr > 0 , 
                    "\tconst matrix_exp pointer_to_column_vector(ptr, nr)"
                    << "\n\t nr must be bigger than 0"
                    << "\n\t nr: " << nr
        typedef op_pointer_to_col_vect<T> op;
        return matrix_op<op>(op(ptr, nr));

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    inline matrix<double,1,1> mat (
        double value
        matrix<double,1,1> temp;
        temp(0) = value;
        return temp;

    inline matrix<float,1,1> mat (
        float value
        matrix<float,1,1> temp;
        temp(0) = value;
        return temp;

    inline matrix<long double,1,1> mat (
        long double value
        matrix<long double,1,1> temp;
        temp(0) = value;
        return temp;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


#endif // DLIB_MATRIx_MAT_Hh_