// Copyright (C) 2014  Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net)
// License: Boost Software License   See LICENSE.txt for the full license.

#include "../geometry.h"
#include "../image_processing/generic_image.h"

namespace dlib

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    class hough_transform
                This object is a tool for computing the line finding version of the Hough
                transform given some kind of edge detection image as input.  It also allows
                the edge pixels to be weighted such that higher weighted edge pixels
                contribute correspondingly more to the output of the Hough transform,
                allowing stronger edges to create correspondingly stronger line detections
                in the final Hough transform.

            THREAD SAFETY
                It is safe for multiple threads to make concurrent accesses to this object
                without synchronization.


        explicit hough_transform (
            unsigned long size_
                - size_ > 0
                - This object will compute Hough transforms that are size_ by size_ pixels.  
                  This is in terms of both the Hough accumulator array size as well as the
                  input image size.
                - #size() == size_

        unsigned long size(
        ) const;
                - returns the size of the Hough transforms generated by this object.  In
                  particular, this object creates Hough transform images that are size() by
                  size() pixels in size.

        long nr(
        ) const;
                - returns size()

        long nc(
        ) const;
                - returns size()

        std::pair<point, point> get_line (
            const point& p
        ) const;
                - rectangle(0,0,size()-1,size()-1).contains(p) == true
                  (i.e. p must be a point inside the Hough accumulator array)
                - returns the line segment in the original image space corresponding
                  to Hough transform point p. 
                - The returned points are inside rectangle(0,0,size()-1,size()-1).

        template <
            typename image_type
        point get_best_hough_point (
            const point& p,
            const image_type& himg
                - image_type == an image object that implements the interface defined in
                  dlib/image_processing/generic_image.h and it must contain grayscale pixels.
                - himg.nr() == size()
                - himg.nc() == size()
                - rectangle(0,0,size()-1,size()-1).contains(p) == true
                - This function interprets himg as a Hough image and p as a point in the
                  original image space.  Given this, it finds the maximum scoring line that
                  passes though p.  That is, it checks all the Hough accumulator bins in
                  himg corresponding to lines though p and returns the location with the
                  largest score.  
                - returns a point X such that get_rect(himg).contains(X) == true

        template <
            typename in_image_type,
            typename out_image_type
        void operator() (
            const in_image_type& img,
            const rectangle& box,
            out_image_type& himg
        ) const;
                - in_image_type == an image object that implements the interface defined in
                  dlib/image_processing/generic_image.h and it must contain grayscale pixels.
                - out_image_type == an image object that implements the interface defined in
                  dlib/image_processing/generic_image.h and it must contain grayscale pixels.
                - box.width() == size()
                - box.height() == size()
                - Computes the Hough transform of the part of img contained within box.
                  In particular, we do a grayscale version of the Hough transform where any
                  non-zero pixel in img is treated as a potential component of a line and
                  accumulated into the Hough accumulator #himg.  However, rather than
                  adding 1 to each relevant accumulator bin we add the value of the pixel
                  in img to each Hough accumulator bin.  This means that, if all the
                  pixels in img are 0 or 1 then this routine performs a normal Hough
                  transform.  However, if some pixels have larger values then they will be
                  weighted correspondingly more in the resulting Hough transform.
                - #himg.nr() == size()
                - #himg.nc() == size()
                - #himg is the Hough transform of the part of img contained in box.  Each
                  point in #himg corresponds to a line in the input box.  In particular,
                  the line for #himg[y][x] is given by get_line(point(x,y)).  Also, when
                  viewing the #himg image, the x-axis gives the angle of the line and the
                  y-axis the distance of the line from the center of the box.
