// Copyright (C) 2004 Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net) // License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license. #ifndef DLIB_ENTROPY_DECODER_MODEL_KERNEl_3_ #define DLIB_ENTROPY_DECODER_MODEL_KERNEl_3_ #include "../algs.h" #include "entropy_decoder_model_kernel_abstract.h" #include "../assert.h" namespace dlib { template < unsigned long alphabet_size, typename entropy_decoder, typename cc, typename cc_high > class entropy_decoder_model_kernel_3 { /*! REQUIREMENTS ON cc cc is an implementation of conditioning_class/conditioning_class_kernel_abstract.h cc::get_alphabet_size() == alphabet_size+1 REQUIREMENTS ON cc_high cc_high is an implementation of conditioning_class/conditioning_class_kernel_abstract.h cc_high::get_alphabet_size() == alphabet_size+1 INITIAL VALUE - Initially this object's finite context model is empty - previous_symbol == 0 - previous_symbol2 == 0 - order_1 == pointer to an array of alphabet_size elements - order_2 == pointer to an array of alphabet_size*alphabet_size elements - for all values of i: order_2[i] == 0 CONVENTION &get_entropy_encoder() == coder &order_0.get_global_state() == &gs &order_1[i]->get_global_state() == &gs if (order_2[i] != 0) then &order_2[i]->get_global_state() == &gs_high This is an order-2-1-0 model. The last symbol in the order-2, order-1 and order-0 contexts is an escape into the lower context. previous_symbol == the last symbol seen previous_symbol2 == the symbol we saw before previous_symbol !*/ public: typedef entropy_decoder entropy_decoder_type; entropy_decoder_model_kernel_3 ( entropy_decoder& coder ); virtual ~entropy_decoder_model_kernel_3 ( ); inline void clear( ); inline void decode ( unsigned long& symbol ); entropy_decoder& get_entropy_decoder ( ) { return coder; } static unsigned long get_alphabet_size ( ) { return alphabet_size; } private: entropy_decoder& coder; typename cc::global_state_type gs; typename cc_high::global_state_type gs_high; cc order_0; cc** order_1; unsigned long previous_symbol; cc_high** order_2; unsigned long previous_symbol2; // restricted functions entropy_decoder_model_kernel_3(entropy_decoder_model_kernel_3&); // copy constructor entropy_decoder_model_kernel_3& operator=(entropy_decoder_model_kernel_3&); // assignment operator }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // member function definitions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < unsigned long alphabet_size, typename entropy_decoder, typename cc, typename cc_high > entropy_decoder_model_kernel_3<alphabet_size,entropy_decoder,cc,cc_high>:: entropy_decoder_model_kernel_3 ( entropy_decoder& coder_ ) : coder(coder_), order_0(gs), order_1(0), previous_symbol(0), order_2(0), previous_symbol2(0) { COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( 1 < alphabet_size && alphabet_size < 65535); try { order_1 = new cc*[alphabet_size]; order_2 = new cc_high*[alphabet_size*alphabet_size]; } catch (...) { if (order_1) delete [] order_1; if (order_2) delete [] order_2; throw; } unsigned long i; for (i = 0; i < alphabet_size*alphabet_size; ++i) { order_2[i] = 0; } try { for (i = 0; i < alphabet_size; ++i) { order_1[i] = new cc(gs); } } catch (...) { for (unsigned long j = 0; j < i; ++j) { delete order_1[j]; } throw; } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < unsigned long alphabet_size, typename entropy_decoder, typename cc, typename cc_high > entropy_decoder_model_kernel_3<alphabet_size,entropy_decoder,cc,cc_high>:: ~entropy_decoder_model_kernel_3 ( ) { for (unsigned long i = 0; i < alphabet_size; ++i) { delete order_1[i]; } for (unsigned long i = 0; i < alphabet_size*alphabet_size; ++i) { if (order_2[i] != 0) delete order_2[i]; } delete [] order_1; delete [] order_2; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < unsigned long alphabet_size, typename entropy_decoder, typename cc, typename cc_high > void entropy_decoder_model_kernel_3<alphabet_size,entropy_decoder,cc,cc_high>:: clear( ) { previous_symbol = 0; previous_symbol2 = 0; order_0.clear(); for (unsigned long i = 0; i < alphabet_size; ++i) { order_1[i]->clear(); } for (unsigned long i = 0; i < alphabet_size*alphabet_size; ++i) { if (order_2[i] != 0) { delete order_2[i]; order_2[i] = 0; } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < unsigned long alphabet_size, typename entropy_decoder, typename cc, typename cc_high > void entropy_decoder_model_kernel_3<alphabet_size,entropy_decoder,cc,cc_high>:: decode ( unsigned long& symbol ) { unsigned long current_symbol, low_count, high_count, target; // look in the order-2 context unsigned long temp = previous_symbol + (previous_symbol2 * alphabet_size); if (order_2[temp] != 0) { target = coder.get_target(order_2[temp]->get_total()); order_2[temp]->get_symbol(target,current_symbol,low_count,high_count); // have the coder decode the next symbol coder.decode(low_count,high_count); // if the current_symbol is not an escape from the order-2 context if (current_symbol != alphabet_size) { symbol = current_symbol; order_2[temp]->increment_count(current_symbol,2); previous_symbol2 = previous_symbol; previous_symbol = current_symbol; return; } // since this is an escape to order-1 we should increment // the escape symbol order_2[temp]->increment_count(alphabet_size); } else { order_2[temp] = new cc_high(gs_high); } // look in the order-1 context target = coder.get_target(order_1[previous_symbol]->get_total()); order_1[previous_symbol]->get_symbol(target,current_symbol,low_count,high_count); // have the coder decode the next symbol coder.decode(low_count,high_count); // if the current_symbol is not an escape from the order-1 context if (current_symbol != alphabet_size) { symbol = current_symbol; order_2[temp]->increment_count(current_symbol,2); order_1[previous_symbol]->increment_count(current_symbol,2); previous_symbol2 = previous_symbol; previous_symbol = current_symbol; return; } // since this is an escape to order-0 we should increment // the escape symbol order_1[previous_symbol]->increment_count(alphabet_size); // look in the order-0 context target = coder.get_target(order_0.get_total()); order_0.get_symbol(target,current_symbol,low_count,high_count); // have coder decode the next symbol coder.decode(low_count,high_count); // if current_symbol is not an escape from the order-0 context if (current_symbol != alphabet_size) { // update the count for this symbol order_2[temp]->increment_count(current_symbol,2); order_1[previous_symbol]->increment_count(current_symbol,2); order_0.increment_count(current_symbol,2); symbol = current_symbol; previous_symbol2 = previous_symbol; previous_symbol = current_symbol; return; } // update the count for the escape symbol order_0.increment_count(current_symbol); // go into the order minus one context target = coder.get_target(alphabet_size); coder.decode(target,target+1); // update the count for this symbol order_2[temp]->increment_count(target,2); order_1[previous_symbol]->increment_count(target,2); order_0.increment_count(target,2); symbol = target; previous_symbol2 = previous_symbol; previous_symbol = target; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } #endif // DLIB_ENTROPY_DECODER_MODEL_KERNEl_3_