17.8. HBase Snapshots

HBase Snapshots allow you to take a snapshot of a table without too much impact on Region Servers. Snapshot, Clone and restore operations don't involve data copying. Also, Exporting the snapshot to another cluster doesn't have impact on the Region Servers.

Prior to version 0.94.6, the only way to backup or to clone a table is to use CopyTable/ExportTable, or to copy all the hfiles in HDFS after disabling the table. The disadvantages of these methods are that you can degrade region server performance (Copy/Export Table) or you need to disable the table, that means no reads or writes; and this is usually unacceptable.

17.8.1. Configuration

To turn on the snapshot support just set the hbase.snapshot.enabled property to true. (Snapshots are enabled by default in 0.95+ and off by default in 0.94.6+)


17.8.2. Take a Snapshot

You can take a snapshot of a table regardless of whether it is enabled or disabled. The snapshot operation doesn't involve any data copying.

$ ./bin/hbase shell
hbase> snapshot 'myTable', 'myTableSnapshot-122112'

Take a Snapshot Without Flushing. The default behavior is to perform a flush of data in memory before the snapshot is taken. This means that data in memory is included in the snapshot. In most cases, this is the desired behavior. However, if your set-up can tolerate data in memory being excluded from the snapshot, you can use the SKIP_FLUSH option of the snapshot command to disable and flushing while taking the snapshot.

hbase> snapshot 'mytable', 'snapshot123', {SKIP_FLUSH => true}


There is no way to determine or predict whether a very concurrent insert or update will be included in a given snapshot, whether flushing is enabled or disabled. A snapshot is only a representation of a table during a window of time. The amount of time the snapshot operation will take to reach each Region Server may vary from a few seconds to a minute, depending on the resource load and speed of the hardware or network, among other factors. There is also no way to know whether a given insert or update is in memory or has been flushed.

17.8.3. Listing Snapshots

List all snapshots taken (by printing the names and relative information).

$ ./bin/hbase shell
hbase> list_snapshots

17.8.4. Deleting Snapshots

You can remove a snapshot, and the files retained for that snapshot will be removed if no longer needed.

$ ./bin/hbase shell
hbase> delete_snapshot 'myTableSnapshot-122112'

17.8.5. Clone a table from snapshot

From a snapshot you can create a new table (clone operation) with the same data that you had when the snapshot was taken. The clone operation, doesn't involve data copies, and a change to the cloned table doesn't impact the snapshot or the original table.

$ ./bin/hbase shell
hbase> clone_snapshot 'myTableSnapshot-122112', 'myNewTestTable'

17.8.6. Restore a snapshot

The restore operation requires the table to be disabled, and the table will be restored to the state at the time when the snapshot was taken, changing both data and schema if required.

$ ./bin/hbase shell
hbase> disable 'myTable'
hbase> restore_snapshot 'myTableSnapshot-122112'


Since Replication works at log level and snapshots at file-system level, after a restore, the replicas will be in a different state from the master. If you want to use restore, you need to stop replication and redo the bootstrap.

In case of partial data-loss due to misbehaving client, instead of a full restore that requires the table to be disabled, you can clone the table from the snapshot and use a Map-Reduce job to copy the data that you need, from the clone to the main one.

17.8.7. Snapshots operations and ACLs

If you are using security with the AccessController Coprocessor (See Section 8.3.2, “Access Control Labels (ACLs)”), only a global administrator can take, clone, or restore a snapshot, and these actions do not capture the ACL rights. This means that restoring a table preserves the ACL rights of the existing table, while cloning a table creates a new table that has no ACL rights until the administrator adds them.

17.8.8. Export to another cluster

The ExportSnapshot tool copies all the data related to a snapshot (hfiles, logs, snapshot metadata) to another cluster. The tool executes a Map-Reduce job, similar to distcp, to copy files between the two clusters, and since it works at file-system level the hbase cluster does not have to be online.

To copy a snapshot called MySnapshot to an HBase cluster srv2 (hdfs:///srv2:8082/hbase) using 16 mappers:

$ bin/hbase class org.apache.hadoop.hbase.snapshot.ExportSnapshot -snapshot MySnapshot -copy-to hdfs://srv2:8082/hbase -mappers 16

Limiting Bandwidth Consumption. You can limit the bandwidth consumption when exporting a snapshot, by specifying the -bandwidth parameter, which expects an integer representing megabytes per second. The following example limits the above example to 200 MB/sec.

$ bin/hbase class org.apache.hadoop.hbase.snapshot.ExportSnapshot -snapshot MySnapshot -copy-to hdfs://srv2:8082/hbase -mappers 16 -bandwidth 200
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