14.3. Java

14.3.1. The Garbage Collector and Apache HBase Long GC pauses

In his presentation, Avoiding Full GCs with MemStore-Local Allocation Buffers, Todd Lipcon describes two cases of stop-the-world garbage collections common in HBase, especially during loading; CMS failure modes and old generation heap fragmentation brought. To address the first, start the CMS earlier than default by adding -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction and setting it down from defaults. Start at 60 or 70 percent (The lower you bring down the threshold, the more GCing is done, the more CPU used). To address the second fragmentation issue, Todd added an experimental facility, , that must be explicitly enabled in Apache HBase 0.90.x (Its defaulted to be on in Apache 0.92.x HBase). See hbase.hregion.memstore.mslab.enabled to true in your Configuration. See the cited slides for background and detail. The latest jvms do better regards fragmentation so make sure you are running a recent release. Read down in the message, Identifying concurrent mode failures caused by fragmentation. Be aware that when enabled, each MemStore instance will occupy at least an MSLAB instance of memory. If you have thousands of regions or lots of regions each with many column families, this allocation of MSLAB may be responsible for a good portion of your heap allocation and in an extreme case cause you to OOME. Disable MSLAB in this case, or lower the amount of memory it uses or float less regions per server.

If you have a write-heavy workload, check out HBASE-8163 MemStoreChunkPool: An improvement for JAVA GC when using MSLAB. It describes configurations to lower the amount of young GC during write-heavy loadings. If you do not have HBASE-8163 installed, and you are trying to improve your young GC times, one trick to consider -- courtesy of our Liang Xie -- is to set the GC config -XX:PretenureSizeThreshold in hbase-env.sh to be just smaller than the size of hbase.hregion.memstore.mslab.chunksize so MSLAB allocations happen in the tenured space directly rather than first in the young gen. You'd do this because these MSLAB allocations are going to likely make it to the old gen anyways and rather than pay the price of a copies between s0 and s1 in eden space followed by the copy up from young to old gen after the MSLABs have achieved sufficient tenure, save a bit of YGC churn and allocate in the old gen directly.

For more information about GC logs, see Section 15.2.3, “JVM Garbage Collection Logs”.

Consider also enabling the offheap Block Cache. This has been shown to mitigate GC pause times. See Section 9.6.4, “Block Cache”

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