A.3. Editing the HBase Website

The source for the HBase website is in the HBase source, in the src/main/site/ directory. Within this directory, source for the individual pages is in the xdocs/ directory, and images referenced in those pages are in the images/ directory. This directory also stores images used in the HBase Reference Guide.

The website's pages are written in an HTML-like XML dialect called xdoc, which has a reference guide at http://maven.apache.org/archives/maven-1.x/plugins/xdoc/reference/xdocs.html. You can edit these files in a plain-text editor, an IDE, or an XML editor such as XML Mind XML Editor (XXE) or Oxygen XML Author.

To preview your changes, build the website using the mvn clean site -DskipTests command. The HTML output resides in the target/site/ directory. When you are satisfied with your changes, follow the procedure in Procedure A.1, “Suggested Work flow for Submitting Patches” to submit your patch.

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