Worker ====== Overview -------- Workers provide two functions: 1. Compute tasks as directed by the scheduler 2. Store and serve computed results to other workers or clients Each worker contains a ThreadPool that it uses to evaluate tasks as requested by the scheduler. It stores the results of these tasks locally and serves them to other workers or clients on demand. If the worker is asked to evaluate a task for which it does not have all of the necessary data then it will reach out to its peer workers to gather the necessary dependencies. A typical conversation between a scheduler and two workers Alice and Bob may look like the following:: Scheduler -> Alice: Compute ``x <- add(1, 2)``! Alice -> Scheduler: I've computed x and am holding on to it! Scheduler -> Bob: Compute ``y <- add(x, 10)``! You will need x. Alice has x. Bob -> Alice: Please send me x. Alice -> Bob: Sure. x is 3! Bob -> Scheduler: I've computed y and am holding on to it! Storing Data ------------ Data is stored locally in a dictionary in the ``.data`` attribute that maps keys to the results of function calls. .. code-block:: python >>> {'x': 3, 'y': 13, ... '(df, 0)': pd.DataFrame(...), ... } This ``.data`` attribute is a ``MutableMapping`` that is typically a combination of in-memory and on-disk storage with an LRU policy to move data between them. Thread Pool ----------- Each worker sends computations to a thread in a `concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor `_ for computation. These computations occur in the same process as the Worker communication server so that they can access and share data efficiently between each other. For the purposes of data locality all threads within a worker are considered the same worker. If your computations are mostly numeric in nature (for example NumPy and Pandas computations) and release the GIL entirely then it is advisable to run ``dask-worker`` processes with many threads and one process. This reduces communication costs and generally simplifies deployment. If your computations are mostly Python code and don't release the GIL then it is advisable to run ``dask-worker`` processes with many processes and one thread per process:: $ dask-worker scheduler:8786 --nprocs 8 --nthreads 1 This will launch 8 worker processes each of which has its own ThreadPoolExecutor of size 1. If your computations are external to Python and long-running and don't release the GIL then beware that while the computation is running the worker process will not be able to communicate to other workers or to the scheduler. This situation should be avoided. If you don't link in your own custom C/Fortran code then this topic probably doesn't apply. Command Line tool ----------------- Use the ``dask-worker`` command line tool to start an individual worker. Here are the available options:: $ dask-worker --help Usage: dask-worker [OPTIONS] SCHEDULER Options: --worker-port INTEGER Serving worker port, defaults to randomly assigned --http-port INTEGER Serving http port, defaults to randomly assigned --nanny-port INTEGER Serving nanny port, defaults to randomly assigned --port INTEGER Deprecated, see --nanny-port --host TEXT Serving host. Defaults to an ip address that can hopefully be visible from the scheduler network. --nthreads INTEGER Number of threads per process. Defaults to number of cores --nprocs INTEGER Number of worker processes to launch. Defaults to one. --name TEXT Alias --memory-limit TEXT Maximum bytes of memory that this worker should use. Use 0 for unlimited, or 'auto' for TOTAL_MEMORY * min(1, nthreads / total_nthreads) --no-nanny --help Show this message and exit. Internal Scheduling ------------------- Internally tasks that come to the scheduler proceed through the following pipeline: .. image:: images/worker-task-state.svg :alt: Dask worker task states The worker also tracks data dependencies that are required to run the tasks above. These follow through a simpler pipeline: .. image:: images/worker-dep-state.svg :alt: Dask worker dependency states As tasks arrive they are prioritized and put into a heap. They are then taken from this heap in turn to have any remote dependencies collected. For each dependency we select a worker at random that has that data and collect the dependency from that worker. To improve bandwidth we opportunistically gather other dependencies of other tasks that are known to be on that worker, up to a maximum of 200MB of data (too little data and bandwidth suffers, too much data and responsiveness suffers). We use a fixed number of connections (around 10-50) so as to avoid overly-fragmenting our network bandwidth. After all dependencies for a task are in memory we transition the task to the ready state and put the task again into a heap of tasks that are ready to run. We collect from this heap and put the task into a thread from a local thread pool to execute. Optionally, this task may identify itself as a long-running task (see :doc:`Tasks launching tasks `), at which point it secedes from the thread pool. A task either errs or its result is put into memory. In either case a response is sent back to the scheduler. .. _memman:: Memory Management ----------------- Workers are given a target memory limit to stay under with the command line ``--memory-limit`` keyword or the ``memory_limit=`` Python keyword argument, which sets the memory limit per worker processes launched by dask-worker :: $ dask-worker tcp://scheduler:port --memory-limit=auto # TOTAL_MEMORY * min(1, nthreads / total_nthreads) $ dask-worker tcp://scheduler:port --memory-limit=4e9 # four gigabytes per worker process. Workers use a few different heuristics to keep memory use beneath this limit: 1. At 60% of memory load (as estimated by ``sizeof``), spill least recently used data to disk 2. At 70% of memory load, spill least recently used data to disk regardless of what is reported by ``sizeof`` 3. At 80% of memory load, stop accepting new work on local thread pool 4. At 95% of memory load, terminate and restart the worker These values can be configured by modifying the ``~/.config/dask/distributed.yaml`` file .. code-block:: yaml distributed: worker: # Fractions of worker memory at which we take action to avoid memory blowup # Set any of the lower three values to False to turn off the behavior entirely memory: target: 0.60 # target fraction to stay below spill: 0.70 # fraction at which we spill to disk pause: 0.80 # fraction at which we pause worker threads terminate: 0.95 # fraction at which we terminate the worker Spill data to Disk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Every time the worker finishes a task it estimates the size in bytes that the result costs to keep in memory using the ``sizeof`` function. This function defaults to ``sys.getsizeof`` for arbitrary objects which uses the standard Python `__sizeof__ protocol `_, but also has special-cased implementations for common data types like NumPy arrays and Pandas dataframes. When the sum of the number of bytes of the data in memory exceeds 60% of the available threshold the worker will begin to dump the least recently used data to disk. You can control this location with the ``--local-directory`` keyword.:: $ dask-worker tcp://scheduler:port --memory-limit 4e9 --local-directory /scratch That data is still available and will be read back from disk when necessary. On the diagnostic dashboard status page disk I/O will show up in the task stream plot as orange blocks. Additionally the memory plot in the upper left will become orange and then red. Monitor process memory load ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The approach above can fail for a few reasons 1. Custom objects may not report their memory size accurately 2. User functions may take up more RAM than expected 3. Significant amounts of data may accumulate in network I/O buffers To address this we periodically monitor the memory of the worker process every 200 ms. If the system reported memory use is above 70% of the target memory usage then the worker will start dumping unused data to disk, even if internal ``sizeof`` recording hasn't yet reached the normal 60% limit. Halt worker threads ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At 80% load the worker's thread pool will stop accepting new tasks. This gives time for the write-to-disk functionality to take effect even in the face of rapidly accumulating data. Kill Worker ~~~~~~~~~~~ At 95% memory load a worker's nanny process will terminate it. This is to avoid having our worker job being terminated by an external job scheduler (like YARN, Mesos, SGE, etc..). After termination the nanny will restart the worker in a fresh state. Nanny ~~~~~ Dask workers are by default launched, monitored, and managed by a small Nanny process. .. autoclass:: distributed.nanny.Nanny API Documentation ----------------- .. autoclass:: distributed.worker.Worker