******* mmcount ******* =========================== =========================================================================== **Module Name:**  **mmcount** **Author:** Bala.FA **Available since:** 7.5.0 =========================== =========================================================================== **Status:**\ Non project-supported module - contact author or rsyslog mailing list for questions Purpose ======= Message modification plugin which counts messages. This module provides the capability to count log messages by severity or json property of given app-name. The count value is added into the log message as json property named 'mmcount'. Examples ======== Example usage of the module in the configuration file. .. code-block:: none module(load="mmcount") # count each severity of appname gluster action(type="mmcount" appname="gluster") # count each value of gf_code of appname gluster action(type="mmcount" appname="glusterd" key="!gf_code") # count value 9999 of gf_code of appname gluster action(type="mmcount" appname="glusterfsd" key="!gf_code" value="9999") # send email for every 50th mmcount if $app-name == 'glusterfsd' and $!mmcount <> 0 and $!mmcount % 50 == 0 then { $ActionMailSMTPServer smtp.example.com $ActionMailFrom rsyslog@example.com $ActionMailTo glusteradmin@example.com $template mailSubject,"50th message of gf_code=9999 on %hostname%" $template mailBody,"RSYSLOG Alert\r\nmsg='%msg%'" $ActionMailSubject mailSubject $ActionExecOnlyOnceEveryInterval 30 :ommail:;RSYSLOG_SyslogProtocol23Format }