This screenshot shows the Streams page. At the top of the page are the Cancel and Continue buttons. Under the buttons is a warning with the following text, "SYS - Is not in the Streams Administrator group and may not have full privileges to setup successful replication." Under the warning is the text, "Oracle recommends that, prior to performing Streams Replication on databases in your configuration, you create a Streams Administrator user." The "Streams Administrator user" part is a link.

Under the text is the Setup Streams Replication option. This option includes the following sub-options:

Next is the Setup Downstream Capture option with the text, "Create downstream capture processes that can be used in replication by other databases."

Next is the Create Advanced Queue option with the text, "Create Advanced Queues that can be used by replication processes or any other processes."

Next is the Host Credentials section with the following text, "Operating System login credentials of the machine that runs the selected database." This section includes the Username and Password fields. Under these fields is a Save as Preferred Credential option.

On the right side of the page is an Overview section with the following text: