This image displays a mapping that removes data from a dimension. On the left is the Table operator WB_SALESREPS_ALL. To the right of this operator is the Filter operator FLTR that is connected to WB_SALES_REPS_ALL. On the right of the Filter operator are the following operators: a Constant operator CONST and Table operators WB_REGIONS, WB_TERRITORIES, and WB_SALESREP_TERRITORY. On the right of the mapping is the Dimension operator DF1_SINGLEHI_SCD1, which contains nodes for the levels TOTAL, REGION, TERRITORY, and SALESREP.

The Filter operator FLTR is mapped to the WBSALESREP_TERRITORY table and the SALESREP level of the Dimension operator. Next, the CONST is mapped to the levels TOTAL and REGION. The table WB_REGIONS is mapped to the level REGIONS. The table WB_TERRITORIES is mapped to the level TERRITORIES. The WB_SALESREP_TERRITORY is mapped to the SALESREP level.