This image displays a screenshot of the Mapping Connection dialog box. On the left side of this dialog box, from top to bottom, are the following sections: Attribute Groups to Connect, Connection Options, and Messages. The Attribute Groups to Connect section contains two lists, Source Group and Target Group. The section in both these lists is INOUTGRP1. The Corrections Options section contains the following radio buttons, from top to bottom: Copy source attributes to target group and match, Match by position of source and target attributes, Match by name of source and target attributes, and Custom. The Match by name of source and target attributes option contains the following check boxes, from top to bottom, all of which are disabled: Ignore case differences, Ignore special characters, Ignore source prefix, Ignore suffix, Ignore target prefix, and Ignore target suffix. To the right of the Custom option is the Preview button.

On the right side of the Mapping Connection dialog box is the Connections section that contains the following tabs: Source Connections and Target Connections. The Target Connections tab is currently selected. It contains two columns, Source Attribute and Target Attribute.

At the bottom-left is the Help button. At the bottom-right are the following buttons, displayed from left to right: Apply, OK, and Close. The Apply and OK buttons are disabled.