This screenshot displays the process flow with User Defined activity transitioning to a mapping. On the left is the START activity, to the right of which is the EXTERNALPROCESS activity. To the right of the EXTERALPROCESS activity, ordered from top to bottom, are the following activities: SALES_MAP, EMAIL_1, and EMAIL_2. To the right of these, ordered from top to bottom, are the following activities: END_SUCCESS, END_WARNNG, and END_ERROR.

The START connects to the EXTERNALPROCESS activity through an arrow. The EXTERNALPROCESS activity had arrows connecting to SALES_MAP, EMAIL_1, and EMAIL_2. Arrows connect SALES_MAP to END_SUCCESS, EMAIL_1 to END_WARNING, and EMAIL_2 to END_ERROR.

If EXTERNALPROCESS is successful, then the data flows to SALES_MAP and the process ends with END_SUCCESS activity. If there are any errors in User Defined activity, then an e-mail is sent using the EMAIL_1 activity, and the process ends with END_WARNING activity. If the User Defined activity fails, then an EMAIL_2 is sent and the process ends with END_ERROR.