This is a text description of admin_2.gif.

This is a screen capture of the DICOM Image Archive Administration Admin Home page.

The page shows a table of ten rows and four columns, with the following column headers:

In the first three columns and nine body rows, the table shows the file names, doc types, and creation dates for the nine configuration documents that are installed with the sample application. In the tenth row, the table shows the file name (in the format xxx.xml), the doc type (one of the following: STANDARD_DICTIONARY, PRIVATE_DICTIONARY, MAPPING, ANONYMITY, PREFERENCE, UID_DEFINITION, or CONSTRAINT), and the creation date (in the format dd-mmm-yy) for a user-defined mapping document that is installed with the sample application. In the fourth column, the table shows a 1 to indicate that the document is defined and installed by Oracle, or a 0 to indicate that the document is user-defined. The first nine documents (ordcmsd.xml, ordcmpv.xml, ordcmmp.xml, ordcman.xml, ordcmpf.xml, ordcmui.xml, ordcmcmc.xml, ordcmcmd.xml, and ordcmct.xml) are Oracle-defined. The tenth document (dia_mp.xml) is user-defined.

At the bottom of the page, these buttons are shown: Download, Add, and Delete.