3 Known Issues

This section describes the known issues, with any available workarounds, identified in each release . The Bug number is the number of the BugDB ticket. For questions on specific tickets or issues, consult Oracle Support.

3.1 Initial Release— April 2018

Bug 26856080 — Oracle: Admin Client AUTORESTART help commands are not working

In the Admin Client, the help commands for the AUTORESTART parameter are missing.



Bug 22826452 — Extract does not capture records if WILDCARDRESOLVE IMMEDIATE is used

Do not use WILDCARDRESOLVE IMMEDIATE in a multitenant environment if performing DDL on that system. Extract may fail to capture records after the DDL operations.



Bug 26104564 — Oracle: Deleting AUTORESTART task is killing ER, which was brought up by an AUTORESTART task

When an execute task is deleted, the associated ER process is killed. This is because the task owns the running state of the ER process.


The correct method of creating an “execute” task is as follows:

  1. Create the ER process in stopped state.

  2. Create the task.

  3. Start the task.

Bug 22826452 — Extract does not capture records if WILDCARDRESOLVE IMMEDIATE is used

Do not use WILDCARDRESOLVE IMMEDIATE in a multitenant environment if performing DDL on that system. Extract may fail to capture records after the DDL operations.



Bug 22739872 — Oracle: START MGR can hang for XAGENABLEd setup if the MGR process has abended

When using XAGENABLE, if you start manager from GGSCI and it immediately abends the command may hang.



Bug 22967088 — Oracle: IR abends with 3117-ORA-03117: two-task save area overflow

If Integrated Replicat abends with OGG-00665OCI Error Flushing database inbound server, ‘..’ (status = 3117-: two-task save area overflow), disabling ENABLEMONITORING.


Restart the Replicat.

Bug 19512704 — Oracle: Wrong results with @BINTOHEX and @STRCAT functions

Using STRCAT to concatenate a string that has used BINTOHEX returns the wrong information.



Bug 22854712 — Oracle: NOUSERID should force downstream mode

The NOUSERID parameter is only supported with downstream Integrated Extract.




The MAPINVISIBLECOLUMNS and NOMAPINVISIBLECOLUMNS parameters do not function properly with user exits.



XL C++ runtime environment on AIX

You must install the XL C++ runtime environment (RTE) version 13.1 on the AIX systems that you want to use Oracle GoldenGate because it cannot run with older RTE versions.


Ensure that the RTE version 13.1 is installed before you install Oracle GoldenGate.

Bug 26564428 — Replicat doesn't map derived objects when schema name is specified with it

When a source schema name is appended to the derived object (indexes and triggers) during DDL (like CREATE TRIGGER tkggu1.mytrigger1), then the derived object is not mapped correctly by the Replicat. Since mapderived is default for Replicat, the statement should map per the map statements.


Do not append a source schema name to the derived object name in DDL statement so that the statement is executed on the correct schema.

Bug 26020817 - Oracle: Extract will have actual LAG + 1 hour during DST transition from DST to Non-DST

Oracle GoldenGate Extract timestamp does not adjust after DST change. An Extract has an actual lag value + 3600 seconds (1 hour) when there is a time transition from DST to non-DST (in November of every year). This recurs during 1 AM to 2 AM non-DST.



Bug 26812463 - Oracle: GRANT ... TO ... IDENTIFIED BY DDL operation

Combination DDL operations that create a user at the same that as granting permissions to that user are not supported in DDL replication for Classic Extract. For example, GRANT DBA TO scott IDENTIFIED BY tiger; is not a supported DDL operation, and Replicat will abend when it encounters these types of operations.


You can workaround this by splitting the DDL operation into two separate commands. The first DDL to create the user, and a second DDL to grant the permissions to the new user.