19.4. Integration Testing with a HBase Mini-Cluster

HBase ships with HBaseTestingUtility, which makes it easy to write integration tests using a mini-cluster. The first step is to add some dependencies to your Maven POM file. Check the versions to be sure they are appropriate.




This code represents an integration test for the MyDAO insert shown in Chapter 19, Unit Testing HBase Applications.

public class MyHBaseIntegrationTest {
    private static HBaseTestingUtility utility;
    byte[] CF = "CF".getBytes();
    byte[] QUALIFIER = "CQ-1".getBytes();
    public void setup() throws Exception {
    	utility = new HBaseTestingUtility();

        public void testInsert() throws Exception {
       	 HTableInterface table = utility.createTable(Bytes.toBytes("MyTest"),
       	 HBaseTestObj obj = new HBaseTestObj();
       	 MyHBaseDAO.insertRecord(table, obj);
       	 Get get1 = new Get(Bytes.toBytes(obj.getRowKey()));
       	 get1.addColumn(CF, CQ1);
       	 Result result1 = table.get(get1);
       	 assertEquals(Bytes.toString(result1.getRow()), obj.getRowKey());
       	 assertEquals(Bytes.toString(result1.value()), obj.getData1());
       	 Get get2 = new Get(Bytes.toBytes(obj.getRowKey()));
       	 get2.addColumn(CF, CQ2);
       	 Result result2 = table.get(get2);
       	 assertEquals(Bytes.toString(result2.getRow()), obj.getRowKey());
       	 assertEquals(Bytes.toString(result2.value()), obj.getData2());

This code creates an HBase mini-cluster and starts it. Next, it creates a table called MyTest with one column family, CF. A record is inserted, a Get is performed from the same table, and the insertion is verified.


Starting the mini-cluster takes about 20-30 seconds, but that should be appropriate for integration testing.

To use an HBase mini-cluster on Microsoft Windows, you need to use a Cygwin environment.

See the paper at HBase Case-Study: Using HBaseTestingUtility for Local Testing and Development (2010) for more information about HBaseTestingUtility.

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