# coding: utf-8
# pylint: disable = invalid-name, W0105, C0301
"""Callbacks library."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
import collections
from operator import gt, lt
from .compat import range_
class EarlyStopException(Exception):
"""Exception of early stopping."""
def __init__(self, best_iteration, best_score):
"""Create early stopping exception.
best_iteration : int
The best iteration stopped.
best_score : float
The score of the best iteration.
super(EarlyStopException, self).__init__()
self.best_iteration = best_iteration
self.best_score = best_score
# Callback environment used by callbacks
CallbackEnv = collections.namedtuple(
def _format_eval_result(value, show_stdv=True):
"""Format metric string."""
if len(value) == 4:
return '%s\'s %s: %g' % (value[0], value[1], value[2])
elif len(value) == 5:
if show_stdv:
return '%s\'s %s: %g + %g' % (value[0], value[1], value[2], value[4])
return '%s\'s %s: %g' % (value[0], value[1], value[2])
raise ValueError("Wrong metric value")
[docs]def print_evaluation(period=1, show_stdv=True):
"""Create a callback that prints the evaluation results.
period : int, optional (default=1)
The period to print the evaluation results.
show_stdv : bool, optional (default=True)
Whether to show stdv (if provided).
callback : function
The callback that prints the evaluation results every ``period`` iteration(s).
def _callback(env):
if period > 0 and env.evaluation_result_list and (env.iteration + 1) % period == 0:
result = '\t'.join([_format_eval_result(x, show_stdv) for x in env.evaluation_result_list])
print('[%d]\t%s' % (env.iteration + 1, result))
_callback.order = 10
return _callback
[docs]def record_evaluation(eval_result):
"""Create a callback that records the evaluation history into ``eval_result``.
eval_result : dict
A dictionary to store the evaluation results.
callback : function
The callback that records the evaluation history into the passed dictionary.
if not isinstance(eval_result, dict):
raise TypeError('Eval_result should be a dictionary')
def _init(env):
for data_name, _, _, _ in env.evaluation_result_list:
eval_result.setdefault(data_name, collections.defaultdict(list))
def _callback(env):
if not eval_result:
for data_name, eval_name, result, _ in env.evaluation_result_list:
_callback.order = 20
return _callback
[docs]def reset_parameter(**kwargs):
"""Create a callback that resets the parameter after the first iteration.
The initial parameter will still take in-effect on first iteration.
**kwargs : value should be list or function
List of parameters for each boosting round
or a customized function that calculates the parameter in terms of
current number of round (e.g. yields learning rate decay).
If list lst, parameter = lst[current_round].
If function func, parameter = func(current_round).
callback : function
The callback that resets the parameter after the first iteration.
def _callback(env):
new_parameters = {}
for key, value in kwargs.items():
if key in ['num_class', 'num_classes',
'boosting', 'boost', 'boosting_type',
'metric', 'metrics', 'metric_types']:
raise RuntimeError("cannot reset {} during training".format(repr(key)))
if isinstance(value, list):
if len(value) != env.end_iteration - env.begin_iteration:
raise ValueError("Length of list {} has to equal to 'num_boost_round'."
new_param = value[env.iteration - env.begin_iteration]
new_param = value(env.iteration - env.begin_iteration)
if new_param != env.params.get(key, None):
new_parameters[key] = new_param
if new_parameters:
_callback.before_iteration = True
_callback.order = 10
return _callback
[docs]def early_stopping(stopping_rounds, verbose=True):
"""Create a callback that activates early stopping.
Activates early stopping.
The model will train until the validation score stops improving.
Validation score needs to improve at least every ``early_stopping_rounds`` round(s)
to continue training.
Requires at least one validation data and one metric.
If there's more than one, will check all of them. But the training data is ignored anyway.
stopping_rounds : int
The possible number of rounds without the trend occurrence.
verbose : bool, optional (default=True)
Whether to print message with early stopping information.
callback : function
The callback that activates early stopping.
best_score = []
best_iter = []
best_score_list = []
cmp_op = []
def _init(env):
if not env.evaluation_result_list:
raise ValueError('For early stopping, '
'at least one dataset and eval metric is required for evaluation')
if verbose:
msg = "Training until validation scores don't improve for {} rounds."
for eval_ret in env.evaluation_result_list:
if eval_ret[3]:
def _callback(env):
if not cmp_op:
for i in range_(len(env.evaluation_result_list)):
score = env.evaluation_result_list[i][2]
if cmp_op[i](score, best_score[i]):
best_score[i] = score
best_iter[i] = env.iteration
best_score_list[i] = env.evaluation_result_list
elif env.iteration - best_iter[i] >= stopping_rounds:
if verbose:
print('Early stopping, best iteration is:\n[%d]\t%s' % (
best_iter[i] + 1, '\t'.join([_format_eval_result(x) for x in best_score_list[i]])))
raise EarlyStopException(best_iter[i], best_score_list[i])
if env.iteration == env.end_iteration - 1:
if verbose:
print('Did not meet early stopping. Best iteration is:\n[%d]\t%s' % (
best_iter[i] + 1, '\t'.join([_format_eval_result(x) for x in best_score_list[i]])))
raise EarlyStopException(best_iter[i], best_score_list[i])
_callback.order = 30
return _callback