Commons Logging uses Maven 2.0.x as its primary build system. Ant can also be used.
To build the full website, run
mvn site
The result will be in the target/site
You must be online and using JDK 1.4 or higher to successfully complete this target.
To build the jar files, run
mvn package
The resulting 4 jar files will be in the target
You must use JDK 1.4 or higher to successfully complete this target.
To create a full distribution, run
mvn clean site assembly:assembly
The resulting .zip and .tar.gz files will be in the target
You must use JDK 1.4 or higher to successfully complete this target.
Further details can be found in the commons build instructions.
We still use Ant to test the artifacts built my Maven.
Please follow the instructions in the file build-testing.xml
Note: A 1.2 JDK is needed to run the tests.